Page 35 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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reliability, and user experience. With data fosters innovation and develops the enthusiasts, researchers, and visionaries.
transmission rates approximately three next generation of ICT talent," AlNuaimi Participants will explore cutting-edge
times faster than its predecessor, Wi-Fi 7 added. Ryan Pan, IP Product & Solutions applications of Wi-Fi 7's advanced features,
is poised to transform everything from 8K Manager, Huawei Middle East & Central including Wi-Fi Shield technology, VIP
video streaming to immersive virtual reality Asia, presented a comprehensive review Experience Assurance, and Dynamic
experiences and mission-critical enterprise of Imagine Wi-Fi 7's achievements in 2024 Zoom Smart antenna implementations,
applications. The launch ceremony in and outlined Huawei's wireless strategy through compelling video presentations.
Dubai attracted Huawei executives and key for 2025. "Huawei has an abundance The program offers substantial recognition
stakeholders from the University of Dubai, of industry know-how and considerable for outstanding contributions. Elite
IEEE UAE section, and industry partners. experience in Wi-Fi technologies, making achievers will experience the Huawei
In his opening keynote, Dr. Eesa Bastaki, remarkable contributions to Wi-Fi industry HQ IP Club Explorer Tour to Huawei
President of the University of Dubai and IEEE standards," noted Pan, highlighting several headquarters and receive the prestigious
Honorary Chair, commended the program's successful Wi-Fi 7 deployments across Pioneer Trophy, jointly presented by IEEE
achievements. "The outstanding progress the Middle East and Central Asia region. and Huawei. Additional honors include
of Imagine Wi-Fi 7 over the past year has Mohammad Haneef, Chief Information participation in the Huawei Tech Carnival
been remarkable. The Wi-Fi 7 standard Officer, University of Dubai, shared insights 2025 in Uzbekistan and the latest Huawei
has sparked thoughtful discussions and from their Wi-Fi 7 implementation. "Our tests FreeClip devices for top social media
extensive idea-sharing across the industry. demonstrate significant advancements engagement. The adoption of Wi-Fi 7 has
Looking ahead, we eagerly anticipate in speed and user experience," Haneef seen remarkable traction across the Middle
even more comprehensive and insightful commented. "Huawei’s Wi-Fi 7 technology East and Central Asia region. Huawei has
dialogues in the upcoming season." effectively meets the demanding deployed over 30,000 Wi-Fi 7 access points,
Abdulaziz AlNuaimi, Chief Security requirements for bandwidth, security, and and over 180 enterprises have chosen
Officer, Huawei UAE, delivered a speech network operations in digital education Wi-Fi 7 as their technical standard. This
highlighting the successful partnership within higher education institutions.” widespread implementation demonstrates
between Huawei, the IEEE UAE section, and The Imagine Wi-Fi 7 to Reality initiative the industry's confidence in Wi-Fi 7's
the University of Dubai. He emphasized how features two contests catering to different capabilities and readiness for enterprise-
the new season aims to promote industry segments of the technology ecosystem. grade applications. As the world's first
development and trigger multi-dimensional The Wi-Fi 7 Pioneers track engages industry vendor to launch an enterprise Wi-Fi solution,
thinking on user experience and data practitioners who have implemented Wi- Huawei's commitment to advancing WLAN
security. "Our longstanding collaboration Fi 7 solutions, offering them platforms to standards is unmatched. Ranked No. 1 in
with IEEE and the University of Dubai has share deployment experiences through live cumulative contributions to both WLAN
consistently delivered remarkable results presentations at Huawei IP Club events standards and Wi-Fi 7 standards, Huawei
in ICT talent development and innovation. and video submissions. Participants can has solidified its position as the world's Wi-
This continued partnership strengthens earn up to 1,500 IP Club points through Fi 7 leader. Notably, Huawei received the
both our industry's growth and the UAE's combined participation methods. The prestigious "Best Enterprise Wi-Fi Network
position as a technology leader. Together, Innovation Pioneer track opens the field 2024" Award at the Wireless Broadband
we're creating a robust ecosystem that to a broader audience of technology Alliance (WBA) Industry Awards 2024
Huawei Maintains the Top Position in the Global Passive Antenna Market for
the Ninth Consecutive Year
In their latest report, the global technology assessment of 15 base station antenna second-place vendor has increased by 1.5
market intelligence firm ABI Research vendors based on three dimensions: times compared to 2022.
released its 2023 global base station Overall, Innovation, and Implementation. Top Innovator: The report specifically
antenna market research report titled Huawei is ranked first in all three areas. highlighted Huawei's innovative
"Passive Cellular Antenna Competitive This achievement highlights Huawei's achievements in antenna technology.
Analysis". According to the report, Huawei outstanding performance and continuous Huawei is the first in the industry to launch
continues to lead the global market for innovation in the global communications eco-friendly, high efficiency and green
the ninth consecutive year with a market technology field. antennas, leading the industry's transition
share of 38.93%, making Huawei the only Overall Leader: Huawei earns the title of to sustainable development. In addressing
equipment manufacturer to maintain industry overall leader with a high score network deployment challenges, Huawei's
positive market share growth during this of 86.4, topping the world in market share, A+P (Active+Passive) module solution and
period. As a leading market intelligence innovation, and application capabilities. In invisible antenna solution have brought
firm in the global information and addition, Huawei's lead widened to become new ideas to the industry; meanwhile, under
communications technology (ICT) sector, the only equipment vendor to score over 80 the trend towards intelligent networks,
ABI Research conducted a comprehensive points. The gap between Huawei and the Huawei has taken the lead in antenna
35 JAN-FEB 2025