Page 36 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 36


                                                                                 Top Implementer:  The  scoring basis  of
                                                                                 implementation  capability  covers various
                                                                                 aspects  such  as  global  antenna  market
                                                                                 share,  regional  market  penetration,
                                                                                 financial   and   organizational   health,
                                                                                 contract wins  with  major customers, and
                                                                                 product portfolio  range.  According  to the
                                                                                 report, Huawei's scored 87.8 points for its
                                                                                 implementation  capability, which is  8.5%
                                                                                 ahead of the second place and fully reflects
                                                                                 Huawei's  strong  competitiveness  in  the
                                                                                 global base station antenna market.
                                                                                 As crucial  infrastructure components  in
                                                                                 wireless  communication  systems,  base
                                                                                 station  antennas  directly affect energy
                                                                                 consumption, network  coverage,  capacity,
                                                                                 user experience. Looking toward the future,
                                                                                 Huawei will continue to promote innovative
                                                                                 solutions,  contributing  to  building  more
        digitalization with cutting-edge innovations   significantly   enhancing   operational   efficient  and  intelligent  networks,  moving
        such as  Antenna  Information Sensor Unit   efficiencies and performance optimization   towards a fully connected, intelligent world.
        (AISU) and beam adjustment technologies,   of mobile networks.

        Huawei & OIC-CERT Release Framework to Secure Software Supply Chains

        Across Member States

        Huawei, in collaboration with the Organiza-  approach to software supply chain secu-  “In today's interconnected world, software
        tion  of the  Islamic Cooperation-Computer   rity governance, covering  key areas  such   supply  chain  security is  paramount.  This
        Emergency  Response  Team  (OIC-CERT)   as  supplier  cybersecurity management,   framework  provides  a crucial  foundation
        and  the  Oman  National  CERT,  announced   open-source  software  management,  R&D   for  OIC  member  states  to  build  resilient
        the release of the OIC-CERT Software Sup-  and  production management.  It  guides   digital  economies.  Our  collaboration  with
        ply Chain Security Framework. This frame-  organizations  in  implementing  security   Huawei  leverages  their  expertise  and  in-
        work  provides  crucial  guidance  to  OIC   measures  throughout the  entire software   dustry insights to develop comprehensive
        member states on establishing robust soft-  lifecycle, from evaluating  and selecting   guidelines that address the evolving threat
        ware  supply  chain  security  management,   suppliers to securing the development and   landscape.  By  adopting  these  recommen-
        ensuring  end-to-end  cybersecurity.  This   deployment processes. It also emphasizes   dations,  nations  can effectively mitigate
        comes at a critical time when cybersecurity   the  importance  of managing  open-source   risks and protect critical infrastructure. We
        is a top priority for businesses in the region,   software  components  and  integrating  se-  believe this joint effort will significantly en-
        with 55% of companies in the Middle East   curity practices into research, development,   hance  cybersecurity  across  the  OIC  com-
        prioritizing mitigating digital and technolo-  and production environments. This holistic   munity.” The framework's release comes at
        gy risks over the next year, exceeding the   approach aims  to mitigate  risks  through-  a pivotal moment, as software supply chain
        global  average  of 53%,  according  to a  re-  out  the  software  supply  chain.  Aloysius   attacks continue to evolve and pose signif-
        port by PwC. Within this, cyber risks remain   Cheang,  Chief  Security  Officer  for  Huawei   icant threats to organizations and nations.
        a significant concern, with 42% of regional   in the Middle East and Central Asia, said:   By prioritizing  supply chain  cybersecurity,
        businesses  focusing on  them.  Developed   “Huawei is committed to collaborating with   OIC member states can protect their digital
        by  the  OIC-CERT  Supply  Chain  Security   global  partners  to enhance  cybersecurity   assets, foster trust, and enhance resilience
        working  group,  co-chaired  by  the  Oman   for all. This framework represents a signif-  in  an  increasingly  interconnected  world.
        National CERT and Huawei, the framework   icant  step  forward in  strengthening  soft-  This  initiative  underscores  Huawei's  on-
        addresses the growing complexity and in-  ware supply chain security across the OIC   going  commitment  to  contributing  to  the
        terconnectedness of software systems and   member states. We believe that by working   development  of cybersecurity  standards
        the increasing risks of supply chain attacks.   together  and  sharing  best  practices, we   and  enhancing  industry security capabil-
        It  offers  practical  guidance  for regulatory   can create a more secure and trustworthy   ities.  By collaborating  with  international
        authorities in member countries to formu-  digital environment for everyone.” Dr. Saleh   organizations like OIC-CERT, Huawei aims
        late  effective  policies  for  software  supply   Said  Al  Hashmi  at  Oman  National  CERT,   to support the building of cyber resilience
        chain manufacturers and service providers.   highlighted the significance of this frame-  and contribute to a more secure and trust-
        The framework provides a comprehensive   work and the value of collaboration, stating:   worthy cyberspace.

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