Page 88 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 88


        TIP, WBA Team on 6GHz Wi-Fi

        The Telecom Infra Project (TIP) and Wireless Broadband Alliance
        (WBA) announced plans to work together on software for Wi-Fi
        devices, with  a  goal of automating frequency  coordination so
        outdoor equipment can operate in the 6GHz band while protecting
        incumbent users. WBA works to help mobile network operators
        integrate and provision Wi-Fi. It will participate in TIP’s Open AFC
        Software Group,  which is  working to  develop a  reference  open
        source implementation of an automated frequency coordination
        (AFC) system. The 6GHz band has been approved for Wi-Fi use by
        41 countries, but frequency coordination is necessary to ensure
        outdoor devices do not disrupt the fixed microwave links already
        active in it. These links are used by public safety systems, mobile
        network operators  and utilities, often  to backhaul sites lacking
        access to fiber. The collaboration builds on a recent adoption of   outdoor access points in the 6GHz band, and complement TIP’s
        the WBA’s  OpenRoaming  standard by  TIP.  The  system enables   OpenWiFi initiative, designed to boost equipment interoperability
        users to roam on Wi-Fi networks without logging in or supplying   through open source code. WBA CEO Tiago Rodrigues stated AFC
        passwords.  In a statement,  the organizations argued  AFC will   “will enhance Wi-Fi” connectivity and user experience in a range
        enable the benefits of OpenRoaming by making it easier to deploy   of locations.

        Operators Warn of Open RAN Fragmentation Risk

        Executives from  Orange and BT  Group warned a  Telecom  Infra   Providing guidance for vendors is an objective for TIP, along with
        Project (TIP) forum of a risk of fragmentation in open RAN if the   testing and validation of disaggregated network equipment. Hatefi
        approach is not carefully managed and coordinated, noting vendors   cited a push by Orange and four other major European operators
        require  clear  guidance on the direction  to  take.  During  the TIP   as  a  means of preventing  open  RAN fragmentation,  noting  the
        Insights 2021 event, Orange head of software and RAN architecture   companies plan to communicate priorities to the broader market,
        Atoosa Hatefi noted there are already variances in the approach   solicit feedback and then “rely on TIP to develop, test and certify
        to open RAN which could ultimately result in fragmentation. She   in line with our needs”. But she cautioned vigilance was required
        argued this risk makes it “important to move from standardized to   to “avoid new vendor  lock-in with  open  RAN”. Crane cited  the
        prioritized” approaches in open RAN specifications. Paul Crane,   RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) as “probably the most interesting
        converged network research director at  BT  and a  member  of   component” of open RAN, because it could allow operators “to
        TIP’s technical committee, concurred, noting a “need to provide   focus on the customer experience” by using APIs to implement
        clarity and certainty and avoid fragmentation”. He noted TIP is   RAN policy and segregate service levels. “It is early days and there
        currently involved in 35 tests and trials, and had published more   is going to be a lot of work to do to make sure ambition comes to
        than 40 technical requirement specification documents this year.   fruition and we don’t suffer from getting back to a vendor lock-in”.

        Celcom Conducts VoNR Trial Call

        Malaysian mobile network operator (MNO) Celcom has reportedly   represented  a  step towards it realizing the full potential  of 5G
        carried out the country’s first Voice-over New Radio (VoNR) trial   for consumers and business, with it serving as a foundation for
        call, SoyaCincau  reports.  According  to the  local press outlet   service and application innovations such as video conferencing
        the trial was  conducted  as  part of a  5G demonstration  project   and 5G interaction for augmented and virtual reality technologies.
        and innovation  trial  in  Langkawi  to  validate  its  end-to-end  5G   Meanwhile,  Celcom  CEO  Idham Nawawi  was  quoted  as  saying
        voice  call capability and 5G data session  in parallel over a  5G   that, as Malaysia prepares for Digital Nasional Berhad’s (DNB’s)
        Standalone (SA) network. Citing a statement issued by Celcom,   5G infrastructure launch – which is scheduled to take place before
        the report noted that the 5G VoNR call had been made between   the end of and will see that company offer wholesale access to
        the cellco’s trial sites located  at  Kuah and Taman Berlian in   its network to all local MNOs – the VoNR trial had demonstrated
        Langkawi. Utilizing a cloud-native 5G SA network, the VoNR call   Celcom’s continuous commitment to 5G innovation and readiness
        was  established directly within the network without relying on   to provide high-quality fifth-generation services.
        4G LTE  technology.  The  MNO  suggested  that the development

                                                                                                    88   NOV-DEC 2021
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