Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                              IN SAMENA REGION


        The  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  of  Bahrain   that 60% of all disputes received last year were related to Mobile
        announced the publication of their latest Quality of Service Report,   services,  whereas  Broadband  disputes  made  up  24%,  Fixed
        shedding  light on the  progress of 5G Networks. A comparison   Line services made up 11%, and 5% to other disputes  such as
        between  4G  and  5G  performance  shows  average  speeds  of   calling cards. TRA Director of Consumer Affair & Media Shaikh
        approximately 80 megabits per second compared to 5G’s average   Abdulla Bin Humood Al Khalifa stated that “Consumer Protection
        of approximately 600 megabits per second, though records higher   and Awareness, as well as ensuring compliance among service
        than 1 GB per second were observed. According to the report, the   providers is a main pillar of the TRA’s Mission, and we take every
        availability of modern telecommunications services and ensuring   precaution  to ensure that consumers are represented  fairly.”
        their quality are critical elements for the success of the Kingdom   Shaikh Abdulla  further  added  that, “We have consistently  been
        of Bahrain’s digital economy. Such services are heavily used and   spreading awareness among consumers to enable them to make
        will be used even further with the growth of IOT by consumers   informed decisions and depend on the TRA to handle consumer
        in the Kingdom of Bahrain.The report included some important   disputes in the sector. These efforts have been successful thus
        observations about the coverage of 5G Networks. It showed the   far, as the  rise in the  number  of complaints  reflects  that more
        coverage areas on the map of Bahrain to enable the consumer to   and  more  consumers  are  becoming  aware  of  our  role.”  TRA
        know the current coverage areas, which is expected to increase   also continued its efforts to enhance communication channels
        in the near future.  Commenting on the report, Eng.  Mohamed   between TRA and all consumer segments and improve the level
        Alnoaimi, TRA’s Director of Technical & Operations, stated that   of services provided to them, as it launched the video call service
        “This report and audit is something we carry out regularly in the   to subscribers with special needs to facilitate the communication
        interest  of monitoring the current state  of mobile coverage in   process  and educate  them of their rights as  consumers  in the
        the kingdom, giving consumers insight into decisions on which   telecom sector. TRA’s Consumer Call Center (81188) has received
        operator  covers  their area  best,  and serves their needs.”  He   more than 31,000 calls since its inception, with an average of 96%
        further  added  that  “This  time  around,  we’ve  covered  the  latest   success rate of responses to the calls. “Mobile services represent
        results on how 5G adoption is progressing and developing, and   the largest segment of disputes on a consistent basis, year on
        the information we’ve gathered will be important to consumers   year.” Says Amna Al Ghatam, TRA Manager of Consumer Affairs.
        and  businesses  deciding  whether it’s  time  to  transfer wireless   “Statistically, Mobile subscriptions outnumber every other service
        internet services from 4G to 5G technologies, and the data speaks   in the sector, thus this is expected, paired with the fact that mobile
        for itself.” (April 21, 2020)               service disputes comprise of mobile data, calls, coverage, billing
                                                               and roaming, among other factors. We expect dispute cases to
        According  to  the  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority’s   continue rising as our awareness efforts continue. We welcome
        latest  statistics,  1,597  consumer  disputes  out  of  1,604  were   and urge consumers to approach us with any issues they face
        resolved  by  the  TRA  in  2019,  an  89%  increase  in  number  of   with their telecom services by escalating their disputes through
        disputes from 2018. The TRA’s Consumer Affairs arm determined   our channels.” (April 1, 2020)


        Mobile phone  operators  have asked the telecom  regulator to   the government at least for a couple of months so that they can
        allocate some spectrum for free for the time being, reasoning that   tackle the fallout of the coronavirus. Mobile carriers share 6.5 per
        their network had become busier for a surge in data use amid   cent  of  their  gross  revenue  with  the  government.  The  telecom
        the  novel  coronavirus-induced  ongoing  lockdown.  The  carriers   sector is experiencing challenges similar to what all other areas of
        also  requested  Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory   the economy are going through due to the coronavirus pandemic,
        Commission (BTRC) to exempt them from sharing revenue with   according  to  the  Association  of  Mobile  Telecom  Operators  of

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