Page 39 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 39


        KSIADC and Huawei Join Forces to Revolutionize Smart Aviation in KSA

        The  King Salman  International  Airport   smart aviation. By integrating cutting-edge   It  also  aligns  with  Saudi  Arabia’s  Vision
        Development    Company     (KSIADC)   technologies, we aim to redefine operational   2030,  which  emphasizes  the  importance
        and  Huawei have  signed  a landmark   efficiency,  elevate  passenger  experiences,   of modernizing infrastructure and fostering
        Memorandum  of  Understanding  (MoU)   and  set  new  benchmarks  for innovation   strategic  partnerships  to position  the
        during  LEAP  2025  to  drive  innovation   in  the  aviation  sector."  Simon Zousiyi,   Kingdom as a global logistics and tourism
        and  digital  transformation in  the  aviation   Deputy  CEO  of  Huawei  Saudi,  added:  "At   hub. The partnership highlights the critical
        sector.  This  strategic  partnership  is  set   Huawei, we believe that technology has the   role  of technology-driven  collaborations
        to  revolutionize  airport  operations  and   power  to transform industries  and  create   in  shaping  the  future  of industries.  With
        passenger  experiences  by  leveraging   smarter, more  sustainable  ecosystems.   this MoU, KSIADC and Huawei are poised
        Huawei's  global  expertise  in  Information   This  collaboration  with  KSIADC  reflects   to  lead  the  transformation  of  the  aviation
        and  Communication  Technology  (ICT)   our commitment  to delivering  innovative   sector, setting a global benchmark for smart
        and  KSIADC's  leadership  in  transforming   ICT solutions tailored to the unique needs   airport solutions. Huawei also showcased
        King  Salman  International  Airport  into  a   of the  aviation  sector.  Together, we aim   its  innovations  at  LEAP  2025,  held  from
        state-of-the-art  aviation  hub. Spanning   to build a next-generation airport that not   February 9th  to 12th  in  Riyadh, where it
        an  impressive  57  square  kilometers,  King   only  enhances  operational  excellence  but   demonstrated  how its  holistic  approach
        Salman International Airport is envisioned   also  redefines  the  passenger  experience,   to digital transformation is revolutionizing
        as  one  of the  world’s largest  and most   setting a new standard for smart airports   industries  with  next-generation  solutions.
        advanced aviation hubs. The development   globally. This partnership aligns seamlessly   The company’s diverse range of offerings
        will feature six runways, six terminals, and   with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, and we are   caters to the  evolving demands  of smart
        an  iconic  terminal  designed  to  redefine   proud  to contribute to this  transformative   cities, healthcare, education, and industrial
        the  passenger  experience.  It  will  also   journey."  The  MoU  reflects  the  shared   sectors, with  a strong emphasis  on
        include a private aviation hub, a cargo and   vision  of KSIADC and  Huawei to harness   delivering  intelligent  infrastructure  that
        logistics  center, and  an integrated  airport   the power of technology to drive innovation   promotes  sustainability  and  enhances
        city  that  combines  residential,  hospitality,   and  sustainability  in  the  aviation  industry.   operational efficiency.
        retail,  entertainment,  office,  logistics,  and
        industrial  assets.  This  comprehensive
        vision  positions the  airport  as  a global
        gateway for  business,  tourism, and
        logistics.  The  collaboration  will  focus on
        integrating  advanced  technologies  such
        as  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI),  Internet  of
        Things  (IoT)  and  Private  5G-Advanced
        (5G-A)  to  enhance  operational  efficiency
        and elevate  passenger  services. It  also
        includes the development of an AI-powered
        digital  guest  platform to streamline
        interactions,  improve  wayfinding,  and
        offer personalized  services.  Additionally,
        the partnership aims to incorporate smart
        infrastructure solutions Private and IoT into
        airport  operations,  while  exploring  future
        innovations such as predictive analytics and
        advanced biometrics to ensure scalability
        and  adaptability  for evolving  needs.
        Linda  Schucroft,  VP  of  Digital  Innovation
        of KSIADC, said:  "This  partnership  with
        Huawei represents a significant milestone
        in  our journey  to  transform King  Salman
        International Airport into a global leader in

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