Page 40 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 40
Algeria Telecom Partners with Huawei to Deliver 400G WDM National
Backbone Network
Algeria Telecom and Huawei jointly an- ment of the digital economy. Additionally, tion of this project will help Algeria achieve
nounced the official launch of the national this network is future-oriented, laying an the following goals:
400G WDM project, building an all-optical ultra-high-speed, low latency and sustain- • Improve network speed and capacity:
premium transmission foundation covering able foundation towards intelligence era. The 400G ultra-high-speed optical net-
the whole country, helping Algeria acceler- Huawei, as a leading global provider of in- work will provide higher bandwidth and
ate the development of its national digital formation and communication technology transmission speed than the existing net-
economy.mAs the largest telecommunica- solutions and smart devices, has rich ex- work, enabling Algeria to better cope with
tions operator in Algeria, Algeria Telecom perience and technical accumulation in the the increasing data traffic demand.
has always been committed to promoting field of optical communication. The 400G • Promote the development of the digital
the national digital transformation. This co- ultra-high-speed optical network solution economy: The ultra-high-speed optical
operation with Huawei aims to enhance the provided by Huawei for Algeria Telecom will network will provide a solid foundation
level of Algeria's network infrastructure by have the characteristics of large bandwidth, for the development of Algeria's digital
introducing the most advanced 400G ultra- high reliability, and low latency, which can economy and promote the vigorous de-
high-speed optical network technology to meet the growing digital business needs in velopment of emerging industries such
provide stronger support for the develop- Algeria. More specifically, the implementa- as e-commerce, cloud computing, and
big data.
• Improve people's livelihood services: A
high-speed and stable network will pro-
vide better Internet experience for the Al-
gerian people and promote the improve-
ment of digital service levels in fields
such as education, medical care, and
government affairs.
Algeria Telecom and Huawei will cooper-
ate closely to jointly promote all-optical
network development. Both sides will give
full play to their respective advantages to
ensure the smooth delivery and stable op-
eration of the network. It is believed that
with the joint efforts of both sides, Algeria
will embrace a more digital and intelligent
Microsoft to Spend $80B on AI Data Centers in
Fiscal 2025
Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad the private sector. “The most important US and an innovative private sector. “If the
Smith revealed the company was on public-policy priority should be to ensure Trump Administration can develop a strong
track to spend approximately $80 billion that the US private sector can continue national AI talent strategy and use AI to
to build out AI-enabled data centers in to advance with the wind at its back,” make the government itself more effective
its current financial year (to end-June), Smith stated. He explained the US “needs and efficient, it will put the country on a
with more than half of that investment a pragmatic export control policy that promising path.” He stated the US is in a
earmarked for the US. In a blog post, Smith balances strong security protection for AI strong position to “win the essential race
explained the tech giant plans to use components in trusted data centers with an with China by advancing international
the data centers “to train AI models and ability for US companies to expand rapidly adoption of American AI”. Smith further
deploy AI and cloud-based applications and provide a reliable source of supply to claimed US “products are more trusted
around the world”. While Smith welcomed the many countries that are American allies than their Chinese counterparts, and our
US President Donald Trump to his second and friends”. Smith stated the US is well- private sector is unmatched in its ability to
term in office, he cautioned against “heavy- positioned to flourish in its development invest in infrastructure around the world”.
handed regulations” that could slow down of AI due to solid technology development
40 JAN-FEB 2025