Page 42 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 42
Nokia Upgrades ESpanix’s IXP Infrastructure to
Reduce Energy Consumption and Complexity
Nokia has been selected by ESpanix to pro-
vide Spain’s first 400G connectivity for IXP
customers. The 400G upgrade uses Nokia’s
Interconnect routers to deliver a more effi-
cient and sustainable alternative to bun-
dling multiple 100GE connections, reduc-
ing complexity, power consumption, and
operational costs for ESpanix and its cus-
tomers. ESpanix will also leverage Nokia’s connected networks, including Internet reducing power consumption compared
Photonic Service Switch to optimize band- Service Providers (ISPs), Content Service to traditional solutions.” Matthieu Bour-
width across its optical transport network, Providers, and national and international guignon, Senior Vice President and head of
allowing the IXP to select the most opti- carriers. Amedeo Beck Peccoz, Head of Europe for Network Infrastructure business
mized solution for its customer needs. The Strategy, ESpanix, commented: “Our cus- at Nokia, said: “Offering 400G connectivity
layered network approach ensures scal- tomers demand technology that is reliable is a testament to ESpanix’s forward-think-
ability for larger customers and supports and future-proof. Nokia’s solutions deliv- ing approach to interconnection services.
ESpanix’s goals of expanding its footprint er the capacity and scalability we need to As the leading provider of IXP services, our
and evolving its infrastructure. All ESpanix’s meet growing demand, enabling us to offer work together ensures they can meet rising
Points of Presence have been upgraded to 400G connectivity to our members. With demand in a simple, efficient, and sustain-
400G and are operational as of today. The the support of Nokia, we not only become able manner. By leveraging Nokia’s high-ca-
upgrade project addresses the increasing the most advanced IXP in the South Europe pacity IP networking technologies, ESpanix
demand for high-capacity and sustainable region, but our work together also aligns is paving the way for a new standard in IXP
network services among ESpanix’s 180+ with our commitment to sustainability by services across Southern Europe.”
Openreach Chooses Nokia to Build Open-Access Fiber Network to Connect
Millions to Faster Broadband
Nokia announced it has been chosen by vice open-access network that can help net products. Introducing Nokia’s Altiplano
Openreach to build its One Network Plat- reduce the power and space requirements and NSP network domain controllers and
form, an open-access fiber network to serve by over 50 percent at Ethernet access ex- 7250 IXR data center routers will boost au-
millions of homes and businesses. Built change sites. The architecture supports tomation, network visibility and control, and
using Nokia’s Altiplano and NSP network various deployment models tailored to dif- product flexibility for our Communication
domain controllers, the network will help ferent population densities, ensuring com- Provider customers and their end-user cus-
Openreach grow from 17 million connected munication providers can easily connect tomers. Ultimately, this is about making our
premises today to 25 million by the end of end users to the Openreach fiber network. network easier to manage, more efficient
2026, responding to the increasing demand With Nokia’s Altiplano and NSP network and reliable, for example, through quicker
for high-speed broadband all over the UK. domain controllers, Openreach will be able identification of faults via automation, and
Openreach’s open wholesale broadband to automate its fiber connectivity services helping to cut operational costs.” Geert
network connects users to around 300 across Point-to-Point, GPON, and XGS PON Heyninck, General Manager of Broadband
communication service providers offering technologies through simple intent-based Networks at Nokia, said: “Open-access
ultrafast full fiber services to urban centers, management. This will simplify operations networks are the future of broadband, and
towns, villages and smaller rural communi- drastically through a common service-ori- we’re proud to support Openreach in bring-
ties in some of the hardest-to-reach parts ented interface and will reduce OSS com- ing fiber connectivity to millions across the
of the UK. Powered by Nokia technology, plexity across the network by 85 percent. UK. Meeting growing broadband demands
the Openreach One Network Platform de- In addition, the solution provides streaming requires scalability and flexibility, which is
livers the flexibility, agility and scale need- telemetry to provide detailed insights into where the intent-based design of our solu-
ed to meet these market demands while the network’s behavior and performance. tion really shines. We are motivated to help
reducing the number of exchange build- Trevor Linney, Director of Network Tech- Openreach automate operations, optimize
ings required to cover the country. Nokia’s nology at Openreach, said: “This is the next resources and create a robust, future-ready
solution is modeled on a modular data step in our plans to build a future-proof, network that serves both urban and rural
center architectural approach enabling multi-service, one network platform – that communities.”
Openreach to build a large-scale multi-ser- supports both full FTTP and future Ether-
42 JAN-FEB 2025