Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 43


        demand  for mobile  broadband  data  and
        applications.  Zain  Kuwait  CEO  Eaman Al
        Roudhan  declared:  ‘The  successful  test
        is  a key milestone towards  the 5.5G  era
        and Zain’s advanced network in Kuwait. It
        complements  our strategy  to  develop  our
        infrastructure  to  further  empower  digital
        transformation  in  Kuwait  and  contribute
        to Kuwait Vision 2035 … We will continue
        delivering  our  customers state-of-the-
        art  digital  experiences  and  empower
        the  rapidly  growing digital  ecosystem  in
        Kuwait.  This  will  support  and  accelerate
        the use of cloud storage, cloud computing,
        Artificial Intelligence, and IoT applications.’
        Zain Kuwait leads the country’s 5G mobile
        market in terms of 5G subscription volume
        ahead of rivals STC and Ooredoo, while it
        competes very closely  with  Ooredoo for
        the largest market share in terms of total
        2G/3G/4G/5G subscriptions.

        Zain Kuwait Tests 5G 2.3GHz/3.5GHz Carrier Aggregation

        Zain  Kuwait  announced the  successful   Zain  noted  that  5G CA with two ‘middle   to Kuwait Vision 2035 … We will continue
        completion of 5G carrier aggregation (CA)   spectrum’ bands will play a significant role   delivering  our  customers state-of-the-
        tests  with  two frequency bands  in  the   increasing  5G  signal  reach  and  fuel  5G   art  digital  experiences  and  empower
        2.3GHz  and  3.5GHz  (C-band)  ranges  in   service capacity beyond current  network   the  rapidly  growing digital  ecosystem  in
        partnership  with  Huawei,  demonstrating   capabilities  to meet  ever-growing  market   Kuwait.  This  will  support  and  accelerate
        a  data  download  speed  of  2.5Gbps.  The   demand  for mobile  broadband  data  and   the use of cloud storage, cloud computing,
        operator  noted  that  the  5G CA test  was   applications.  Zain  Kuwait  CEO  Eaman Al   Artificial Intelligence, and IoT applications.’
        in  anticipation  of the  Communication   Roudhan  declared:  ‘The  successful  test   Zain Kuwait leads the country’s 5G mobile
        and  Information  Technology Regulatory   is  a key milestone towards  the 5.5G  era   market in terms of 5G subscription volume
        Authority (CITRA) releasing a new national   and Zain’s advanced network in Kuwait. It   ahead of rivals STC and Ooredoo, while it
        spectrum  plan  allocating  additional  complements  our strategy  to  develop  our   competes very closely  with  Ooredoo for
        spectrum bands  to support  further  5G   infrastructure  to  further  empower  digital   the largest market share in terms of total
        development. As reported by Kuwait Times,   transformation  in  Kuwait  and  contribute   2G/3G/4G/5G subscriptions.

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