Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 85


        T-Mobile Delivers Gigabit 5G Speeds Using Mid-Band Spectrum

        T-Mobile achieved a significant milestone
        in New York, passing the gigabit speed
        threshold  with  mid-band  5G.  This  is
        significant  because,  generally,  high-band
        mmWave  is  viewed  as  the  flavor  of  5G
        that offers the best speeds. Unfortunately,
        mmWave has notoriously  short range,
        requiring  towers, repeaters  or base
        stations every couple of hundred meters.
        This makes it logistically impossible  to
        widely deploy  it  across  the country.  In
        contrast, low-band 5G has the best range
        and penetration, even better than 4G LTE in
        some cases, but offers only modest speed
        improvements  over the  older  technology.
        Mid-band spectrum, in the 2.5GHz range, is
        generally considered the sweet spot for 5G,
        offering the best blend of range, penetration
        and speed. According to Ookla Speedtest’s
        Milan Milanovic, however, T-Mobile’s mid-
        band may be giving mmWave a run for its
        money. The mid-band spectrum was one
        of the primary reasons T-Mobile worked so   years, but had never been able to deploy it   and customers alike.
        hard to merge with Sprint. Sprint had been   to maximum benefit. It appears T-Mobile’s
        sitting on a wealth of the spectrum  for   investment is paying off for the company

        Nokia, KDDI Develop PoC on Fully Virtualized Cloud RAN to Support 5G

        Nokia and KDDI (au) have embarked on a
        joint initiative aimed at  delivering  a  fully
        virtualized Cloud RAN solution. In a press
        release  the  Finnish  vendor  confirmed
        the start of a lab-based proof of concept
        (PoC), using its AirScale All-in-Cloud BTS
        solution,  to enable  the Japanese  cellco
        to  research  ‘how  flexible,  virtualized
        radio network technology  can support
        the  diversifying  network  performance
        requirements in the 5G era’. Nokia claims
        its  AirScale  All-in-Cloud  BTS  is  a  ‘fully
        cloudified  5G  BTS,  placing  both  the  real-
        time and non-real-time baseband  in
        the  cloud’.  With KDDI having launched
        commercial  5G  services  in  March  2020,
        the PoC will be used to provide a flexible
        network  configuration  of  a  base  station
        virtualization as KDDI strives to implement
        an  ‘optimal’  5G  network.  The  statement
        also  noted  that  the Japanese  carrier has   also  been  working closely with  Nokia  on   5G core standalone network trials.

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