Page 38 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 38


        Huawei to Showcase Cutting-Edge Cloud and AI Innovations at Web Summit

        Qatar 2025

        Huawei, a leading  global  provider of
        information   and    communications
        technology  (ICT)  infrastructure,  is  set
        to showcase its  latest  Cloud and AI
        solutions  at  Web  Summit Qatar  2025,
        taking place from February 23 to 26 at the
        Doha  Exhibition  and  Convention  Center
        (DECC).  Under  the  theme  "Accelerate
        Intelligence  with Everything  as  a  Service,"
        Huawei will demonstrate how its advanced
        technologies  enable  businesses  and
        industries  to harness  the  power of cloud
        computing, artificial intelligence, and digital
        transformation to drive  unprecedented
        innovation  and  efficiency.  Following  the
        success  of its  inaugural  edition  in  2024,
        Web  Summit Qatar  returns  for its  second
        year, solidifying Qatar's position as a global
        technology and innovation hub. The event   digital  transformation.  Building  on  these   customers in more than 170 countries and
        brings  together  world-leading  technology   technical  strengths,  Huawei  is  redefining   regions  to  meet  their  diverse  application
        companies, policymakers, entrepreneurs,   innovation  through  its  "Everything  as  a   scenarios through different modes of public
        and investors, fostering discussions on the   Service" strategy, which offers fully digital,   cloud, private cloud, and edge. Technology
        future  of AI, cloud computing,  and  digital   cloud-based, and  AI-powered  solutions   as a Service solutions enable businesses to
        transformation. As an AI pioneer in industry   across  three  key  pillars:  Infrastructure  as   innovate easily and modernize applications
        applications,  Huawei  Cloud  is  driving   a Service,  Technology as  a Service, and   through Huawei's R&D advances, delivered
        industry intelligence by providing full-stack   Expertise  as  a  Service.  At  Web  Summit   to customers, partners,  and  developers
        AI capabilities,  including  infrastructure,   Qatar, the company will showcase how this   through cloud  services. Huawei  Cloud
        computing power, algorithms, development   approach enables  scalable,  secure,  and   has  built  development  production
        frameworks, and its advanced Pangu Large   high-performance solutions tailored to the   lines  designed  to accelerate  enterprise
        Models.  Leveraging  its  CloudMatrix  AI-  needs  of governments,  enterprises,  and   application  modernization.  These  include
        native infrastructure, Huawei Cloud Stack,   industries, empowering them to accelerate   ModelArts,  a one-stop AI platform that
        and  Ascend  AI cloud services, Huawei   their  digital  transformation journeys. Rico   empowers developers and data scientists
        delivers massive AI computing power with   Lin, President of Huawei Gulf North Region,   to rapidly  develop  and  deploy  models,
        unparalleled  efficiency,  offering  flexible   stated:  “At  Huawei,  we  are  committed  to   driving  intelligent  upgrades  across
        deployment  options  tailored  to diverse   accelerating  intelligence  and  enabling   industries. DataArts, on the other hand, is a
        enterprise  needs.  Huawei  Cloud Stack   businesses to thrive in the digital era. Our   comprehensive data lifecycle management
        provides an on-premise deployment mode   participation  at  Web  Summit Qatar  2025   platform  that  provides  end-to-end
        for enterprises or governments that prefer   underscores  our dedication  to  providing   governance of databases,  warehouses,
        to save data locally and develop foundation   innovative  Cloud  and  AI solutions  that   data  lakes,  and  AI, unlocking  the  full
        models independently. Meanwhile, Ascend   empower industries  to  operate  smarter,   value  of data.  CodeArts  is  an all-in-one
        AI cloud services  offer  a  public  cloud   scale faster, and drive greater efficiency. As   DevSecOps  platform  offering  out-of-the-
        alternative for  organizations  that  want   Qatar  moves  toward  a  knowledge-based   box cloud services for requirement delivery,
        to  avoid  the  complexities  of  building  and   economy, we look forward to collaborating   code commit, testing, building, verification,
        maintaining  their  data  centers. The  newly   with  industry  leaders,  government  deployment, and release  throughout the
        launched  Pangu  Large  Model  5.0  offers   stakeholders,  and  technology  pioneers  to   entire software development  lifecycle.
        advancements  in  multimodal capabilities,   support the country's digital ambitions and   Meanwhile,  MetaStudio  delivers  cutting-
        reasoning,  and  real-world applications   shape  the future of AI-driven  innovation."   edge  tools for virtual  avatar video
        across  sectors such as  autonomous   Under Infrastructure as a Service, Huawei   production, livestreaming, and  intelligent
        driving, intelligent cities, robotics, industrial   Cloud's  KooVerse,  which  consists  of  96   interaction, revolutionizing content creation
        design,  and  drug  R&D, solidifying  Huawei   availability  zones  (AZs)  in  33  regions,   across industries.
        Cloud's  position  as  a  leader  in  AI-driven   provides  a  unified  architecture  serving

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