Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 76


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        Belgian Regulators Publish New Wholesale Cable Network Access Tariffs

        Belgium’s  Conference  of  Regulators  for
        the  Electronic  Communications  Sector
        (CRC)  has  published  its  final  decisions
        on wholesale rates for access to the
        cable  networks  of  Telenet,  Brutele  and
        Voo,  which  will take effect  from 1 July.
        According  to the CRC,  which comprises
        the  Belgian  Institute  for  Postal  Services
        and  Telecommunications  (BIPT)  and
        regional  regulators,  these  decisions
        ‘enable  wholesale  cable  access  for
        alternative operators at fair prices, creating
        possibilities  for competition  on the retail
        market to the benefit of end-users, whilst
        remunerating  the network operators
        correctly for the access’. In a press release,
        Orange  Belgium  said  it  regrets  that  the
        EC  had cleared the regulation  with  only
        minor comments.  The  operator, which  is
        one of the main customers for wholesale
        cable access, noted that  wholesale
        tariffs,  particularly in the case of ultra-
        high  speed  internet  access  services,  will
        remain  significantly  above  ‘fair  costs’,  to
        the detriment of consumers. Furthermore,
        Orange  warned  the  significant  increase
        in costs over time (up to 25%) will result
        in  regular  and  unjustified  price  increases
        for  Belgian  consumers.  The  company  is
        calling on regulators to  closely monitor
        the consequences of the decision on retail
        prices and initiate a review as soon as any
        negative impact is identified.

        Greece to Lower Fiber Wholesale Charges

        The    National  Telecommunications  user  costs  for  fiber-to-the-home  (FTTH)   around  EUR25  now  to  below  EUR18  by
        &  Post  Commission  (Ethniki  Epitropi   and  fiber-to-the-cabinet  (FTTC)  services.   2028.  A  recent  report  commissioned  by
        Tilepikoinonion  kai  Tachydromeion,  It is aiming to see the cost of a 500Mbps   Greece’s competition authority suggested
        EETT)  in  Greece  is  looking  to  implement   FTTH  connection  fall  from  over  EUR70   that the country has some of the highest
        a reduction  of wholesale  prices  for   (USD76.50) per month currently to below   tariffs  for communications  services in
        access  to next generation  networks.  The   EUR40  a  month  by  2028,  while  the  price   Europe.
        regulator  says the cuts will  reduce  end   of a 100Mbps FTTC service will drop from

                                                                                                      76     MAY 2020
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81