Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
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        Mitsubishi Electric Demos ‘Local 5G System’ in Japan

        Japan’s Mitsubishi Electric  Corporation
        has  revealed that  it  has  kicked off a
        demonstration  test  of  a  local  5G  system
        in Nagoya,  Aichi Prefecture.  The utility
        company  is  using  spectrum  at  28.2GHz-
        28.3GHz to conduct the tests – a different
        band  than that currently employed  by
        Japan’s mobile network operators – via a
        limited area license granted by the Ministry
        of Internal  Affairs  and Communications
        (MIC). The tests are reportedly designed to
        verify wireless transmission between local
        5G base stations and Mitsubishi Electric’s   services and businesses incorporating   5G  systems  to  enable  local  governments
        Factory  Automation  products.  Going   a  wide range of  Factory  Automation  and   and companies  to meet  diversifying
        forward, Mitsubishi Electric  says it seeks   other products’.  In  December  2019,  MIC   communication needs.
        to deploy local 5G systems ‘to deliver new   began accepting  applications for local

        Intertelecom Carries on Regardless with CDMA to LTE Switch

        Ukrainian CDMA mobile network operator   the radio frequency resource 9-11, 14-15   had allocated to Intertelecom in February,
        Intertelecom issued an update to its users   CDMA channels in Transcarpathian, Ivano-  as the CDMA provider still owed UAH193.6
        on  20 May 2020 detailing  its progress in   Frankivsk,  Lviv, Volyn, Ternopol,  Rivne,   million  (USD6.88  million)  in  license  fees,
        switching to 4G LTE technology, involving   Chernivtsi,  Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr and   having handed  over just  UAH1  million.
        refarming   850MHz   band   spectrum,   Vinnitsa regions,  and implemented  43%   However,  the Kiev  District Administrative
        despite  having missed the payment   measures for refarming in six areas.’ The   Court suspended the decision,  and all
        deadline  for its  LTE  license,  with  a  court   company says it aims to finish spectrum   concessions  remain valid  until  the court
        case pending  on the matter.  The update   refarming ‘by the end of autumn 2020’ while   makes  a  final  decision  on  a  lawsuit  filed
        informs  subscribers:  ‘Most  Intertelecom   stressing that in most areas it will continue   by  Intertelecom  against the NCCIR.
        base stations can operate simultaneously   to  provide  services based on CDMA2000   Intertelecom’s  latest  announcement
        in  CDMA-850  and  LTE-850  without   1xEV-DO Rev A/Rev B standards alongside   claims  that  the NCCIR will  issue the LTE
        replacement  of  [end  user]  equipment;  for   LTE until 2025. On 1 April 2020 Ukraine’s   license under previously agreed conditions
        others  you  need  to  buy  a  new  [LTE  user   National Commission for State Regulation   once the operator makes the final payment,
        device  and/or  SIM  card].  Following  the   of  Communications  &  Informatization   although it  did not disclose an  expected
        refarming plan, we have already freed up   (NCCIR/NKRZI) cancelled the LTE license it   payment date.

        China 5G Subscriber Numbers Exceed 65M

        China Mobile and China Telecom picked up more than 17 million
        5G subscribers in April, taking their combined tally to 65.45 million
        six months after introducing the new service. Market leader China
        Mobile added 12.02 million, ending the month with 43.7 million.
        It had a net gain of 432,000 mobile subscribers in April for a total
        of  946.7  million.  Deputy  GM  Jian  Qin  said  it  aims  to  have  100
        million 5G subscribers by the end of the year and had deployed
        124,000 compatible base stations in 56 cities as it targets a total
        of 300,000 by the year-end, reported. China Telecom
        added 5.09 million 5G subscribers in April, taking its total to 21.7
        million: net additions of 1.97 million took its overall user base to
        338.5 million. Third-ranked China Unicom has not released April
        subscriber figures and did not issue 5G numbers over the opening
        three months of 2020.
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