Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 83


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        RAN Alliance Join Forces to Open Up 5G Networks

        Two of the telecoms industry’s  biggest   Sinclair, chief technology officer, GSMA. "In   vendors  alike,  to succeed  in this new
        trade and research bodies  have joined   the enterprise  sector  alone,  we forecast   generation."  Mobile  operators are re-
        forces to fast track the adoption of Open   $700 billion worth of economic value to be   evaluating the way that their networks are
        Radio Access Network (RAN) products and   created by the 5G opportunity. The growth   deployed. New virtualized architectures
        solutions that take advantage of new open   of the open networking ecosystem will be   with  open interfaces can drive cost
        virtualized architectures, software and   essential to meeting  enterprise  coverage   efficiencies  and  allow  operators  to
        hardware. The GSMA and O-RAN Alliance   and  services  needs  in  the  5G  era."  In  its   accelerate the deployment of 5G networks.
        will work together to harmonize the open   latest Mobile Economy Report, the GSMA   Also, open interfaces can help diversify and
        networking  ecosystem and agree  on an   predicts  that operators  will  invest more   reinvigorate  the  supply chain promoting
        industry  roadmap for network solutions,   than  a  trillion  dollars  over  the  next  five   competition and innovation - for example,
        thereby making access networks as open   years globally to serve both consumer   by building  and operating  a RAN  based
        and flexible as  possible for new market   and  enterprise  customers,  80  per  cent   on mix-and-match components from
        entrants. 5G will facilitate the opportunity   of which will be on 5G networks. "As the   different  vendors.  The  GSMA  and  O-RAN
        to create even  more agile, purpose-built   demand for data  and vastly  expanded   Alliance collaboration  complements the
        networks tailored to the different needs   mobile  communications  grow  in  the  5G   recently announced interworking between
        of citizens, enterprises  and society.  For   era, a global, cross-border  approach  is   the  GSMA  and  Telecom  Infra  Project
        example,  5G  is  an  essential  ingredient   needed  to rethink the RAN,"  said Andre   (TIP),  and the O-RAN Alliance and TIP.
        of the European Commission's  recently   Fuetsch, chairman of the O-RAN Alliance,   The goal  for these collaborations is  to
        launched Industrial Strategy and will help   and executive vice president  and chief   help avoid  fragmentation and accelerate
        shape  its  future.  "When  5G  reaches  its   technology  officer,  AT&T.  "The  GSMA   the successful  evolution  of the industry
        potential, it will become the first generation   collaboration  with  the O-RAN  Alliance   towards a more intelligent, open, virtualized
        of mobile networks to have a bigger impact   is  exactly  the sort  of global effort  that's   and fully interoperable RAN.
        on enterprises than consumers," said Alex   needed  for everyone, operators and

        SmarTone Launches 5G

        Hong Kong cellco SmarTone has launched
        its  5G  service,  offering  what  it  claims  is
        ‘the widest network coverage, both indoors
        and  outdoors.  The  firm  is  using  Ericsson
        Dynamic  Spectrum Technology, which
        it  says  provides a  seamless transition
        between  4G  and  5G.  SmarTone  CEO
        Anna Yip said: ‘We see limitless potential
        for  5G  with  its  blazing-fast  speed  and
        super-low  latency.  5G  will  benefit  both
        consumers  and enterprises  and will  be
        one of the key  enablers  for Hong Kong’s
        smart city development.’  Rival operators
        HKT, Hutchison 3 and China Mobile Hong
        Kong (CMHK) all introduced their own 5G
        services on 1 April.

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