Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 92


        the National Communications Regulatory Authority and the four   Scientific Research, and the provision of free digital platforms to
        companies  providing  telecommunications  services in Egypt   host scientific materials and lectures for students Schools and
        and in coordination with the ministries of education and higher   universities, in addition to offering incentive offers to citizens by
        education; where 20% monthly download capacities were added   giving 30 times the balance charged minutes and free units for
        with home internet subscriptions For individuals at a cost of 200   citizens when charging with electronic payment methods.
        million pounds, free access was also made to the websites of the   (April 20, 2020)
        Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and


        Iran’s  state-run  TV  broadcaster  is  reportedly  refusing  to   years … but they have not cooperated.’ The Iranian government
        cooperate  with authorities  to release  spectrum  for future 5G   has  imposed severe restrictions  on internet  use in the past,
        services. A report from Radio Farda says that Islamic Republic   encouraging users to instead access a state-controlled national
        of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) has permits for 5G-capable 700MHz   intranet service which carries sanctioned content and is separate
        and 800MHz frequencies which are not being used, but it is not   from the World Wide Web. For many years, internet connectivity
        cooperating with the Ministry of Information and Communication   was  throttled to narrowband  speeds  for most users,  while the
        Technology  (MICT)  to  free  the  spectrum  for  reallocation  to   main cellcos MCI and MTN Irancell had to wait until September
        cellcos.  ICT  Minister  Mohammad  Javad  Jahromi  is  quoted  as   2015 before being permitted to launch 4G wireless networks.
        saying: ‘We’ve been trying to get hold of the frequencies for three   (April 24, 2020)


        Jordan improves its  remote  learning infrastructure fast,  taking   hoc plan to ensure the continuity of public and private university
        into account the current situation with coronavirus in the region.   education.  To  summarize  NPC  meeting,  Jordan  formed  three
        King Abdullah who chaired the recent National Policies Council   main teams to safeguard the  national economy;  oversee  basic
        (NPC) meeting  hailed the remote approach to the learning  and   services,  including  education,  higher  education,  health,  water
        urged  to enhance  the  whole  system. In Jordan,  the  distance   and electricity; and provide legal, administrative, field and media
        learning  procedures at  universities and schools  become   support to all sectors and task forces. (April 13, 2020)
        the  common  practice  under  the  nationwide  lockdown,  Petra
        news  agency  reported.  To  curb  the  coronavirus  spreading,  the   In a fourth meeting of the Crisis Cell for the Telecommunications
        students across  the kingdom have the brilliant opportunity to   Sector  in the presence  of representatives from the
        study from home. No need to worry because the technical and   telecommunications companies Zain, Orange, Umniah to discuss
        methodological base from the government is a must, said King   all developments related to the telecommunications sector in light
        Abdullah. Jordanian ruler called for assisting exporters to meet   of the circumstances the Kingdom is going through, and the reports
        their obligations in terms of exports without negatively affecting   and technical data issued by the authority showed a remarkable
        the needs of the local market, the Royal Court statement said. The   improvement in The performance and quality of licensed cellular
        NPC meeting, attended by HRH Crown Prince Hussein, covered   networks and with the testimony of major companies of global
        the need  for the government  and concerned  stakeholders  to   telecommunications  system  providers, and  these results come
        enhance remote learning infrastructure and content for university   as a result of the Authority's implementation of several proactive
        students.  The  Jordanian  authorities  should  ensure  an  easy   measures  to  ensure the permanence  of cellular networks to
        access through reliable telecom network coverage, according to   function fully during the exceptional circumstances experienced
        a Royal Court statement. During Sunday's meeting, King Abdullah   by the Kingdom  .The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of
        reiterated the need for a dedicated team to follow up on distance   the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Dr. Eng. Ghazi Al-
        learning for university students to continuously improve it based   Jabour stressed the ability of the network system in the Kingdom
        on feedback from students and university professors. In addition,   to resist the pressures of use that occurred during the last period,
        the monarch urged Cabinet to work on meeting the basic needs   where daily data traffic increased by (1260) terabytes, or by (31%)
        of daily labourers during  the crisis caused  by the COVID-19   over the cellular networks for the fourth generation On its own,
        infection. Prime Minister Omar Razzaz said that the Ministry of   the improvement  in the rate of increase in download  speeds
        Higher  Education  and  Scientific  Research  has  prepared  the  ad   ranged between 36% and 73% between cellular companies, which

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