Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 84


        Channel Islands’ Pan Island Regulatory Body to Demerge

        From July 2020  the Channel  Islands   Competition  Regulatory  Authority (JCRA)   demerge, the CICRA noted that a decision
        Competition  and Regulatory Authorities   and the Guernsey  Competition and   to withdraw from the model of a pan island
        (CICRA)  will revert to being  separate   Regulatory  Authority (GCRA) inked a   body had been made by the Jersey Minister
        authorities,  the body has  announced.  As   memorandum  of  understanding  (MoU)   for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport
        noted  in  TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms   designed  to  facilitate  closer  working   & Culture, with the Guernsey Committee for
        Database,  the  CICRA  was   formed  between them.  Now, however, in a press   Economic  Development  having accepted
        in December  2010, after the  Jersey   release revealing that the joint entity is to   that decision.

        Montenegro Eyeing 5G Rollout in 2022

        Montenegro is likely to see 5G launches by   this year with an eye on holding auctions   have expressed interest in conducting 5G
        the end of 2022, with the regulator looking   in the second half of 2021. EKIP executive   trials  this  year.  The  regulator  hopes  that
        to outline a roadmap this year. Local news   director  Darko  Grgurovic  confirmed  that   operator trials  will  demonstrate  potential
        outlet Vijesti  reports  that  the Agency  for   the  government  is planning  to auction   applications  of the technology  for both
        Electronic  Communications  and  Postal   frequencies  in  the  700MHz,  3.5GHZ  and   consumers and businesses.
        Services  (EKIP)  will  publish  its strategy   26GHz bands. He noted  that operators

        Spain Informs EC of Plan to Postpone 700MHz Release

        The  Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  and   a  process  known as  the Second Digital   when the containment measures adopted
        Digital  Transformation  (Ministerio  de   Dividend.  The  process  involves  changing   to deal with COVID-19 end. In any case, it
        Asuntos  Economicos  y  Transformacion   the frequencies  assigned to television   is stated that it will be the minimum time
        Digital, MINECO) has communicated to the   channels in the 700MHz band, in order for   required to complete the process.’ Fellow
        European Commission (EC) that – due to   the country’s mobile operators to use the   EU countries such as France, Austria and
        the exceptional situation derived from the   spectrum  to deploy future 5G networks.   Portugal have all  postponed  700MHz  5G
        COVID-19 pandemic – it  has decided  to   The  Ministry  notes:  ‘The  communication   auctions in recent weeks, as a result of the
        postpone  the 30  June  2020  release date   to the European Commission explains that   pandemic.
        for the 694MHz-790MHz (700MHz) band,   the new date will be determined based on

        China Operators Make Major RCS Commitment

        China  Mobile,  China  Telecom  and  China   revealing in  a  joint  statement  only the   group  chats.  In addition  to clarifying  the
        Unicom  today  (8  April)  released  a  5G   service would  be included  in future 5G   relevant business functions and technical
        messaging  white paper outlining their   smartphones. Users will be able to switch   requirements,  the operators’  white paper
        commitment  to mandate all  compatible   seamlessly between  RCS  and traditional   suggests  ideas  for developing the 5G
        handsets sold in the country  support   SMS functions. “Together with ecosystem   messaging ecosystem.  RCS is  a  GSMA-
        Rich Communication Services  (RCS).   partners, we  will  start  a  new chapter in   backed messaging platform combining
        The move to adopt the GSMA’s Universal   5G messaging  and further  promote  RCS   the capabilities of SMS with OTT services.
        Profile  specification  is  backed  by  more   applications in China,” the trio said. They   GSMAi  figures  state  88  operators  had
        than 12 major hardware vendors including   added RCS is  necessary  to  support  new   launched  RCS services as  of this  month,
        Huawei; Xiaomi; Vivo; Oppo; ZTE; Lenovo;   5G-enabled  services: the platform can   with  403  million  active  monthly  users.  It
        and Samsung. However, the operators did   also offer features including  messaging   forecast  the  market  value  would  hit  $74
        not set out a  timeframe  for adding  RCS,   over Wi-Fi,  rich media sharing and   billion by 2021.

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