Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
P. 77


        EU Stands by Its Data Privacy Rules in Response to COVID-19

        Europe  cannot  win  the  fight  against  the   are also  flexible enough  to allow  us to   the core of the medical  work, which  is
        coronavirus without digital technologies,   make use of digital technologies  in our   made up of normal investigations  and
        the European  Commission  said in a   response to the pandemic while protecting   testing. According to sources, EU Justice
        video call  with  EU-27  Health  Ministers.   fundamental  rights  and freedoms,”  she   Commissioner  Didier Reynders  focused
        But  this  must  not  come  at  the  expense   said. On 8 April, the Commission adopted a   his intervention on building  public trust
        of  EU  data  protection  rules, which must   recommendation to support de-escalation   in digital  tools.  Industry  Commissioner
        remain a “global  gold  standard”. Health   strategies  using  mobile  data  and  Thierry  Breton  updated  the  Ministers
        Commissioner  Stella Kyriakides invited   applications and a week after a common EU   on ongoing  talks  with businesses to
        Ministers, representatives from EU health   toolbox on mobile applications to support   coordinate the development and the use of
        agencies  and  her  colleagues  Thierry   contact  tracing was  also published.   these tools but he also urged the member
        Breton  and  Didier  Reynders  to  discuss   Kyriakides urged Ministers to follow this   states to work together  on digital and
        the potential  of e-health  in limiting the   guidance as it sets the foundations for a   traditional tracing methods. Many member
        spread of  the virus,  including  contact   pan-European approach, which will also be   states said they are either  developing  or
        tracing apps, remote consultations  and   regularly  updated  with  new  findings  and   thinking  of introducing  digital tools in
        telemedicine.  During the debate behind   developments.  The  EU  should  establish   their  fight  against  the  pandemic.  Those
        closed  doors,  these  tools were widely   its  own “pan-European  COVID-19  mobile   include Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany,
        recognized as crucial in helping to protect   application” due to divergences in current   Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Finland, Hungary,
        EU  citizens as  restrictive measures are   app developments  across  the  bloc,  the   Italy, Estonia and Austria, but also
        being  relaxed and economies  re-started   EU’s  data  watchdog  has  suggested.  For   non-EU countries such  as  Switzerland
        safely and sustainably, an EU  source   the  Commission,  mobile  apps can play   and Norway which  were invited to the
        informed   According   a  crucial role in  breaking transmission   meeting. Some Ministers  underlined  the
        to Kyriakides, the potential of digital   chains allowing for easier, quicker and more   importance of interoperability of the apps,
        data  in healthcare has  never been  more   efficient  contact  tracing  than  traditional   particularly when citizens are travelling
        evident than  it  is  today,  as  aggregated   systems based on interviews with infected   abroad. Croatia, Poland, Finland and Spain
        and anonymised data  on population   patients. Warning apps too can alert   said they are using  a COVID-19  self-
        movements can  help predict the spread   citizens of infection risks and inform them   assessment application that helps citizens
        of COVID-19, evaluate the  effectiveness   if they have been in contact with a person   evaluate their  state of health  and  which
        of public health policies  and support  the   infected  with  COVID-19,  helping  facilitate   advises them on what  to do. Austria is
        delivery of critical services. However, she   the organization  of medical follow-ups.   using a tracing app developed by the Red
        also  stressed that  these digital  devices   However,  representatives  from  the EU   Cross that allows people to track who they
        must  comply  with  EU  fundamental  rights   agency  for infectious  diseases  (ECDC),   have been  in contact  with, which sends
        and  data  protection  rules.  “These  rules   emphasized that  digital applications  are   a notification if one of their contacts has
        are a  global  gold standard, and they   always a support tool and cannot replace   contracted the virus.

        Ethiopia Moves Closer to Liberalization of Telecoms Market, as Regulator

        Enters Consultation Phase

        Ethiopia’s   telecoms   regulator,   The   off  an  as  yet  unspecified  stake  in  state   East  Africa.  Vodacom  Group,  MTN  Group
        Ethiopian Communications  Authority, has   run telco, Ethio Telecom. The consultative   Ltd, Orange SA and Helios Towers have all
        said  that  it  will  enter  into a  consultation   phase  will  last  for  14  days  and  will   expressed an interest in acquiring a license
        period  with would  be  licensees,  as   conclude  on the  11th  May,  according to   in the country. The Ethiopian government
        it  looks  to  finalize  the  rules  that  will   a  report  by  international news  agency,   has confirmed that the licenses issued to
        eventually govern the liberalization of the   Bloomberg.  The  opening  up  of  Ethiopia’s   international  telcos will  be valid for a  15
        country’s  telecoms  sector.  The  Ethiopian   telecoms  market  is  an enticing  prospect   year term. The process for issuing licenses
        government  is set to issue two new   for telcos around the  world looking  to   is expected to be completed in the coming
        licenses  for mobile network operators in   secure a foothold in Africa’s second most   months,  however the global  Covid 19
        the country,  while simultaneously  selling   populous  nation,  and the wider  region of   pandemic has delayed the process.

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