Page 37 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 37


        Huawei Europe  Bags Prestigious  Top  Employer 2025  Award  for Sixth

        Consecutive Year

        Huawei Europe earned recognition as a Top
        Employer in Europe for the sixth consecutive
        year in 2025. This prestigious certification
        covers the following 17 countries: Austria,
        Belgium,  France,  Germany,  the  Czech  Re-
        public,  Greece,  Hungary,  Italy,  Ireland,  the
        Netherlands,  Portugal, Poland, Romania,
        Spain, Switzerland, Sweden and  Turkey.
        The recognition is a testament to Huawei
        Europe's exemplary human resources prac-
        tices  and  underscores  its  commitment to
        fostering  a  culture  of  innovation,  inclusiv-
        ity,  and  continuous  improvement.  Lesley
        White, Vice President of Human Resources,
        Huawei European Region  said:  "Europe is
        home to a diverse and highly skilled talent
        pool, driving innovation and excellence. Be-
        ing certified as a Top Employer in Europe
        is  a  testament  to Huawei’s  commitment   Each topic is evidence-based, ensuring an-  dustry. We are proud to recognize Huawei
        to fostering  a supportive, inclusive, and   swers are factual and aligned with industry   as a leader in  people practices and look
        growth-oriented  workplace.  This  recogni-  benchmarks,  followed  by  a  rigorous  audit   forward to your continued success in shap-
        tion underscores the importance of invest-  to guarantee certification accuracy. Patrik   ing  the  future  of work.  "  Huawei  is  dedi-
        ing  in  employee  development,  well-being   Rendel, Regional Manager DACH & CEE of   cated to driving digital transformation and
        and  engagement,  ensuring  that  the  com-  Top  Employers  Institute  said:  "  On  behalf   innovation,  connecting  the  world  through
        pany  not  only  attracts  top talent  but  also   of the Top Employers Institute, we extend   cutting-edge ICT technology. With a focus
        retains and empowers them to thrive in a   our heartfelt congratulations to Huawei for   on excellence, we empower individuals to
        competitive  global  landscape."  The  Top   achieving  the  prestigious  Top Employer   lead,  excel,  and  shape  the  future  of  con-
        Employers Institute is a globally recognized   certification  with  an  impressive  score  of   nectivity. Join us in a dynamic, supportive
        authority in certifying excellence in employ-  91.26%. This remarkable accomplishment   environment where your contributions will
        ment  practices.  The  certification  process   reflects  commitment  to  implementing   be recognized, and your potential can break
        involves  a comprehensive  survey across   best HR practices. Huawei’s dedication to   boundaries, advancing both your  career
        six core dimensions, with over 250 detailed   empowering talent  and  driving  innovation   and global progress.
        questions assessing various HR practices.   sets a benchmark for excellence in the in-

        Huawei to Build US$3.5 Million Data Center for Nepal Telecom

                                             million),  is  aimed  at  modernizing  Nepal   not  disclosed.  Huawei’s  involvement  in
                                             Telecom’s  data  handling  capabilities  and   building  data  centers  in  various countries
                                             improving  service  efficiency.  Huawei  will   aligns with its commitment to aiding digi-
                                             oversee  the  physical  infrastructure  of the   tal  transformation globally. In addition  to
                                             data  center, which will  become a key ele-  Nepal,  Huawei  has  partnered  with  Algeria
                                             ment in Nepal Telecom’s efforts to enhance   and Pakistan for similar projects. The Chi-
                                             its  operations.  The  facility  is  expected  to   nese tech giant has also been advocating
                                             provide income-generating  opportunities   for telcos to prepare for an AI-driven future,
                                             for the telecom company, which has faced   with a focus on 5G rollouts. Nepal is home
                                             declining  revenues  in  recent  years. Hari   to various data center operators, including
        Huawei has signed a Letter of Intent with   Dhakal, a spokesperson for Nepal Telecom,   Cloud Himalaya, DataHub, and the facilities
        Nepal  Telecom to construct a primary   emphasized that the new data center will   of telcos Ncell and Subisu. Last year, Indian
        data  center  in  Kathmandu  and  a  disaster   be instrumental in delivering more efficient   operator Yotta and Nepal’s BLC also part-
        recovery center in Bhairahawa, Nepal. The   services. However, specific details regard-  nered to build  a new data  center outside
        project,  valued  at  NPR  484  million  ($3.5   ing  the  facility  and  the  overall  deal  were   Kathmandu.

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