Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 80


        FCC Outlines Details of Planned US$9 Billion Fund for Rural 5G Rollouts

        Details of plans  under  which up to US$9   million of  whom  already have access to   million reserved to support 5G networks
        billion would be distributed  via  the   major providers’ 5G networks – and would   serving  Tribal  lands  as  part  of  Phase  I.
        Universal Service Fund  to support  the   include  a  special  focus  on deployments   Meanwhile,  a second  phase  would  target
        deployment  of 5G connectivity across   that support precision agriculture’. As per   at  least USD1 billion  in support to bring
        rural America have been published by the   the FCC’s proposals it confirms it intends   wireless connectivity  to  ‘harder  to  serve
        Federal  Communications  Commission   to  make  up  to  USD8  billion  available  in   and higher cost areas, including farms and
        (FCC). With the  regulatory body  having   Phase I, with this funding  to support the   ranches’, with a view to helping facilitate
        adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   rollout of 5G networks in rural areas that   the adoption  of connected  precision
        seeking comment  on establishing the   are unlikely  to  see a  ‘timely’  deployment   agriculture technologies. According to the
        ‘5G  Fund for Rural America’, it  said  that   without  such  support  or  as  benefit   FCC,  the  5G Fund  for Rural America  will
        this fund would  ‘help ensure that  rural   from deployment  commitments that   use a competitive reverse auction format
        Americans  enjoy  the  same  benefits  from   were conditions of its  approval  for the   to  award funding  for wireless broadband
        [the US’]  increasingly digital economy  as   T-Mobile/Sprint  merger.  The  proposed   services, and it  is  seeking  comments
        their urban counterparts – more than 200   5G  Fund  budget  also  includes  USD680   on two  different possible  approaches  to
                                                                                 identifying  eligible areas for the Phase I
                                                                                 reverse auction. The first approach would
                                                                                 see  an  auction  held  in  2021  by  defining
                                                                                 eligible areas based on current data sources
                                                                                 that identify  areas as  particularly rural
                                                                                 and thus in the greatest need of universal
                                                                                 service support; funding  would prioritize
                                                                                 areas  that  have  historically lacked 3G  or
                                                                                 4G  connectivity.  Alternatively,  the  FCC  is
                                                                                 considering the option of delaying the 5G
                                                                                 Fund  Phase I  auction  until at  least 2023,
                                                                                 after  collecting  and processing  improved
                                                                                 mobile broadband coverage data through
                                                                                 the Commission’s new Digital Opportunity
                                                                                 Data Collection.

        FCC Adopts New Rules Approving Use of 6GHz Band for Unlicensed Use

        Having earlier this month published draft   band currently populated by, among other
        rules permitting unlicensed  devices to   things, microwave services that are used to
        operate in the 6GHz (5.925GHz-7.125GHz)   support utilities, public safety, and wireless
        band,  the US Federal  Communications   backhaul, the FCC  notes that  unlicensed
        Commission  (FCC)  has  now  confirmed   devices will  share this  spectrum  with
        their  adoption.  In a press release,  the   incumbent  licensed  services under  rules
        regulator claimed that the new regulations   crafted to protect those licensed services
        – which make 1,200MHz  of spectrum in   and enable both  unlicensed  and  licensed
        the 6GHz  band available for unlicensed   operations to thrive throughout the band.
        use – will  ‘usher in Wi-Fi  6,  the next   The  regulator  noted  that  the  regulatory
        generation of Wi-Fi, and play a major role   decision  authorizes indoor  low-power   across the  6GHz band  to support high
        in  the  growth  of  the  Internet  of  Things’.   operations  over  the full 1,200MHz,  while   data  rate applications including high-
        Further, the FCC claims that opening  the   standard-power devices can operate over   performance, wearable, augmented-reality
        6GHz  band for unlicensed  use will  also   850MHz  in  the  6GHz  band.  Meanwhile,  a   and virtual-reality devices. This notice also
        increase the amount of spectrum available   further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking is   seeks comment on  increasing  the  power
        for Wi-Fi by nearly a factor of five and help   now seeking  comment  on a  proposal to   at which low-power indoor access points
        improve rural connectivity. With the 6GHz   permit very low-power devices to operate   may operate.

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