Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 82


        TRAI Demands Prepaid Data as Lockdown Extended

        India’s regulator  pressed  operators  for details of prepaid   after the government extended the stay-home period, The Times
        subscribers’  usage during  a  COVID-19  (coronavirus) lockdown,   of  India  reported.  The  Telecom  Regulatory  Authority  of  India
        seeking to determine what benefits should continue to be offered   (TRAI)  wants  the  data  to  establish  usage  patterns  during  the
                                                               three-week lockdown period, which was due to expire tomorrow
                                                               (17 April) but has since been kept in place until 3 May. There are
                                                               concerns  some  prepaid  users  had been  unable  to top-up  prior
                                                               to the implementation of the lockdown, with TRAI also seeking
                                                               data on how many ran out of credit during the period along with
                                                               the number receiving free credit under operator schemes to keep
                                                               people  connected.  The  newspaper  said  TRAI  had  contacted
                                                               Reliance Jio, Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel, along with state-
                                                               run operators BNSL and MTNL. After reviewing the data, TRAI will
                                                               work out the measures required to ensure prepaid subscribers can
                                                               stay connected during the latest lockdown, it stated. TRAI also
                                                               asked the companies to extend the validity of all prepaid accounts
                                                               until at least 3 May: Reliance Jio, Vodafone Idea and Bharti Airtel
                                                               made such moves when the original stay-home order was issued.

        Macau SIM Registration Ends

        Macau’s  Post  and  Telecommunications   details.  Any accounts  suspended after   mainland China to sign up for services in
        Bureau  (Correios  e  Telecomunicacoes,   Sunday can be re-activated if registration   Macau  and  benefit  from  cheaper  calling
        CTT)  has  reminded  pre-paid  SIM  card   is  then completed before 16  October,  at   rates between all  three territories. As a
        users  that they have until Sunday 19   which date all SIM cards not verified will   result, Macau now has the highest cellular
        April to register their accounts or face   be deactivated permanently.  Macau has   penetration  rate  in  the world,  with  the
        suspension  of services. Under the Cyber   seen  a sharp rise in mobile  subscriber   territory  being  home to  more than four
        Security  Law  No.  13/2019  which  was   numbers  in recent months due to  the   times as many wireless accounts as there
        implemented in December, pre-paid users   growing popularity of cross-border tariffs   are permanent residents.
        were given 120  days  to register their   which allow users based in Hong Kong or

        DIGI Continues Its Protest against 5G Auction Exclusion

        Digi Communications, the Romanian-   bidding application rejected by the NMHH   group is  now ‘even more determined to
        owned  parent  group  of  Hungarian  fixed   in September 2019  for failing  to meet   continue  the legal steps to challenge  the
        and mobile operator DIGI, has  issued a   eligibility  criteria.  Serghei  Bulgac,  CEO   unfair exclusion  from this auction’  and
        statement decrying the recent decision of   of Digi Communications,  said  the group   that  it  ‘requests  the Authority  to  annul
        Hungary’s telecoms regulator to complete   was ‘deeply disappointed by the decision   the  decision  announced  on  Thursday,
        the country’s  5G  mobile auction while   of the NMHH’ and highlighted that a final   to resume the procedure and to assume
        excluding DIGI from the proceedings. The   court verdict was awaited regarding Digi’s   the  role of an equal  arbitrator in the
        National  Media  &  Infocommunications   petition to suspend the auction procedure,   communications  market’.  Meanwhile,
        Authority (Nemzeti  Media-  es  Hirkozlesi   adding  that the group  considers  that ‘by   DIGI (Hungary) is continuing its 4G mobile
        Hatosag,  NMHH)    awarded  Magyar   discouraging  competition  and  blocking   network rollout, having reported recently
        Telekom,  Telenor  Hungary  and  Vodafone   access to a fourth mobile operator on the   on its  website that  it  made its  DIGIMobil
        Hungary  15-year  licenses including 5G   spectrum, the Authority drastically reduces   services  available  in  42  additional
        spectrum  in the 700MHz  and 3600MHz   the chances  of  consumers  purchasing   settlements,  taking the  total on-net
        bands on 26 March despite a pending legal   basic services at competitive prices’. The   footprint to 529 cities and municipalities.
        action from DIGI, which  had its  licence   statement furthermore asserted that  the

                                                                                                      82    APRIL 2020
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