Page 80 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 80


        DNB Integrates Five MNOS into its Wholesale 5G Network

        Digital  Nasional  Bhd (DNB),  Malaysia’s  sole 5G   coverage capacity (commitment to minimum capacity to provide coverage
        wholesale  service  operator,  has  successfully  across all  commissioned  units  built);  additional capacity (option to add
        integrated five mobile network operators (MNOs) into   capacity for specific areas); and buffer capacity (additional further capacity
        its 5G network, The Edge Markets reports. According to   catered for peak  seasons). Ahmad Taufek also  sought  to stress  that  the
        the local press outlet, during DNB’s 5G Multi-Operator   prices DNB offers to MNOs are ‘definitely not discriminatory’, with all MNOs
        Core Network (MOCN)  event it  demonstrated  having   offered the same price for its 5G network. He did, though, note: ‘However,
        incorporated Celcom Axiata, Digi Telecommunications,   bigger  MNOs  will  have larger requirements and therefore prices will  be
        Maxis,  Telekom  Malaysia,  and  U  Mobile  in  its  fifth-  affected. But once we give the bigger MNO that [modified] price, the other
        generation network. Integration of a sixth MNO is said   MNOs  can also request  for the  same price.  There is no  such thing  as a
        to be slated ‘at a later date’, meanwhile. DNB claims   different price for each MNO.’ In July 2021 DNB selected Ericsson for the
        that  the  development  represents  the  world’s  first  5G   end-to-end development of its 5G infrastructure, and the wholesale operator
        RAN trial integration with more than two MNOs, with   is now aiming to switch on its 5G network in Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya and
        CEO  Ralph Marshall noting  that this had been  made   Cyberjaya in December  2021 as part of an initial launch  phase. Looking
        possible  through  the network’s  MOCN  functionality,   ahead, DNB expects to achieve 40% coverage ‘in populated areas’ by the end
        which allows a network operator to provide access to   of 2022, with its infrastructure to subsequently be extended to cover other
        a  single RAN by  a  number  of other  operators. ‘Each   urban and rural areas and industrial parks, with a target of approximately
        operator operates its own core network, including one   80% population coverage by end of 2024.
        or more  independent  nodes. Each of these multiple
        core networks can communicate with  each other as
        peers through the software,’ the executive explained.
        Additionally, Marshall said that later next year, DNB’s
        5G network will  be able to integrate  up to twelve
        MNOs. Commenting on the integration demonstration,
        Malaysia’s Communications  and  Multimedia Minister
        Tan  Sri Annuar  Musa  said  that  DNB’s  5G  network
        seamless integration with each MNO’s existing
        core platforms would eliminate  costly duplication  in
        infrastructure investments and drive lower prices  for
        end users.  ‘This  will  further enable the accelerated
        adoption  of 5G services in Malaysia  and narrow the
        digital divide,’  the minister said.  Meanwhile, DNB’s
        Chief Commercial Officer Ahmad Taufek Omar claimed
        that the wholesale operator is charging MNOs for its
        5G network only as a form of cost recovery, revealing
        that its charging model comprises three mechanisms:

        Veon Bangladesh Unit to Use Nationwide Wholesale Network

        Veon’s  Bangladesh subsidiary  is  to   Jabbar.  Just before the ceremony   users, 33% of its total customer base. “Our
        use the  country’s  national wholesale   Banglalink  announced  revenue  growth   entertainment app Toffee continued to lead
        network provided by BTCL. The company,   of 7.2%  year-on-year despite  the impact   our progress in the digital service segment
        Banglalink, announced  that has joined   of  lockdown, said  Aas.  “Banglalink’s   with  its  active  user-base reaching 6.3
        rivals Teletalk, Grameenphone and Robi to   performance  in  3Q21  is  yet another   million.” He said that Veon is considering
        use  the  BTCL network recently.  Erik  Aas,   reflection  of  efforts  in  providing quality   listing of the Bangladesh company on the
        the CEO of Banglalink, signed the deal to   digital  services  in  Bangladesh.  Thanks   country’s share market. “The  decision  …
        use the nationwide telecommunication   to a  staggering  32% year-on-year data   depends on the shareholders of the mother
        transmission network at  a meeting  with   revenue  growth, we managed  to post a   company,  not by  the management of  the
        BTCL  managing  director  Rafiqul  Matin  in   7.2%  year-on-year total  revenue growth   company,” he said.
        the  presence  of the  country’s posts and   in  this  quarter,” he said.  Aas  said  that
        telecommunications  minister, Mostafa   Banglalink is now serving 11.4 million 4G

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