Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 78


        Ukrainian Regulator Says Termination Rate Cut Will Benefit End Users

        Ukraine’s National Commission  for State Regulation  of
        Communications  &  Informatization  (NCCIR/NKRZI)  has  issued
        a decision cutting the unified wholesale mobile termination rate
        (MTR) and long-distance voice call termination rate to UAH0.08
        (USD0.00297) per-minute from UAH0.12, effective from 1 January
        2021. The regulator based its decision on data from operators for
        2019 showing the actual cost of terminating network traffic was
        UAH0.03-UAH0.06  a  minute,  and indicated  that  it  will  continue
        to reduce rates to gradually  approach  cost  levels. The  NCCIR
        claimed that interconnection rate reductions will enable operators
        to  offer consumers  more attractive off-net calling tariff  plans,
        with  benefits  for  end  users  including:  increasing  the  volume  of
        package minutes for all  types of telecommunications  services
        for the same cost; reducing the cost of long-distance calls; and
        reducing  the  demand for owning several mobile  SIM cards for
        different operators (due to varying inter/intra-network rates).

        Big Drop in MTN South Africa Wholesale Revenue

        MTN  has  published  its  quarterly trading   Cell C revenue  remained  unrecognized.   despite  the economic  environment. The
        update for the period ended 31 March 2020,   MTN added that it had commenced phase   company recorded a quarterly increase of
        showing  a  significant  drop  in  wholesale   two of its  expanded  roaming agreement   75,000 subscribers in South Africa. Service
        revenue  for the company’s  South African   with Cell  C, effective 1  May  2020.  “MTN   revenue  for its  South  African business
        business. Wholesale revenue  declined   South Africa’s  (MTN  SA) performance   declined  by  6.2%, which the company
        by 44% year-on-year, which  MTN said   was negatively impacted by the wholesale   attributed to the effects of its  Cell C
        was  largely attributed to  the loss  of the   business,  as  we  continue  to  account for   roaming agreement  and the loss  of the
        Telkom roaming agreement  and the    Cell C  roaming  revenue  on a  cash basis,   Telkom roaming agreement. The company
        effects of lower recognized revenue  from   as  well as  the loss of revenue  from the   said that if the effect of national roaming
        Cell C.  “This  resulted  from our  roaming   Telkom roaming agreement which came to   agreements was discounted, the quarterly
        agreement with Telkom having concluded   an end in June 2019,” said MTN Group CEO   service  revenue  for its South  African
        at the end of June 2019 as well as lower   Rob Shuter. MTN added that that the first-  operations would have remained flat. “We
        revenue  recognized from Cell C due to   quarter performance  of its  South  African   are encouraged by the stabilization of the
        the ongoing  cash basis of accounting,”   business  was  impacted  by the global   consumer  prepaid  business  which was
        MTN said. “For Cell C specifically, roaming   outbreak  of the COVID-19  pandemic,   affected by the implementation of the new
        revenue continued to be accounted for on   currency depreciation, and load-shedding.   out-of-bundle  data  usage  rules,”  Shuter
        a cash basis in line with IFRS 15 and MTN   MTN South  Africa noted  that  its  prepaid   said.  “Also pleasing  was  the continued
        SA recognized approximately R292 million   business has begun to recover from recent   progress in the enterprise business, which
        in revenue  during  the quarter.”  MTN said   regulation  changes,  and its postpaid   recorded 8.2% service revenue growth.”
        that as of 31 March 2020, R450 million in   customer  base has seen  an increase

        ANCOM Proposes 30% Cut to Fixed Termination Rate

        Romania’s telecoms regulator the National   per minute to  EUR0.00097  per minute   cover national calls and those made to and
        Authority for Management and Regulation   with effect from 1 August 2020. The new   from the European  Economic  Area (EEA),
        in   Communications  (ANCOM)    has  rate would  apply to wireline  operators   unless  existing  international  agreements
        launched  a  public  consultation  regarding   designated by ANCOM as having significant   allow different charges to be imposed.
        its proposal to reduce the fixed termination   market power, including Telekom Romania,   Interested parties are invited to submit
        rate (FTR) from EUR0.0014 (USD0.00153)   RCS&RDS,  Orange  and  Vodafone,  and   comments and proposals by 18 June.

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