Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 78


        RAB Receives License Applications from Three Would-Be Entrants

        The  Regulatory  Authority  of  Bermuda   public  and other industry  players on or   services, IPTV and VoIP to residential and
        (RAB)  has  received  license  applications   before 29 May 2020. ‘The RA proposes to   business  customers  via  a  fixed-wireless
        from  three  companies  seeking  to  grant ICOL’s to both Horizon and Paradise.   and mobile network.  Meanwhile  Paradise
        launch  services in the local market,   In  light  of  C&W’s  request,  the  RA  also   Mobile – whose directors  are listed as
        The  Royal  Gazette  reports.  Two  firms,   proposes to grant a more limited COL, in   Ontario,  Canada-based  entrepreneurs
        Horizon  Communications  and Paradise   the form of a SubCOL, to C&W,’ it confirmed   Kareem  Bikhit,  Houssam  Tabbara  and
        Mobile,  have applied  for an Integrated   in  a  statement.  The  regulator  hopes  to   Zlatko  Zahirovic  –  seeks  to  establish
        Communications   Operating  License  publish its final report and issue licenses   a  mobile network offering a  range of
        (ICOL),  allowing  them to offer integrated   by 8 July 2020. Horizon Communications,   pre-paid and monthly contract  service
        telecoms services, while Cable & Wireless   which will operate under the banner Wave   plans.  Finally,  C&W  –  which  as  part  of  a
        Network  Services  (C&W)  has  applied  for   Bermuda,  is  a  start-up  fronted  by  Gilbert   group  operates  an  extensive  fiber-optic
        a  new  type of sub-license  – a  SubCol  –   Darrell which claims to have ‘built a highly   submarine cable network in the Caribbean
        which would enable it to provide capacity   detailed  technical  plan with a  team that   –  is  looking  to  provide  Bermudan  ICOL
        from submarine cables to the island. It is   has  extensive experience  in technology   licensees  with high-bandwidth  leased
        understood that all three applicants have   and telecommunications’.  With Darrell   services, IP capacity and Ethernet.
        qualified ‘according to its criteria’ and the   looking  for  a  fast-track  from  the  RAB
        RAB  is  now  inviting  comments  from  the   it  aims  to provide broadband internet

        Postponement of ITU Digital World 2020

        As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis,
        the   International   Telecommunication
        Union (ITU) and the Ministry of Information
        and Communications, Vietnam have taken
        the  difficult  decision  to  postpone  ITU
        Digital World 2020, the global tech  event
        for  government,  industry  and  SMEs.  The
        event  will  now  take  place  as  ITU  Digital
        World 2021 in September 2021 in the same
        venue in Ha Noi, Viet Nam. We believe this
        is  the  best  and safest  course  of action
        to ensure the  well-being  and safety of
        all  event  participants and guarantee a
        successful  event.  The  world  is  facing  an
        unprecedented threat from COVID-19 and
        ICT has become a key ally in combatting
        this  threat  and helping  to  prevent, detect   ever, governments,  industry, international   World 2021 are more important than ever
        and diagnose  disease. It  has taken on   organizations, NGOs, academia and other   as a platform bringing together the global
        a  new  importance  in connecting  us for   stakeholders  must  work  together  to  find   ICT community to learn, share knowledge,
        health, work,  education,  entertainment,   mutually beneficial solutions. We must set   debate and  network.  We  must  work
        news, public  announcements  and to our   ambitious, measurable goals for ensuring   together to highlight the critical importance
        friends  and  families.  For  the  first  time,   an equitable  transition to the digital  age.   of  ICT  in  the  wake  of  COVID-19,  address
        digital solutions  and platforms are being   The  SDGs  offer  an  ideal  framework  for   the stark inequalities of access and adopt
        used on a massive scale to help cope with   this,  and  ICTs  themselves  are  essential   concrete, urgent measures to accelerate
        and respond to a pandemic. The COVID-19   tools for the achievement of these goals.   digital transformation  across all  sectors
        crisis has also, however, highlighted  its   The  Government  of  Viet  Nam  and  ITU   and to connect all global citizens to digital
        own digital divide,  where many families,   call  upon global  leaders,  governments   services. Only by international cooperation
        workers,  businesses  and populations are   and the tech industry  to ensure they  are   and collaborative action will  we be able
        not  able  to  access  or  afford  the  benefits   present  and fully engaged,  to rise to the   to combat these types of threat, close the
        of digital  technology.  Action is  urgently   challenge and strengthen the multilateral,   digital divide and build strong foundations
        needed  to  ensure  a  fair  access  to  ICTs,   collective  digital  response  to  this  crisis.   for the future wellbeing of all.
        for  the  benefit  of  all.  Now,  more  than   International  events  such  as  ITU  Digital

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