Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 84


        Telia Launches Commercial 5G in Sweden

        Telia Company  recently  inaugurated  its
        commercial  5G  network  in  Sweden,  with
        service  initially available in Stockholm
        powered by Ericsson  Radio Access
        Network (RAN) products  and solutions.
        Initial services on the 700 MHz band will
        cover most of central Stockholm by mid-
        June, including the Norrmalm, Östermalm
        and Vasastan  districts. Telia aims to
        enhance  and supplement  its  low-band
        5G  commercial  services  with  additional
        nationwide  5G  coverage,  including  mid-
        and high-bands,  following the auction
        of the related spectrum  by  the  Swedish
        government  later this year.  For this
        launch Telia is using its existing 700MHz
        spectrum, boosted by LTE and New Radio
        (NR) carrier  aggregation.  Allison  Kirkby,   healthcare, manufacturing  and transport   life and society for the better right across
        CEO, Telia Company, says: “Our networks   that will collectively strengthen and protect   Sweden. We look forward to working with
        have never been  more important  to  lives   everyone living and working in Sweden, and   our strategic partner Telia Company to
        and livelihoods, than now. Telia’s 5G launch   Swedish  competitiveness in the world.”   drive this change  and ensure Sweden
        lays the foundations for the next phase of   Börje Ekholm, President and CEO, Ericsson,   benefits  from  the  competitive  benefits
        digital transformation,  with innovation,   says: “This is a real milestone  for us as   of digitalization.” With Telia's launch,
        sustainability and security as three critical   a Swedish  company  as  we partner with   Ericsson now has 39 live 5G networks in
        pillars, and we are proud to be doing this   Telia Company to make commercial 5G a   22 countries. Ericsson’s live networks are
        launch in partnership with Ericsson. As we   reality for its users in Stockholm. Whether   part of the 91 commercial 5G agreements
        roll-out  5G  across  Sweden,  we  will  open   through  enhanced mobile  broadband  or   or contracts the company has with unique
        up new user experiences and accelerated   innovative new business,  societal and   operators globally, of which 48 are publicly
        innovation in areas such as entertainment,   industrial applications, 5G is set to change   announced 5G deals.

        Vodacom Launches Mobile 5G in South Africa

        South African operator Vodacom Group laid claim to activating
        Africa’s first commercial mobile 5G network, speeding its launch
        using temporary  spectrum  released to help operators  meet
        heightened demand during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
        In a statement, Vodacom said it lit 20 5G sites in Johannesburg,
        Pretoria and Cape Town, offering mobile and fixed wireless access
        (FWA)  services. The  operator  used  one  block  of 50MHz  in the
        3.5GHz band, temporary spectrum allocated by regulator ICASA,
        to  “fast-track”  it’s  5G  launch  and  further  mitigate  increased
        traffic  during  the  COVID-19  outbreak.  The  operator  reported  a
        40  per  cent  jump  in  mobile  traffic  after  the  country  introduced
        lockdown measures  in  early  April.  Shameel Joosub,  Vodacom
        CEO, said the launch in South Africa “comes at an important time
        as it will help us improve our network efficiency” during the state-  Vodacom is currently offering the LG V50 ThinQ 5G smartphone
        of-emergency. “This is largely due to the allocation of temporary   and  Huawei  5G  CPE  Pro  router.  Joosub  outlined  ambitions  to
        spectrum  by  ICASA,  which has  already mitigated the network   launch  its  5G  network  earlier  this  year  after  signing  a  roaming
        congestion we have experienced since the start of the lockdown   agreement  to  use  Liquid  Telecom’s  3.5GHz  spectrum.  In  2018,
        period”, Joosub added. Vodacom said it will expand the service   Vodacom claimed to have launched the first 5G service in Africa,
        as more smartphones, Wi-Fi and FWA routers come to market.   with a FWA set-up in Lesotho.

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