Page 41 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 41


        entrepreneurs  with  venture  capital  firms   have  already  finished  preparing  the  most   role played by private sector organizations
        and business partners to help them put a   essential  parts  of their  businesses  and   in  supporting  social  and economic
        steady  first  step  in  the  business  world.  I   have no need to take part in the bootcamp   sustainability  projects.  The  company is
        look forward to an exciting experience for   that  covers  the  essentials  and basics  of   committed to printing  a  positive  impact
        everyone with  our  seventh  season,  and   building startups. So, this year, they have the   through  all  its  activities,  and  this  has  led
        wish you all the best of luck.” Al Roudhan   chance to skip this session and save their   it to embrace the most influential topics in
        concluded. Last  year, Zain  celebrated  10   time for other more advanced sessions that   the community, perhaps most importantly
        years of Zain Great Idea as one of the most   are more suitable to their needs and level.   the  support  of  youth, entrepreneurship,
        successful projects  under the umbrella   This  year,  ZGI  will  also  focus on  regional   and  innovation,  not only in  Kuwait, but
        of its  Innovation  and  Entrepreneurship   expansion  through  unique  programs  held   across  the  entire  region.  ZGI  offers  a
        strategy.  Investments  in  ZGI  startups  are   throughout MENA like  Riyadh,  Dubai,  Abu   refreshed opportunity for local talents and
        well over KWD 6 million (USD 20m) to this   Dhabi, and Cairo. These programs are set   the  region’s  entrepreneurial  community.
        date. 30% of ZGI alumni now own thriving   to cover crucial topics like establishing and   Throughout six  successful  editions,  the
        and  active  businesses  to this  day across   accelerating startups, communicating with   program has  empowered, trained,  and
        local and regional markets, and 40% of these   investors and  funds, building  teams  and   invested in hundreds of creative and driven
        businesses have raised capital. Throughout   brands,  one-on-one  consultancy  sessions,   Kuwaiti and Arab youth, of which many now
        a decade, ZGI has empowered, trained, and   enriching  innovation,  challenges  facing   own thriving and active Small and Medium-
        invested in over 1,500 passionate Kuwaiti   entrepreneurs in today’s markets, local and   sized Enterprises (SMEs) to this day in local
        and  Arab  young  people,  whom  many of   regional success stories, and much more.   and  regional  markets.  Zain  is  well  aware
        which attended the event to witness a new   ZGI  7  is  also  set  to offer  a  new  win-win   of the crucial role played by private sector
        chapter of the ZGI story. Zain learned a lot   concept that  serves  both entrepreneurs   organizations  in supporting  social and
        from previous seasons  and  heard what   and  fresh  graduates.  Zain  will  host  a   economic sustainability projects. Springing
        ZGI alumni had to say about how to further   special career fair-like event that links ZGI   from its  growing  commitment  towards
        refine the program year after year. And so,   participants with students and graduates of   practicing  its  social  responsibility, the
        this  year the  company is  offering  greater   various studies. The entrepreneurs will have   company is committed to printing a positive
        flexibility  and  more  freedom  for  every   an invaluable opportunity to introduce their   impact through all its activities. This has led
        participant  to  take  part  in  the  sessions   businesses, attract local talents, and build   Zain to embrace the most influential issues
        and programs that best suit their schedule   their  future  teams,  while  graduates  get  a   in the community, including the support of
        and  unique  business  needs.  For example,   chance to be a part of the next big success   youth, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
        some relatively advanced entrepreneurs   story. Zain strongly believes in the crucial

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