Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 81


        Somalia Launches Coordination Committee on ICT Policy and Strategy

        The  Ministry  of  Post,  Telecom  and   development goals of Somalia. They also   this trend will  be  maintained to some
        Technology  (MPTT)  has  launched  the   noted that after the inaugural meeting, the   extent even if  the negative impact  of the
        National Coordination Committee (NCC) on   NCC would develop a work plan that can   pandemic is overcome,” said the minister
        the implementation of the ICT Policy and   be implemented  despite  the COVID-19   adding  that  "the plans outlined in the
        Strategy that was approved by the Cabinet.   lockdown.  The  Committee  has  finally   Policy, such as e-health, e-education, and
        The  NCC  consisting  of  representatives   approved their terms of reference.  Abdi   e-government  are more important  today
        from  the  federal  ministries  of  Posts  &   Ashur Hassan, Minister for Post, Telecom   than they were when  we developed  the
        Telecom   (Chair);   Planning;   Finance;   and  Technology,  urged  the  Committee   Policy in 2019”. The Policy implementation
        Interior and Federal  Affairs; Information;   members to  take this  responsibility   comes  at  a  time when  every sector  is
        Central  Bank;  National  Communications   seriously and work  hard to coordinate   trying to automate to maintain  social
        Authority;  and  Office  of  Prime  Minister;   the initiatives  of all  stakeholders,  both   distancing.  The  Policy’s  main  areas  of
        was  set up to assist  in the successful   in the public and private  sectors, to help   priority include: e-health,  e-education,
        implementation of the Policy that is aimed   our country move fast in ICT. "One of the   e-skills, e-agriculture, e-commerce, digital
        at  advancing  the  use  of  ICT  as  a  social   lessons COVID-19 taught us is to use ICT   transformation in government,  and local
        and economic development tool. Ministry   more than  ever  before.  We were forced   content development.
        representatives highlighted the importance   to use virtual  meetings  and learning to
        of the  Policy for the  socio-economic   help life continue smoothly. It is expected

        California  Public  Utilities  Commission  Approves  T-Mobile-Sprint  Merger,

        Applies ‘Extensive’ Conditions

        The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has belatedly   ensure  that  T-Mobile  delivers  on  its  promises  to  consumers’,
        approved the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile US, after applying an   including requirements for faster speeds, broader coverage, job
        ‘extensive’ list of conditions. Although the transaction closed on 1   creation and offerings for low-income customers. Going forward,
        April – T-Mobile did not want to risk losing its in-place financing   the merged company must:
        – the  CPUC warned  the  mobile giants to refrain  from merging   •  Provide 5G wireless service with speeds of at least 100Mbps to
        their Californian operations until a decision had been made, as per   99% of California’s population by the end of 2026, and 300Mbps
        Section 854 of the Public Utilities Code. The CPUC has now voted   to 93% by the end of 2024.
        to approve the merger, after applying a number of conditions to   •  Provide 5G wireless service with speeds of at least 100Mbps
        ‘mitigate the potential adverse  impacts on competition  and to   to 85% of California’s rural population, and speeds of at least
                                                                 50Mbps available to 94% of California’s rural population, by the
                                                                 end of 2026.
                                                               •  Make  fixed  home  internet  access  available  to  at  least  2.3
                                                                 million California  households,  of which at  least  123,000  are
                                                                 rural households, within six years.
                                                               •  Maintain  or  improve  current  4G  LTE  service  quality  and
                                                                 coverage for existing customers during the transition to 5G.
                                                               •  Offer the low-income California Lifeline program – a service
                                                                 not currently supported by T-Mobile – for as long as it operates
                                                                 in California and enroll at least 300,000 new Lifeline customers.
                                                               •  Increase jobs in California by at least 1,000 compared to the
                                                                 total number of current Sprint and T-Mobile employees.
                                                               TeleGeography  notes  that  the  US  Federal  Communications
                                                               Commission (FCC) and Department of Justice (DoJ) approved the
                                                               transaction last year with conditions, including the divestiture of
                                                               Boost Mobile and a portion of 800MHz spectrum to DISH Network,
                                                               to allow the latter to establish itself as a national mobile operator.
                                                               A  coalition  of  states,  including  California  and  New  York,  filed  a
                                                               lawsuit  to block  the deal, but US District Judge  Victor Marrero
                                                               ultimately ruled in favor of the deal in February.

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