Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 41
Microsoft to Capture ‘Golden’ AI Data Center Opportunity With $80 Billion
In a recent blog post, Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith “quickly and effectively” to show that American AI is a “superior
revealed that the tech giant plans to invest approximately $80 alternative” to what China has to offer. “While the U.S. government
billion into AI-enabled data centers to train AI models and deploy rightly has focused on protecting sensitive AI components in secure
AI and cloud-based applications by 2025. While the company is data centers through export controls, an even more important
thinking on a global scale, Smith noted that more than half of this element of this competition will involve a race between the United
total investment will be in the United States to capture what he States and China to spread their respective technologies to other
called the “golden opportunity” for American AI. “Today, the United countries,” stated Smith. “Given the nature of technology markets
States leads the global AI race thanks to the investment of private and their potential network effects, this race between the U.S. and
capital and innovations by American companies of all sizes, from China for international influence likely will be won by the fastest
dynamic start-ups to well-established enterprises,” he continued. first mover. Hence, the United States needs a smart international
“At Microsoft, we’ve seen this firsthand through our partnership strategy to rapidly support American AI around the world.” In
with OpenAI, from rising firms such as Anthropic and xAI, and our addition to the investments and partnerships mentioned above,
own AI-enabled software platforms and applications.” Smith went Microsoft in April also announced an investment of $1.5 billion in
on to detail Microsoft’s “three-part vision for America’s technology G42, an UAE-based AI technology holding company, which is said at
success,” which includes advancements and investments in the time, will strengthen both companies’ collaboration on bringing
domestic AI technology and infrastructure, AI skilling programs the latest Microsoft AI technologies and skilling initiatives to the
and exporting AI to other countries. He also offered advice for UAE and other countries around the world. And just today, Reuters
the incoming Trump Administration, suggesting that rather than reported that the company will spend $3 billion to expand its Azure
“complain about” the AI competition from China — which is cloud and AI capacity in India, marking its biggest investment ever
currently offering developing countries subsidized access to chips in the country.
and building local AI data centers — the focus should be on moving
Microsoft Showcases AI Innovations and Partnerships Driving UAE’s Digital
Microsoft has commenced its global AI tour in Dubai, showcasing • Alef AI Tutor: Alef Education is using AI to personalize learning
the transformative power of AI and its impact on various experiences for over 1.1 million students worldwide, resulting in
sectors in the UAE. The event brought together industry leaders, significant improvements in student outcomes.
developers, and innovators to discuss the latest advancements in • DEWA’s Copilot Agents: Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
AI and explore its potential to drive economic growth and societal (DEWA) has implemented Copilot agents to enhance customer
progress. “The UAE’s swift embrace of AI is setting an ambitious service and improve operational efficiency.
benchmark,” said Naim Yazbeck, General Manager of Microsoft • FAB Wealth RM AI Advisor: First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) is leveraging
UAE. “Across sectors like education, finance, energy, and retail, the AI to provide personalized investment recommendations and
innovations emerging here showcase the transformative power of enhance wealth management services for its clients.
AI in unlocking unparalleled opportunities for growth and progress.” • Al-Futtaim’s Blue AI: Al-Futtaim’s Blue AI platform offers
The event highlighted several key AI-powered solutions developed personalized experiences and smart lifestyle guidance to over
by organizations in the UAE leveraging Microsoft’s AI technologies: five million customers through its Blue lifestyle app.
• TAMM Platform: The Abu Dhabi Department of Government These examples demonstrate the UAE’s commitment to adopting
Enablement’s AI-powered TAMM platform provides citizens, and developing innovative AI solutions across various sectors.
residents, and businesses with efficient and personalized access Microsoft’s commitment to the UAE’s digital transformation is
to over 950 government services. evident in its continued investments in data centers, centers of
excellence like the Center for Responsible AI and the AI for Good
Lab, and the upcoming Microsoft Engineering Center. Furthermore,
Microsoft’s strategic partnership with G42 is driving AI innovation
and cloud adoption in the UAE, enabling organizations to leverage
advanced technologies while ensuring compliance with local
regulations. “Microsoft’s dedication to the UAE is further reinforced
through its partnership with G42,” states the report, highlighting the
significance of this collaboration. By fostering collaboration and
investing in AI development, Microsoft is supporting the UAE’s
vision of becoming a global leader in AI and digital transformation.
The AI tour in Dubai serves as a testament to the country’s progress
and its potential to shape the future of technology.
41 JAN-FEB 2025