Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 77


        TRAI Publishes Consultation Paper on International Roaming

        Sector watchdog the Telecom Regulatory   request;  tariff  offerings available and   carried out unilaterally at a national level,
        Authority of India (TRAI) has published  a   the selection of  applicable tariffs  –  the   were not very effective. The regulator goes
        consultation paper on international mobile   TRAI notes that some providers ‘have the   on to state that its  preferred approach
        roaming services, requesting feedback on   flexibility  to  apply  [international  roaming]   is to empower consumers  by making
        potential regulatory  changes. The paper   packs even when the consumer  has not   information more readily available. Further,
        primarily focuses on the reduction  or   specifically  asked  for  the  same  before   the  TRAI points out  that the current
        elimination  of bill  shocks for subscribers   traveling abroad; and consumer protection   regulatory framework does  not provide
        by  identifying  their  specific  causes  and   measures such as SMS alerts for customers   for price regulation of international mobile
        evaluates the capacity of the current   when they reach certain thresholds of their   roaming  services, as its forbearance
        regulatory framework to address the issue   allowance or when they arrive in a country   regime  instead aims  to grant service
        as well as the possible need for a revision   not covered by their international roaming   providers ‘the freedom to design the tariffs
        of that  framework.  Amongst  the issues   pack. Regarding potential implementation   suited to the prevailing market conditions’.
        raised by the paper are: the activation of   of price regulations for international   The watchdog  has requested  feedback
        international roaming, whether the facility   roaming services, the TRAI was reluctant   from industry stakeholders  by 23 June,
        should be automatically enabled on every   to consider such an  option,  citing the   with  counter-comments to  be submitted
        SIM  sold or  activated only at  the user’s   ITU  as  saying that such  measures, when   by 7 July.

        Nkom Confirms New Wholesale Mobile Market Decision

        Norway’s   National  Communications
        Authority   (Nasjonal    kommunik-
        asjonsmyndighet, Nkom) has announced a
        new regulatory decision related to Market
        15 (wholesale market for access and call
        origination  on mobile networks), which
        will  apply  from 1  June  2020  and last  for
        around  three  years. In a press release,
        the  telecoms  regulator  confirmed  that  –
        having analyzed the local  mobile  market
        – it had determined  that Telenor  Norge
        still  held  significant  market  power  (SMP)
        with  regards  to  Market 15,  and  as  such
        would continue to have special obligations
        imposed upon it. The regulator’s decision is
        partly designed to facilitate the continued
        rollout of a third nationwide mobile network
        by ice, and with the operator now looking
        to extend  coverage  in more sparsely
        populated areas, the Nkom has suggested
        that  detailed  requirements  related to
        co-location  and the introduction  of new
        pricing  models  for the purchase of data
        traffic should ‘give ice better opportunities
        for efficient development’. Meanwhile, with
        Telenor  also  obliged  under  the ruling to
        provide access to its network to MVNOs on   a 3% market share for the reference MVNO   monitor the market closely in the coming
        non-discriminatory terms, the Nkom said   operator at the level of aggregation of the   years  for  any  signs  of  ‘sustainable  tacit
        the cellco will be required to do so at prices   test. With the EFTA Surveillance Authority   coordination’ between  Telenor and the
        that will allow virtual operators to achieve   (EFTA) having examined  the regulator’s   market’s other  established  MNO, Telia
        positive  margins.  Specifically,  for  MVNOs   decision,  it  said it  supported the Nkom’s   Norge.
        access prices will reportedly be based on   analysis of the Norwegian mobile market,
        a full margin squeeze test, which assumes   but has encouraged  the regulator  to

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