Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 83


                                             TECHNOLOGY NEWS

        UK Sets 2030 Open RAN Target

        The  UK  government announced a major   million will go to the 15 winners of Future   agreed with Vodafone, EE, Virgin Media O2
        push around accelerating the deployment   RAN Competition  (FRANC), a  government   and 3  UK  to  switch off all  public  2G  and
        of open  RAN in  the country,  upping  its   scheme  focused  on developing  elements   3G networks by 2033.  The  aim  is  to free
        funding  for related  projects  and securing   including  radio transmitters and signal   up spectrum  for  the mass  deployment
        operator   commitments     regarding  processing  equipment  needed for  open   of 5G and other future networks which
        the approach. In  a  statement,  the UK   RAN rollouts.  Up to  £15  million will  be   the government  said  can be used for
        Department of Culture, Media and Sport   poured into SONIC Labs, a facility allowing   driverless vehicles and drones, immersive
        (DCMS) explained  it agreed  with the four   suppliers  to test early-stage products  in   VR and AR experiences,  and innovations
        domestic  operators  to  fulfill  a  goal  to   real-world mobile network environments.   around sustainability and healthcare. New
        boost deployments so 35 per cent of the   The moves  are  part  of  the government’s   suppliers  entering the telecoms  market
        nation’s  mobile  network  traffic  is  carried   broader strategy to diversify the 5G supply   and deploying next-generation networks is
        over open  RAN by 2030.  It  increased   chain which it unveiled in November 2020,   also an expected result from the shutdown,
        previous funding of £30 million to a total   months after  banning the use of  Huawei   alongside  benefits  from  reduced  power
        of up to  £51 million to back projects for   equipment  from  the next-generation   use and simplification in management of
        trials of open  RAN and next-generation   networks. Alongside the announcement,   the networks.
        technology.  Of  the overall  funding,  £36   the  UK  government  explained it has

        2degrees Starts 5G Testing in Auckland and Wellington

        New Zealand operator 2degrees has switched on its 5G network in   (USD682 million) already invested in the network. The operator
        central Auckland and Wellington for testing and optimization. The   plans to launch its 5G network with up to 100 sites on air and
        new 5G sites, which the company noted have been deployed ahead   expects to continue to activate additional BTS throughout 2022
        of the scheduled Q1 2022 commercial launch, are part of a rollout   as  it  builds out the network across the country’s  main  cities.
        that will initially provide contiguous 5G coverage across Auckland,   The company  notes these network  upgrades  will  also  result in
        Wellington and Christchurch. Announcing the network activation,   significantly increased 4G capability, with average LTE capacity
        2degrees CTO Martin Sharrock commented: ‘The 2degrees team   set to double.
        is gathering valuable data on network and device performance,
        upload and download speeds, latency and handovers. Early test
        results have demonstrated  speeds over 1Gbps. Work  has  also
        begun in Christchurch with the first 5G sites due online for testing
        in December. Over the coming months the team will be rigorously
        testing 5G on numerous devices so when this new network and
        technology is launched for customers it will be fully optimized on
        a range of 5G enabled devices.’ 2degrees’ approach to network
        design  and  build combines  the upgrade  of cell  sites with new
        Ericsson 3G, 4G and 5G radio access network (RAN) equipment
        and the upgrade of the core network. The program of work has
        been underway for over two years and builds on the NZD1 billion

        Croatia Gets First 5G Home Broadband Service

        A1 Croatia has launched the country’s first   unit. The telco says that the new service   covers  Zagreb and 20  other cities.  A1
        home internet service via  a  5G  network.   provides access at  download  rates up   introduced Croatia’s first home broadband
        The  offer has two service  tiers: Premium   to 200Mbps and is aimed at those users   service over a  3G network in 2006  under
        uses an external antenna for a more stable   within its 5G footprint who cannot access   the name Homebox.
        connection, while Basic provides an indoor   fiber connectivity. Its 5G network currently

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