Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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as essential to the 5G standard and Nokia's invested in R&D and standardization since IoT devices and solutions, video streaming
active pre-standardization work puts us in 2000 and is composed of over 20,000 and more. Nokia contributes its inventions
a leading position for 6G standardization patent families (each family can comprise to open standards in return for the right to
which begins later this year. Thanks to several individual patents). Any device license them on fair, reasonable and non-
all the Nokia inventors and our patenting that connects to a cellular network uses discriminatory (FRAND) terms. Companies
professionals for their hard work and Nokia’s patented technology and over 250 can license and use these technologies
problem-solving. Together they continue companies have secured a license to Nokia’s without the need to make their own
to help Nokia maintain its technology patented technologies. These technologies substantial investments in the standards,
leadership and drive cellular innovation are the essential building blocks for entire fueling innovation and the development of
forward.” Nokia’s industry-leading patent industries, including mobile devices, new products and services for consumers.
portfolio is built on more than €150 billion consumer electronics, connected vehicles,
Nokia and DE-CIX to Partner to Upgrade New York Internet Exchange
Nokia and DE-CIX, the world’s leading the upgrade of our New York backbone, we resilient and ready to scale is a must. This
Internet Exchange (IX) operator, today wanted to simplify our network, while also upgrade to DE-CIX New York’s backbone
announced the upgrade of the backbone increasing the resilience of the platform. isn’t just about supporting the largest
network for DE-CIX New York, the largest We took a detailed look at the options in the Internet Exchange in the Northeast — it’s
IX in NY and in the US Northeast region. market, and Nokia was the best choice for about shaping the future of connectivity in
The DE-CIX backbone will be upgraded us. We have worked with Nokia globally for one of the world’s biggest markets. With
to 400 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) using Nokia more than 10 years now, and the capacity, Nokia’s cutting-edge optical tech, we’re
optical technology and redesigned in a reliability, and innovative strength of their ensuring networks are flexible, reliable,
ring topology, redundantly interconnecting hardware has always impressed us.” Within and ready to handle whatever comes next.
the 10 data center facilities where a dense wavelength-division multiplexing Together with DE-CIX, we’re building the
DE-CIX infrastructure is housed and (DWDM) system, the ROADM technology in foundation for a limitless digital future.” Ed
enhancing the resiliency of the platform Nokia’s 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) d’Agostino, Vice President DE-CIX North
for all participants. The Nokia optical makes it possible to automatically reroute America, said: “This upgrade, powered by
solution also enables 800GE support for waves at the optical layer in any direction Nokia’s optical technology, allows us to
anticipated further growth of the IX and around the backbone. This means that future-proof our platform to best serve the
employs Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop incidents at any location in the network can New York market and start 2025 on track
Multiplexer (ROADM) technology to ensure be mitigated more rapidly and less capacity for further growth. With the number of data
much greater routing flexibility, faster is required at the IP layer to guarantee centers that we integrate, it is imperative
reaction times in the case of incidents, and a the same level of resilience. James that we have a state-of-the-art transport
seamless customer experience without any Watt, Senior Vice President and General network with scalable capacity. DE-CIX
service interruptions. Dr. Thomas King, CTO Manager of Nokia’s Optical business, New York is the largest IX in New York and
of DE-CIX, said: “When we began planning said: “In today’s connected world, staying the youngest Internet Exchange in the Top
5 largest IXs in the US. The platform covers
an area spanning Long Island to the East
and Piscataway and Edison to the South
and West. It connects over 265 networks
from across the city, with an infrastructure
that spans over 40 data centers served. DE-
CIX New York is connected to all other DE-
CIX locations in North America, enabling
remote peering and access to a vibrant
ecosystem of networks not present in
other local exchanges. The DE-CIX Internet
and Cloud Exchanges in New York, Dallas,
Chicago, Richmond, Houston, and Phoenix,
and the dedicated Cloud Exchange in
Seattle, form the largest carrier and data
center neutral interconnection ecosystem
in North America.
44 JAN-FEB 2025