Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        Intertelecom Suing Regulator for Cancelling LTE License

        Ukrainian  CDMA    mobile   operator  deactivate  base stations  in  these areas   confirmed  that  Intertelecom  was  yet  to
        Intertelecom  is  launching  a  legal case   due to losing frequency rights, or else face   pay  UAH193.6  million  (USD6.88  million)
        against the National Commission for   regulatory sanctions for illegally operating   in  licensing  fees, having handed  over
        State  Regulation of  Communications   equipment.  The  NCCIR  announced  on   just  UAH1  million.  The  launch  of  LTE  by
        &  Informatization  (NCCIR/NKRZI)  for   1 April 2020 that it would cancel the LTE   Intertelecom was intended to form part of
        cancelling  its  4G  spectrum  license,  while   license it had allocated to Intertelecom due   the program of 800MHz-900MHz frequency
        the company  will  be forced  to give up   to non-payment of the license fees. On 7   redistribution/refarming   between   four
        certain  regional 3G  CDMA  frequencies   February 2020 Intertelecom was given the   operators including GSM players Kyivstar,
        under  spectrum  refarming agreements   green light from the NCCIR to receive a 4G   Vodafone and Lifecell alongside the CDMA
        between the country’s main cellcos and the   operating license and begin a national LTE   provider. The GSM trio paid for their newly
        regulator,  reports  Liga.Tech.  Intertelecom   network  rollout  using  refarmed  800MHz-  reallocated  technology-neutral  900MHz
        must now  disconnect  9-15  channels in   850MHz  spectrum  whilst  continuing  to   spectrum  licenses  last  month, gaining
        the   Transcarpathian,   Ivano-Frankivsk,   support  existing CDMA  users.  However,   permission  to  launch  LTE-900  services
        Lviv and Volyn regions  and will  have to   by the 1 April payment deadline the NCCIR   from 1 July 2020.

        Italian Cellcos Seek to Extend Licenses

        A trio of  Italian  operators  are looking   eight years.  Meanwhile, rival  operators   other operators for extensions of their own
        to extend their rights to use wireless   Telecom  Italia  (TIM)  and  Vodafone  have   900MHz  licenses, while it  says it  would
        frequencies in the 900MHz and 2100MHz   asked to extend licenses  for 2100MHz   back the extensions for TIM and Vodafone
        bands.  The  country’s  newest  cellco  Iliad,   frequencies, again from end-2021 to end-  with  certain  conditions relating to  the
        which  launched  in  May  2018,  wants  to   2029.  Telecoms  regulator  Agcom  is  in   transition to 5G technology.
        extend its 900MHz license which is due to   favor of lengthening  Iliad’s  concession
        expire on 31 December 2021 for a further   under  the same  terms already offered to

        PTA Sends 811.97 Million Messages to Create Awareness about COVID-19

        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority   COVID-19  Pandemic Relief  Fund-2020’.   to help their  subscribers  stay connected.
        (PTA), under its current ongoing campaign,   Mobile  subscribers  can  donate  Rs  20/  Details  of  these  offers/packages  are
        has  sent  811.97  million  messages  to   SMS by sending a text message on code   being  regularly  updated  on  PTA  website.
        mobile phone  users aimed at  creating   6677.  PTA  is  also  closely  monitoring  the   Prime  Minister  announced  another two-
        awareness  about preventive measures   measures  taken by  all  telecom  operators   week extension  in an ongoing  lockdown.
        against the coronavirus (COVID-19).   amid COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan. The   Now it  will  continue until April 30  due to
        Messages had been sent in Urdu, English   telecom  operators  have launched  many   rising  numbers  of coronavirus cases in
        and regional  languages  for comfort  of   offers/initiatives  for  their  subscribers.   the  country.  The  number  of  coronavirus
        the  PTA  subscribers  across  the  country   Some are offering discounts or temporary   cases, and deaths are way lesser than our
        since March 19. Awareness SMSs in Urdu   upgrades at low or no cost during the crisis   projections due to the lockdown.
        and English  have also  been  sent to  the
        travelers/suspected  persons  who  may
        have come  into contact  with coronavirus
        patients  during  travelling.  Similarly,
        Corona  Awareness  Ring  Back  Tones
        (RBTs)  have  been  initiated  on  131.75
        million  subscribers’  mobile  devices.
        During  the  period,  PTA  has  allocated  12
        different short codes and 6 UAN (Toll Free)
        numbers  to government  entities working
        on  controlling  the  pandemic.  PTA  has
        also facilitated in arranging  donations
        by  Mobile users in ‘Prime Minister’s

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