Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
P. 34


        e& Ventures into the Metaverse with ‘e& Universe’ and Two Use Cases at
        GITEX Global 2022

        e&,  formerly  known as  Etisalat  Group,  is
        set to enthrall stand goers at GITEX Glob-
        al 2022 by inviting them to enter the next
        digital universe with the soft launch of their
        virtual world, e& universe. This move marks
        a  significant  achievement  in  the  Group’s
        transformation  journey  to a  global  tech-
        nology and  investment  conglomerate,  as
        it takes its first steps into the metaverse.
        Making its debut at GITEX Global 2022, one
        of the  region’s  largest  technology exhibi-
        tions and conferences, e& universe will vir-
        tually welcome visitors, empowering them
        to traverse the virtual and physical worlds,
        profoundly changing the way they interact.
        Alongside  e&  universe  are two use cas-  efits of the metaverse, the Group is working   visitors to enjoy the exclusive e& NFT ex-
        es,  Metaverse  Service and  etisalat  by e&,   closely with its partners to develop it as the   hibition  alongside  special  artworks by in-
        aimed  to give  visitors varied  experiences   platform where  audiences  can  interact  in   ternational artists, listen to famous K-pop
        in art, music, entertainment and a glimpse   unique ways. Developed in partnership with   music, poems, and  various  entertainment
        into digital retail of the future. The UAE has   HTC, the leading manufacturer of virtual re-  shows through the  platform’s  virtual  and
        made great strides in the metaverse arena   ality and mobile devices, e& universe will be   augmented  reality  technologies.  After se-
        and this latest launch from e& highlights its   hosted virtually on Mars. The specific Mars   lecting  from one  of six  locally-designed
        commitment to the vision of the leadership   spot is Arcadia Planitia, a vital location that   avatars, visitors will  also  journey through
        in  enhancing  the  country’s position  as  its   is considered the most suitable for future   the metaverse with Emirati actor, producer,
        stands at the forefront of global ICT indus-  life on the red planet and may serve as an   TV personality and social media influencer,
        try, with the adoption of the most advanced   aspirational  and  strategic  location  for the   Saoud Al Kabbi as he shares his poetry and
        of technologies. Globally, there have been   future. It is a subtle nod to the UAE’s Na-  experience of his first-time presence in the
        several investments  towards  building   tional  Space Strategy  and  the  success  of   metaverse. This partnership with SK Tele-
        the  technology  and  infrastructure  for the   the Hope Probe mission, the first mission   com is also aimed to revolutionize services
        metaverse, touching more USD 120 billion   led by an Arabi-Islamic country, and in line   for e& life changing the face of media and
        during  the  first  five  months  of  this  year,   with the vision of the UAE leadership. For   entertainment in the region with the launch
        doubling since 2021. * e& is not only show-  the first time in the history of GITEX Glob-  of exclusive  content  for the  metaverse.
        casing the latest technological innovations   al  2022,  visitors  will  virtually  experience   The second use case in collaboration with
        but is also creating an incredible immersive   the e& stand through e& universe and view   Huawei, gives insight into the virtual retail
        and innovative experience through e& uni-  the futuristic technology showcases at the   space,  where  visitors  can  enter  the  virtu-
        verse, a first of its kind venture in the region.   event. This is only a glimpse of what is to   al  world of etisalat  by e&’s  business  cen-
        The move to the metaverse is a start of a re-  come in the realm of e& universe. The next   ter.  Here  visitors  can  experience  virtual
        markable journey into the next digital fron-  phase  will  open  doors of  opportunities   shopping in a 3D universe, enabled by an
        tier for the Group as it seeks to do things   for visitors to purchase digital assets and   enhanced live 5G network. Visitors can col-
        differently, develop and launch technology   non-fungible  tokens  (NFTs),  watch virtual   laborate, navigate and communicate using
        solutions  that  will  empower  customers   concerts  and  sporting  events  as  well  as   etisalat by e&’s products and services in re-
        and businesses so as to offer heightened   engage in other unique digital experiences.   al-time using their hand movements, head-
        interactive experiences. At e&’s stand this   Marking  significant  achievements  in  e&’s   sets,  feedback  controllers  or voice  com-
        GITEX Global, visitors will embark on a jour-  journey to revolutionize  the  customer ex-  mands. e& universe and the two use cases
        ney that elevates their digital experiences   perience as a global technology and invest-  of Metaverse  Service and  etisalat  by  e&
        by transporting them to a whole new level   ment conglomerate, the e& universe show-  business  center are tangible  examples  of
        of social engagement. The Group is ready   case is also accompanied by two other use   e&’s efforts in investing in advanced tech-
        to build a world of new possibilities where   cases offering unique experiences through   nologies and creative innovations as it con-
        the future is all about unlocking creativity,   the metaverse. In one of the use cases, e&   tinues to explore limitless possibilities that
        exploring immersive storytelling experienc-  has  partnered  with  SK  Telecom to create   digitally  empower societies.  The  Group’s
        es,  and  building  a world of new possibili-  Metaverse Service which will take visitors   mission to Make Possible will also reflect
        ties. The metaverse is a realm e& is still ex-  through multiple virtual spaces and unique   in the expansion of its digital services and
        ploring, given its potential to transform the   avatars, so that they can explore opportuni-  solutions  provided  to  governments,  busi-
        world of technology and digitalization jour-  ties for social networking in the metaverse.   nesses  and  individual  customers  in  the
        neys. When it comes to harnessing the ben-  This platform provides the opportunity for   UAE and  the  countries  where  it  operates.
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