Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 85


        European Open RAN Advocates Demand EU Support

        A quintet of heavyweight operator groups   European  Union member  states and   and  resilience,  decisive  action and
        urged  European authorities to take   industry  stakeholders,  with  a  call  for all   collaboration  is needed  now”. The  report
        immediate  action to stimulate the open   parties to collaborate. “Open,  intelligent,   flagged a  lack  of  presence  of  European
        RAN sector to ensure the continent  does   virtualized and fully interoperable  RAN is   vendors in the “six major technology and
        not lag North America and Asia in the 5G era   essential if Europe is to meet its target of   service  categories that comprise  the
        and beyond. In a joint statement Deutsche   5G for all by 2030,” the operators stated.   open RAN value chain”, pointing to cloud
        Telekom, Orange, Telefonica, Telecom Italia   “It  will help drive stronger, more resilient   hardware as one area. A limited number of
        and Vodafone Group pressed for regulatory   supply  chains and platforms, as well as   semiconductor suppliers in the region was
        adoption  of  five  recommendations  pulled   promote digital  autonomy and continued   also highlighted. Deutsche  Telekom CTIO
        from a wider Analysys Mason report   technology leadership.” Citing conclusions   Claudia Nemat pressed  for immediate,
        commissioned by the group. The operators   from the Building an open RAN ecosystem   decisive action. “In  North America  and
        argued  moves to secure Europe’s place   for Europe  report, the heavyweights   Asia there is strong backing for open RAN.
        in the open  RAN ecosystem should    said if the  continent  is to “maintain its   Europe  should  not fall behind  but seek a
        be “urgently prioritized”  by  politicians,   competitiveness,  technology  leadership   leading position”.

        Algar Telecom Launches 5G

        Using 2.3GHz Band

        Brazilian  regional  operator  Algar Telecom  has
        launched a commercial Non Standalone (NSA) 5G
        service using its newly acquired 2.3GHz spectrum.
        The launch means that Algar is the first Brazilian
        player to utilize frequencies secured in the recent
        multi-band  spectrum  auction.  The  5G network
        went live on 15  December  and covers selected
        parts of Uberlandia and Uberaba, as well as Franca
        in  Sao Paulo.  TeleGeography  notes that  Algar
        acquired regional spectrum in the 2.3GHz, 3.5GHz
        and 26GHz  bands in the country’s 5G spectrum
        auction. Unlike the 3.5GHz band, the 2.3GHz band
        does not require cleaning for interference before 5G
        use. Algar executive Marcio De Jesus commented:
        ‘The company already had a  good  part  of its
        infrastructure adequate or easy to adapt to the 5G
        offer. We made investments in backhaul structures,
        network core and service platforms.’

        Telefonica Connects 5G Mobile Stations Via Microwave Relay Solutions

        Telefonica  Deutschland has  announced   systems to a core network almost in real   shifting the previously applicable physical
        that it is connecting its 5G mobile stations   time, as required by the 5G mobile  radio   limits  for microwave radio relay systems
        via  high-capacity  microwave radio relay   standard  for broadband  applications,   and due to the high  flexibility as  well as
        systems where no fiber-optic infrastructure   among other  things,  is  therefore also   the cost and time savings, the microwave
        will  be  available in  the foreseeable   possible  via  directional  radio. In rural   radio relay solution thus supports the goal
        future.  Thanks  to technological  progress,   areas in particular, Telefonica will therefore   of a rapid 5G network expansion,’ a press
        innovative radio relay  solutions now   increasingly  use high-capacity 80GHz   release from the company said. Telefonica
        support  bandwidths of several  gigabits   directional  radio (‘E-band’) in addition  to   is aiming to supply the entire population of
        per second. Reliable transmission of   fiber-optics,  depending  on  the  location,   Germany with 5G by the end of 2025.
        mobile  radio signals from mobile radio   when expanding its  5G network. ‘By

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