Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 88


        AT&T Slams FCC’s Plans for 6 GHz Band

        A  lot  of people praised the  FCC  for   devices causing  interference.  Ultimately,   iPhones in places like New York City and
        demonstrating  its  boldness  in voting   it will be public safety, our nation’s critical   getting 100  Mbps  to  those phones  over
        unanimously  Thursday  to  open  up  the  6   infrastructure and consumers  that  will   unlicensed. “I can see that over time, they
        GHz band for unlicensed devices. AT&T’s   pay  the price,”  she added. Up  until the   might well do the same over 6 GHz” to the
        public  policy team was  not among them,   vote,  AT&T  had  been  steadily  submitting   extent  it’s in areas where there won’t be
        accusing  the agency  of putting  critical   comments  and telling  the FCC about  its   interference with small cells and incumbent
        incumbent  services at  risk.  “While   concerns  (PDF).  The  company  disclosed   microwave services,  said analyst  Chris
        we support  use  of this band for Wi-Fi   (PDF) that it holds 8,138 licenses in the 6   DePuy, founder of the 650 Group. “I imagine
        expansion,  any new use  must protect   GHz  fixed  service  (FS)  bands  supporting   they’ll take advantage of it.” There’s also a
        incumbent  services, which in  this  case   backhaul for its mobile networks, as well   good case to be made for mobile operators
        includes tens of thousands of microwave   as  telecom  links  for  its  landline assets.   eventually to use the spectrum for offering
        links  critical to  maintaining network   On the flip side, it's worth noting that JR   fixed  wireless  access  (FWA),  according
        infrastructure. This order does not do that,”   Wilson, Vice President  of tower strategy   to  DePuy.  Verizon, for example, already
        said Joan Marsh, AT&T EVP of Regulatory   and  roaming  at  AT&T,  is  Chairman  of  the   offers a FWA service using the millimeter
        & State External Affairs, in a statement. “By   Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), which   wave  (mmWave)  spectrum.  “The  6  GHz
        failing to require that new Wi-Fi  devices   cheered the FCC’s decision on 6 GHz. AT&T   spectrum  is  a  good  opportunity for the
        using this band include smart technology   also happens  to be one  of the nation’s   mobile operators  to reinvigorate  their
        that  avoids interference,  the FCC’s  order   largest users of Wi-Fi, and Wi-Fi came to   FWA  aspirations, especially in  suburban
        will allow the introduction of devices that   the rescue when AT&T held the exclusive on   and rural areas where there are few
        can impair, or even knock out, links in the   the first iPhone that crushed its network’s   microwave links  that  are active, so they
        networks that monitor  our electric grid,   ability  to  handle  all  that  traffic  way  back   will be able to use that spectrum,” DePuy
        enable  first  responders  to  communicate   then. The FCC’s 6 GHz order puts a lot of   said, suggesting that could happen in the
        and provide mobile broadband  services   emphasis on Wi-Fi  in the beginning,  as   next couple  years.  It’s  not unlike Project
        to millions of Americans,  particularly in   that’s what a lot of the low-powered indoor   Angel,  which  was  an  initiative  that  AT&T
        rural areas,” she said. “Even more troubling   devices  will  use.  But  nothing  prohibits   Wireless undertook before the company
        is the fact that the  FCC has no  plan to   AT&T  and  other  licensed  operators  from   was acquired by Cingular Wireless in 2004.
        mitigate the interference when it inevitably   using the 6 GHz band as well, either for Wi-  “This  is  very  similar,”  DePuy  said,  where
        occurs.  Once millions of these new   Fi  offload  or  technologies  like  LTE,  which   the new 6 GHz spectrum could effectively
        unlicensed devices are released and in use,   they fought hard for via Licensed Assisted   deliver gigabit class service to residential
        it will be impracticable, if not impossible,   Access (LAA) in 5 GHz. AT&T already uses   areas.
        for the FCC to identify and remove specific   the 5 GHz band to connect small cells with

        China Telecom Fights for US License

        China  Telecom’s  US  subsidiary  argued
        any move to terminate an interconnection
        license in the country would be unlawful,
        after   officials   pressed   the   Federal
        Communications  Commission  (FCC) to
        block the company on security  grounds.
        In a filing, China Telecom Americas’ (CTA)
        lawyers said  any  move  to  withdraw  its
        permit without the opportunity to put
        its  case to a  judge  would contravene  its
        “constitutionally  protected  liberties,”  and   which it held since 2007. In a statement,   and  where  it  stored  US  records.  The
        damage its reputation. The lawyers asked   the agencies  cited “substantial  and   recommendation  came  less than a week
        the FCC to confirm no action will be taken   unacceptable  national security and law   after US President Donald Trump ordered
        until  CTA  is  notified  of  the  allegations   enforcement  risks” associated  with the   the creation of a  special committee to
        against it and given a chance to respond.   company’s  operations.  They  pointed   review telecoms licenses and applications
        Its request comes after the Departments of   to concerns  it is vulnerable  to Chinese   to pinpoint potential national  security
        Justice, Homeland Security, Defence, State   government  influence,  and alleged  the   threats. While the  committee provides
        and Commerce on 9  April jointly  urged   company  made inaccurate  statements   recommendations,  the  FCC  has  the  final
        the  FCC  to  withdraw  CTA’s  authorization,   about  its  Cybersecurity  practices  say.

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