Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 81


        In those countries that have a  personal  data protection   Apps developed by governments to fight COVID-19
        law  in place,  data  sharing  can be required in certain   Five MENA countries have developed contact tracing apps:
        circumstances either for the public interest (this is the case   •  The apps in three of the five countries use Bluetooth technology with
        in Qatar and Tunisia) or to prevent a pandemic (Algeria and   GPS. In the UAE, only Bluetooth is used, while Jordan currently uses
        Bahrain).                                          only GPS, with Bluetooth planned to be added at a later stage.
                                                         •  In Bahrain, Qatar and UAE, users' health status is stored and managed
        In  Jordan, Egypt, Oman  and Saudi Arabia, telecoms   centrally, and pushed onto users' devices automatically.
        operators have specific obligations to protect the personal   •  In Jordan, the user's data is stored on the user's device,  with no
        data of their subscribers, which prevent sharing except in   personal information being required during registration. In Tunisia, the
        certain cases.                                     user's data is stored in a central server and is accessible by health
        In  the UAE, the  consumer  protection  regulations  of the   •  Jordan, Tunisia and UAE have made the use of the app voluntary
        Telecommunications Regulatory Authority allow providers   for  everyone.  In  Bahrain,  the  app  is  mandatory  only  for  people  in
        to  disclose  subscriber data  if  the disclosure  is  made in   quarantine, while in Qatar the app is mandatory when anyone leaves
        response to a lawful request from any competent authority   their home.
        in relation to matters involving the public interest.

                                      Contact tracing apps in some MENA countries
                                                    (Cullen International)

               Country     App name    Installation on devices, is it  Underlying technology used   Data retention  User’ health status pushed to the app
              & App logo  & developper  voluntary or mandatory?  for contact tracing  period
                       BeAware developed by Minis-  Mandatory for people in                     Yes
                       try of Health and the eGovern-  quarantine.     From two to six weeks  But only for the people in quarantine to track active cases
                           ment Authority
                                         Voluntary for others                            and provide contact tracing updates
                        AMAN developed for the                                                   No
                       Ministry of Health by a group   Voluntary          Two weeks   App users are not identified by health authorities.
                       of tech volunteers ” COVID-19                                 No personal information required during registration
                         JOTECH COMMUNITY”                                                     procedure.
                                                             (in a second phase)
            Qatar                           Mandatory                                           Yes
                                                                                   Based on the registered users ID, health authorities push the
                                       For all people when they leave                     users health status into the app.
                                           their homes.                              Each user will be linked to a QR code. Once scanned,
                        EHTERAZ developed by                             Two months as a   it shows users health status according to the following
                          Ministry of interior  Not having the app installed   maximum
                                       could lead to a fine of $55,000
                                         or three years in jail, in                      Healthy   Suspected case
                                                                                         Infected  In quarantine
            Tunisia                                                                              No
                                                                                     But users data such as mobile number are stored in a
                          E7mi developed by                                         central location and it is  accessible by health authorities.
                        Observatory of Emerging   Voluntary               Two weeks
                          Diseases (ONME)                                            Health authorities may use the mobile number of the
                                                                                    suspect cases to call them and advise them to test, self-
                                                                                            isolation or quarantine
            United Arab                                                                         Yes
                                                                                     The app changes it color to indicate the user status as
                         Al Huson developed by                                           registered by the health authorities:
                       National Emergency Crisis and   Voluntary         Information not
                         Disaster Management                                         Not tested yet  Tested Infected
                                                                                     Tested and   Need to be tested or retested
                                                                                     healthy    (suspicious case)
        How Bluetooth contact tracing apps work
        Contact tracing apps exchange anonymous unique identifiers using Bluetooth technology to collect information when users' devices
        come into proximity with other devices for a given duration, along with the geolocation information if the app also collects such data.

        If the user confirms that he is infected with the virus, the app sends an alert to all other app users who have been in contact with that
        user. The app may also provide relevant information from health authorities on the steps to be taken, such as advising the user to get
        tested or to self-isolate, and which authorities to contact.

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