Page 39 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 39


        Omantel’s “Fikra” Creates New Opportunities for Innovative Employees

        Omantel, the leading provider of integrated   tain its position as a leading telecommuni-  a firm belief in their creativity and ability to
        telecommunication services in the Sultan-  cation company. Through the Fikra portal,   propose  innovative  solutions  because  of
        ate of Oman, has launched an in-house pro-  employees can submit startup ideas, proj-  their familiarity with the customer’s needs.
        gram for employees who submit innovative   ect ideas,  and  challenges  that  can be in-  Through this program, we hope to generate
        ideas  that  could  be  converted  into solu-  cubated, supported  or addressed  through   fresh ideas from our employees and thus
        tions or projects, offering them rewards like   Omantel  Innovation  Labs  –  a  platform   boost innovation within  the  organization,
        the opportunity to join a world-class accel-  that  was  created  to leverage  Omantel’s   with  the  ultimate  goal of raising  the  bar
        erator, potentially gain funding, and get one   strengths  to  promote innovation  and  en-  in  our  industry”. He  added, “The program
        year of paid or unpaid leave. The initiative   trepreneurship in new and emerging tech-  builds on the presence and capabilities of
        is  considered to be one of the  advanced   nologies.  “The  Fikra  program stems  from   Omantel  Innovation  Labs.  We  are  confi-
        projects that Omantel is currently working   Omantel’s  philosophy of nurturing and  in-  dent that the program will be the catalyst
        on to promote a culture of innovation and   centivizing our talent and enabling them to   for our employees to unlock their true po-
        entrepreneurship  among employees.  The   turn their ideas into great products and solu-  tential while enabling the Company to fur-
        initiative is called “Fikra” which provides a   tions that help overcome different challeng-  ther contribute to achieving the objectives
        platform that delivers solutions related to   es” said Dr. Ghalib bin Saif Al Hosni, Chief   of Oman  Vision  2040”.  To qualify  for the
        innovation within technology, and anything   People Officer at Omantel. “Our employees   Fikra program, Ghada Jaifar Al Said, Senior
        that would add value to Omantel and main-  are our most precious asset, and we have   Manager of Omantel Innovation Labs, fur-
                                                                                 ther  explained the  process “The selection
                                                                                 is based on a set criteria including the val-
                                                                                 ue addition to Omantel, the viability of the
                                                                                 idea, and individual capabilities.” “An exten-
                                                                                 sive educational  program, which includes
                                                                                 relevant  workshops,  will  complement  the
                                                                                 program and  emphasize  the  fundamental
                                                                                 frameworks and  skillsets  required  to suc-
                                                                                 ceed. Our team is also available to support
                                                                                 the  employees  in  improving  their  submis-
                                                                                 sions and developing their ideas.” The as-
                                                                                 sessment will be carried out by an internal
                                                                                 committee which includes members from
                                                                                 relevant departments within the company.
                                                                                 Omantel is the Sultanate’s first and leading
                                                                                 integrated  telecommunications services
                                                                                 provider, enabling  the  digital  society  to
                                                                                 flourish, allowing new ways of doing busi-
                                                                                 ness and delivering a world of information,
                                                                                 news, and entertainment. While striving to
                                                                                 ensure an optimum customer satisfaction,
                                                                                 Omantel plays a key social role to provide
                                                                                 the  required  support  and  assistant  to all
                                                                                 sectors amongst the Omani society.

        Omantel  Launches  “Mashora”  Program  to  Boost  Employee’s  Wellbeing

        Omantel, the leading provider of integrated   efforts are not just limited to providing the   with  focus  on  the  emotional  wellbeing
        telecommunication  services  in  the  company’s employees a progressive work   of  the  employees.  Through  the  program,
        Sultanate  of  Oman,  has  a  firm  belief  that   environment but also advisory services that   employees  are  encouraged  to  share  the
        its employees are the most valuable asset.   enhance  their  talents  and  competencies.   difficulties  they  encounter,  whether  at
        To this end, the company leaves no stone   To accomplish this, Omantel has launched   work or at a personal level, with company
        unturned  to provide  their  staff with  an   “Mashora”, a program that aims to provide   counselors  who  will  provide  them  with
        excellent  positive  working environment   the  necessary support  and  guidance   the  necessary assistance  and  guidance.
        that  enables  them  to  demonstrate  their   for employees  who face pressures  and   Omantel  believes  in  the  importance  of
        talents and creativity as well as to improve   challenges, whether in the workplace or at   providing  a  suitable  working environment
        their  performance constantly. Omantel’s   a personal level. The program is designed   for its  employees.  The  Company  places

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