Page 87 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 87


        5G Standards Groups Tweak Process Amid COVID-19 Outbreak

        3GPP, the  main global  body that    agree  on  specific  technical  parameters   10 or 15 people gathered around to argue
        prepares  specifications  for  new  wireless   is a challenge, and when you remove the   or discuss a topic at a faster pace than in
        technologies, is experiencing first-hand the   ability to meet face-to-face,  the time it   the bigger  meeting,  where a  chairperson
        pitfalls of having to take what historically   takes  to  reach  consensus  gets  longer.   oversees the flow and delegates raise their
        were  productive face-to-face meetings   Signals Research Group (SRG) opined in a   hands for a chance at the mic. The typical
        and do them in an electronic format.     report in March that from its perspective,   plenary meeting nowadays includes about
        The  organization,  whose  participants   there are a few pros and cons associated   300 people, where the scope of the work
        hail from all corners of the world, started   with e-meetings.  3GPP  delegates seem   and  timeline  get  discussed.  Then  there
        going electronic back when the COVID-19   more willing to  compromise on non-  are working group meetings  where the
        shutdown was primarily confined to China.   controversial agenda items, and frivolous   actual  technical  discussions  take  place.
        Chinese  contributors, including  Huawei,   comments are  reduced  because  it  takes   Some group meetings, like the RAN 1 for
        are  a  big  part  of the work  that  3GPP   a  lot  more  effort  to  write  an  email  than   example,  host  500-600  people.  The  size
        conducts. In February, the 3GPP leadership   to stand up, grab a mic and start talking.   of these groups has been increasing with
        announced that second-quarter meetings,   However, “the downside,  and it is  huge,   5G, due  in  part  to  all  the new verticals
        originally scheduled  to  be in  China, were   is  that  e-meetings  are  very  inefficient   looking for new  business opportunities
        being  relocated  to  other  locations.  That   overall, and it  is  virtually  impossible  to   and the emergence  of more companies
        was  before meetings for the foreseeable   reach agreement on controversial agenda   in the supply chain.  3GPP  leadership  in
        future went electronic. The impact of going   items,” wrote SRG CEO Michael Thelander.    March announced  a  shift in the timeline
        mostly virtual?  A meeting  that  originally   Pani  said face-to-face meetings  are a   for  some  of  their  releases.  The  Release
        was  to  last  one week stretched  into two   great way to keep  things  moving along   16 Stage 3 freeze was pushed back three
        as it required a mix of email discussions   and eventually reach consensus.  “It’s   months to June. They had already decided
        – hundreds of them – followed  by    a lot simpler  for people  to converge   that the RAN1 working  group  meeting  in
        conference  calls,  according to Diana   when they’re face to face. By email, I can   May  will  primarily  focus  on Release 16
        Pani, senior director of 5G Standards and   continue to say no, no, no, no all the time.   maintenance  items rather than spending
        Research at  Interdigital.  Pani chronicled   It’s a lot easier to say no if you don’t see the   time on new Release 17 study items, which
        the situation in a blog. There are plenty of   person face to face,” she said. If you see a   were on the docket, according to SRG.
        online  tools that they and everyone  else   person face to face, you’re more prone to   The  important  thing  is  that  the  Release
        can use  to accommodate  meetings with   find  ways  to  compromise.  During  regular   16  ASN.1  freeze  date in  June  remains
        a  large audience, but they  aren’t  doing   meetings  – before the  novel coronavirus   unchanged, according to Pali. Some of the
        video calls  because it  takes up so  much   swept over the world –  3GPP  delegates   items to be considered for Release 17 are
        bandwidth  and they  experienced a  lot  of   would hold regular  coffee breaks,  one in   related to V2X; satellite communications
        connection issues during earlier attempts   the morning and one in the afternoon, and   to  extend  coverage  to  remote  areas;  AR/
        to connect folks all over the globe. Suffice   that’s where a lot of the side discussions   VR for things like gaming; and operations
        it to say, getting hundreds of engineers to   took place. There might be a few or up to   at higher frequencies, she said.

        Switzerland Plans 5G Emissions Monitoring

                                             population  from non-ionizing  radiation   new environmental medical advice center
                                             by maintaining its limits. While noting 5G   for non-ionizing radiation. It  also plans
                                             can play an important role in digitalization,   to  simplify  and  harmonize  enforcement,
                                             it  said  it  had taken concerns  raised by   provide  better  information  for  the
                                             some  citizens  about  the  technology   population,  and intensify research on the
                                             into consideration.  Going  forward, the   health effects of mobile  communications
                                             Federal  Department of Environment,   and  radiation.  The  council  tasked  DETEC
                                             Transport,  Energy  and  Communications   with submitting a report providing options
                                             (DETEC)  will  develop  an  enforcement   for the sustainable design of mobile radio
                                             aid  based on test  measurements on   networks by the end of 2021. In February,
        Switzerland’s Federal  Council  decided   adaptive antennas. Until  completion,   officials  denied  claims  the  country
        to  keep current 5G  radiation exposure   such antennas will  need  to  be  assessed   had implemented a  national ban on 5G
        limits,  while unveiling plans  to  further   as  conventional.  The  government  also   deployments. Swisscom, Sunrise  and
        monitor the effects of the next-generation   decided to implement a range of measures   Salt Mobile won 5G radio frequencies  in
        mobile technology.  In  a  statement, the   including further development of radiation   February 2019, in an auction which netted
        cabinet explained  it  aimed to  protect the   exposure monitoring  and creation of a   CHF380 million ($389 million).

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