Page 32 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 32


                                             Eutelsat Partners with NIGCOMSAT to Launch

                                             LEO Satellite Services in Nigeria

        Eutelsat  Group,  a global  leader  in  satellite  communications  and   applications  like remote communications,  mobile connectivity,
        Nigerian  Communications  Satellite  Limited  (NIGCOMSAT)  are   and offshore operations. Commenting on the development, Cyril
        proud to  announce  a  groundbreaking  multi-year, multi-million-  Dujardin, President of the Connectivity Business Unit at Eutelsat
        dollar partnership to deliver low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite services   Group says, "We are honored to partner with NIGCOMSAT in this
        in  Nigeria.  This  strategic  agreement  positions  NIGCOMSAT  as   transformative initiative to enhance digital inclusion in Nigeria. LEO
        Nigeria's leading satellite service provider by leveraging the OneWeb   satellites are vital for providing fast, reliable connectivity in remote
        LEO network to deliver high-speed, low-latency connectivity. The   and underserved areas. This collaboration underscores Eutelsat's
        services will cater to a wide range of sectors, including government,   commitment to driving  global  digital  transformation. We  look
        enterprises,  and underserved  rural  areas,  supporting  essential   forward to a long, fruitful relationship with NIGCOMSAT." On her
                                                               part, NIGCOMSAT's Managing Director/CEO, Jane Nkechi Egerton-
                                                               Idehen, stated that, "We are delighted to deepen our collaboration
                                                               with Eutelsat, a globally renowned satellite technology leader. This
                                                               partnership is a milestone for NIGCOMSAT, enabling us to bridge
                                                               Nigeria’s  digital  divide  through the  cutting-edge  capabilities  of
                                                               OneWeb LEO satellites. Together, we will deliver scalable, reliable
                                                               connectivity solutions to foster growth across government services,
                                                               businesses and communities nationwide." This partnership attests
                                                               to the strong ties between Nigeria and France in advancing satellite
                                                               and space technology. By joining forces, Eutelsat and NIGCOMSAT
                                                               are  poised  to drive  innovation,  accelerate  digital transformation,
                                                               and open new opportunities for connectivity across Nigeria and

        Eutelsat, Partners Claim Satellite 5G First

        Eutelsat  Group, Mediatek,  and  Airbus   and traditional sources would open the way   we are now another step closer to bringing
        Defence  and  Space conducted what  they   to “ubiquitous connectivity with economies   the  next  generation  of  3GPP-based  NR-
        asserted  as  the  world’s  first  successful   of  scale”  benefiting  smartphone  users,   NTN  satellite  wideband  connectivity  for
        trial of a 5G non-terrestrial-network (NTN)   the  automotive  industry, and  other  IoT   commercial  use.”  The  move  is  the  latest
        connection involving a commercial fleet of   deployments.  Head  of wireless  system   in the competitive NTN space, with major
        low Earth  orbit  satellites.  In  a  statement,   and  ASIC  engineering  at  Mediatek  players announcing regular breakthroughs
        Eutelsat  positioned  the  demonstration  as   Mingxi  Fan  noted,  “By  making  real-world   and  operators looking  skywards  in  their
        paving the way for deployment of a 5G NTN   connections  with  LEO  satellites  in  orbit,   ambitions for ubiquitous coverage.
        standard, which enables  interoperability
        between   satellite  and   terrestrial
        infrastructure. Eutelsat used its commercial
        OneWeb  LEO  fleet  for  the  test,  during
        which a 5G  user terminal  was connected
        to  the  core  by  a  satellite  link,  with  traffic
        exchanged.  Alongside  equipment  and
        work  from the  trio, they used  technology
        from Taiwan-based  Industrial  Technology
        Research Institute (ITRI), Sharp, and Rohde
        &  Schwarz.  The  companies  employed
        the  Ku-band,  a  range  commonly  used  in
        satellite  communications.  Eutelsat  chief
        engineering   officer   Arlen   Kassighian
        noted the demonstration would help pave
        “the  way for  new applications in  future
        constellations.”  The  company  added
        compatibility  of 5G  supplied  from space

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