Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 85


        African Telecommunications  Union  Calls for Harmonized Action  by

        Telecommunications Regulators and Operators in Africa

        The  African  Telecommunications  Union   radio and television, cable television,   providers must have redundancy networks
        (ATU), a specialized agency of the African   emergency  radio, amateur radio, satellite   to  handle  traffic  from  other  providers
        Union in the field of telecommunications,   direct broadcast, and digital  signage   that  experience  difficulties.  Broadcasters
        has put together a set of guidelines to assist   networks (highway  signs, billboards,   should  support  communication  and
        in combating  the Coronavirus disease   automobile and rail traffic control), among   messaging  strategies to the public  in
        (COVID-19) pandemic that every Member   others.                           coordination with  all  the other  agencies
        State should consider.  Africa has  so  far   2.   Collaborative   Practical   Measures   that are involved.
        recorded relatively few coronavirus cases   Regulators should adopt the following:  (d)  Amateur  radio  operators  and
        compared to the rest of the world. Twenty-  (a) Network Capacity          simplification of type-approval processes
        seven  African  countries  have recorded   Fixed  and mobile  telephony  providers   Radio amateurs are community  based
        over 357 coronavirus cases, according to   should  reserve some dedicated  network   and should be involved in the information
        the World Health Organization on Thursday   capacity which should be made available   dissemination  mitigation processes  for
        19th March 2020. Egypt leads in cumulated   free of charge to the authorities handling   COVID-19. Any type-approval acceptance
        confirmed cases at 196, South Africa 116,   COVID-19.                     could  be waived during  the period  of
        Algeria  72,  Morocco  49,  and  Senegal  36.   (b) Emergency Numbers     emergency  for equipment  to  be used
        Other countries with over ten cases include   Fixed  and mobile  telephony  providers   by  amateur radio operators  or those
        Tunisia, Burkina Faso, D.R. Congo, Rwanda   should  implement  and  enable  the  processes simplified in order to gain time,
        and Cameroon. However, Heads of States   emergency  numbers,  for example 119,   for example, not subjecting such equipment
        and Governments  across the continent   for voice messaging and promote short   to taxation at  all.  Regulatory  authorities
        are taking no chances  as  they  race to   message service  (SMS)  as  an  alternative   should recognize foreign type approvals
        stop the spread of the virus by sensitizing   to telephony  communications  during  this   to expedite the process  and rely on the
        their citizens about the pandemic and   period. Emergency  agencies  – such as   guidelines  of  the  ITU  Telecommunication
        the various ways  to  combat the disease.   police,  ministries  of health and  hospitals   Standardization Sector (ITU-T).
        Globally,  telecoms/ICTs  have  become  a   should  adequately  size their network   3. Streamlined Regulation Processes
        pillar in the prevention, preparedness and   capacity, e.g. lines and access trunks,   Rapid response in the wake of a disaster
        response  to the COVID-19  pandemic.   to  offer  an  efficient  service  when  call   is critical. Consequently, regulators should
        The  ATU,  through  the  Secretary-General,   demand is high. Also, telecommunication   streamline the process to allow telecom/
        Mr.  John Omo,  is  urging the Ministries   providers and amateur radio operators   ICT  services  to  be  available  as  soon  as
        of  ICT,  through  the  telecommunications   need to perform periodic emergency drills   possible.  The  following  strategies  should
        regulators  and operators  in the Member   together. The public should adequately be   be considered by regulators:
        States,  to consider  implementing  the   informed of the availability of the service   (a) Telecom/ICT services licensing
        following  recommendations/guidelines  to   free of charge.               As  the  continents  fight  the  COVID-19
        fight COVID-19 pandemic:             © Guidelines for action during emergencies  pandemic,  the  telecom/ICT  regulatory
        1. Activation  of the Common  Alerting   Calls  to  emergency numbers  should  be   authority  should  urgently  grant  telecom/
        Protocol (CAP)                       free. Local  and long-distance  backbone   ICT   service   licenses   necessary   to
        Regulators  should  implement   the
        Common  Alerting Protocol  (CAP) to
        enable  authorities  to effectively prevent
        and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The
        CAP involves the use  of multiple  modes
        of communication  to educate  Members
        of  the public including  vulnerable  groups
        about the disease as well as the preventive
        measures.  The  CAP  will  make  it  possible
        for members of the public to receive CAP-
        originated information in many ways, such
        as through mobile and landline telephones,
        Internet  (e-mail,  Google,  Facebook,
        Twitter,  WhatsApp,  smartphone  apps,
        online advertising, Internet of Things (IoT)
        devices,  in-home  smart  speakers, etc.),
        sirens (in-building or outdoor),  broadcast

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