Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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        Bangladesh (AMTOB). Mobile carriers are already observing trends   in  recent  times.  The  commission  has  the  authority  to  allocate
        in usage patterns that may leave a dent on their overall revenue, it   spectrum on credit but the operators will have to pay the price in
        said. Last week carriers slashed data pack tariffs by up to 50 per   line with the rate that has been determined by auction, the BTRC
        cent following a request from the telecom regulator, which has   chief said. "It is true that spectrum price is higher in Bangladesh
        resulted in data usage growth of around 20 per cent. Although   but we have nothing to do with it. Only the government has the
        data usage is growing rapidly, data monetization is still low for   authority to revise it or give it to someone for free," Haque added.
        carriers, said  SM  Farhad, secretary-general of the association.   The total number of mobile phone top-ups through retail channels
        Over the last couple of days, voice calls have dropped by up to   has declined by around 20 per cent due to people limiting their
        20  per  cent.  This  is  particularly  worrying,  Farhad  said.  "Mobile   movements,  Farhad said.  Although  telecom  has been  declared
        operators have discussed the matter with the commission but we   an emergency service during this crisis period, law enforcement
        have said that the BTRC does not have the authority to come up   agencies  are imposing  restrictions  on  top-up  shops  in some
        with a decision like it," said Md Jahurul Haque, chairman of the   places as part of the nationwide lockdown and this is maybe due
        regulatory body, regarding the demand on revenue sharing waiver   to the ignorance about the government directives, he said. "These
        request.  "Their  expectations  are  not  unrealistic,"  he  told  The   obstacles are hampering our retail operations, especially the top-
        Daily Star. Haque suggested that the carriers discuss the matter   up or recharge services." The operators urged the law enforcers
        with policymakers. "In my personal view, only the prime minister   to extend  their  cooperation  for the  smooth  functioning  of the
        can  give  a  decision  about  it."  The  BTRC,  according  to  Haque,   top-up stores and other recharge outlets. Mobile operators  are
        can do two things -- give some time to the operators to share   encouraging  customers to avail top-ups  through  other  options
        the  revenue  and allow the  revenue  to be  paid in installments.   such as mobile financial services, electronic money transfers and
        Operators have sought 5 megahertz of spectrum from the 2100   mobile applications. (April 5, 2020)
        band as customers are consuming at least 20 per cent more data


        The  National  Communications  Regulatory  Authority  issued  a   1.  Tik Tok: It is an application that is a favorite destination for
        report showing high indicators of the use of telecommunications   videos for users on mobile phones, and the percentage of
        services,  in light of the precautionary measures and the    using this application increased by 194%.
        application of the curfew during the month of March and April,   2.  Games: Online gaming applications have increased their
        and the completion of the educational  process  for school  and   usage rate by 96%.
        university students with the distance learning system; where the   3.  Netflix: The global platform for watching movies; the use
        report shows a significant increase in internet consumption and   of this app has increased by 69%.
        its applications during the period of the ban and heavy loading On   4.  YouTube: a site to watch and download free videos and
        communication networks, it will increase peak hours as a result   videos, watch, share and comment  on them, and this
        of the application of the curfew and the subscribers stay longer in   application has increased by 41%.
        the home. The comparison of the telecom services indicators in   5.  Witness:  An Arab platform that provides video  and
        the second week of April with the second week of March shows   watching movies and series services in the Middle East,
        the following:                                               and this application has increased by 40%.
        Voice calls:                                              6.  Applications of social networking sites and networks:
        •  Increase in international voice calls by 15%              •  Facebook: 151% increase in application usage.
        •  Increase in local voice calls by 3%                       •  Instagram: The application has increased by 59%.
         Internet:                                                   •  WhatsApp: Increase application usage by 34%.
        •  Increase in home internet consumption by 87%.       The  rate  of  browsing  the  educational  sites  of  the  ministries
        •  Yads in mobile internet consumption by 18%          of  Education  and  Technical  Education,  Higher  Education
        Peak time:                                             and  Scientific  Research  increased  to  376.4%  in  the  second
        The number of peak time hours for using Internet services and   week  of  April  compared  to  the  second  week  of  March.  The
        applications has doubled to 15 hours per day from 12 noon to   National  Communications  Regulatory  Authority  confirms
        3 am during the second week of April compared to only 7 hours   that it  is  in constant  coordination  with the four  companies,
        during the second week of March.                       telecommunications service providers, to monitor the increases in
        The increase in internet consumption was as follows:   the usage indicators on a daily basis and to absorb any emergency
        •  Web Browsing increased by 131%.                     increases that do not affect the quality of services provided to
        •  The significant increase in the use of Internet applications and   citizens It is worth noting that the Ministry of Communications
           the rates of increase in their use, the most important of which   and Information Technology had launched a number of initiatives
           are:                                                to support the distance learning system, in coordination between

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