Page 36 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        telecommunication networks in neighboring   programs and working diligently to achieve   France, Pakistan, Kenya, and Djibouti. The
        countries.  The  new consortium consists   the goals and mission of the Saudi Vision   following  phase  will  include  additional
        of Mobily  (KSA), Etisalat  and  G42  (UAE),   2030.  We  join  the  Africa-1 consortium   landings in Yemen, Somalia, Tanzania, and
        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Company,   with  an  eye  to  creating  a  positive  impact   Mozambique. The system will be equipped
        Telecom Egypt,  Zain  (Sudan),  and  Algeria   on various sectors by adding  a new line   with  ASN 1620 Softnode transmission
        Telecommunications Corporation (Algérie   to the global telecommunications network   equipment,  featuring  high-performance
        Télécom), in  addition  to other  global   through the Kingdom. This will enhance the   200/300/400  Gb/s  advanced coherent
        service  providers.  By  joining  the  Africa-1   resources  available  to our  various  clients   XWAV line cards. This project is the latest in
        consortium, Mobily  plays  a  pivotal  role   locally and regionally by providing a direct   a series of initiatives by Mobily to improve
        in  enhancing  KSA's  digital  infrastructure,   connection  to  global  strategic  locations.”   the customer experience through new and
        in line with the objectives of Saudi Vision   The new sub-sea cable system will feature   advanced technologies.  Moreover, Mobily
        2030, aiming to provide a faster and more   advanced technologies  that  takes  the   continues to support digital transformation
        reliable internet connection. This step will   KSA’s telecommunication network to a new   by providing high-quality and more reliable
        also  enable  stronger telecommunication   level of high performance, while users can   internet  speeds  that  meet  international
        services to meet  the  needs  of Mobily   benefit from improved services. The cable   standards, in  addition  to activating  its
        customers across both public and private   system  will  be  landing  in  a  new  strategic   strategy, enhancing  its  distinguished
        sectors  along  their  journey  of digital   landing station in Duba, northwest of Saudi   infrastructure  capabilities,  increasing  its
        transformation. Thamer A. AlFadda, Senior   Arabia. The project is expected to be ready   diversity,  emphasizing  its  flexibility,  and
        Vice President Wholesale & Carrier Services,   for service by the end of 2024. The 10,000   making  it  the  operator of choice among
        said:  “Mobily  affirms  its  commitment   km sub-sea cable will initially have landings   clients.
        to  supporting  digital  transformation  in  the  KSA,  UAE, Egypt, Sudan, Algeria,

        Mobily Reports Healthy Growth in Revenues, EBITDA in Q3 2022

        Saudi Arabian  mobile network operator
        (MNO)  Etihad  Etisalat  (Mobily)  has
        published  its  financial  results  for  the
        three  months  ended  30  September 2022,
        reporting  a  6.2% year-on-year  increase
        in  revenues  to  SAR3.828  billion  (USD1
        billion), up from SAR3.606 billion in 3Q21.
        The  company  claims  that  the  positive
        result  was  due  to the  growth of all
        revenue  streams, coupled with  a ‘healthy
        growth’  in  its  fiber-to-the-home  (FTTH)
        and  overall  subscription  base. Further,
        EBITDA increased to SAR1.487  billion
        in  3Q22, up by 7.0%  y-o-y, while  interest
        and financial charges grew 19.7% y-o-y to
        SAR150 million in the period under review,
        reflecting the increase in interest rates. Net
        profit, meanwhile, improved by 32.7% y-o-y
        from SAR281 million to SAR373 million in
        3Q22. CAPEX for the first nine months of
        2022 amounted to SAR935 million versus
        SAR885 million for the similar period of the
        previous year.

        Mobily Announces the Establishment of the Digital Hub Through a New

        Carrier Neutral IX & Infrastructure Expansions Initiatives

        Mobily announced its investments in new   took  place  in  London.  The  conference   and  the transformation of the  wholesale
        submarine cables,  terrestrial  networks,   brought  the  carrier community  together   telecom ecosystem fueled by rapid digital
        data centers and internet exchange at the   under one  roof to discuss  current  and   transformation. Mobily was a Gold Sponsor
        Capacity  Europe  2022  Conference, which   future partnerships, collaborative projects,   at the event and announced and shared its

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