Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 89


        Rostelecom Testing 10Gbps-Capable GPON in St Petersburg

        Rostelecom  is  testing 10Gbps-capable   existing services  and supporting new   10 GPON. We do not need to upgrade the
        GPON  (’10  GPON’)  fiber  broadband   services such  as  UHD  video  streaming,   existing cable infrastructure; we only need
        access in  St  Petersburg  in  partnership   AR/VR online  gaming, education  and   to replace  some of the  equipment  and
        with Huawei, with a  pilot launch  of the   medical  applications,  combined with the   home routers. The pilot will be in the Nevsky
        technology scheduled for the first quarter   latest Wi-Fi 6 standard for enhanced Wi-Fi   District, where we will  offer subscribers,
        of 2022. The telco said in a press release   coverage for homes and smart businesses.   whose homes are connected using optical
        that end user internet  access  speeds  of   Rostelecom’s North-west regional director   technologies  a  comprehensive  solution
        ‘3-5Gbps’ will be made possible, opening   Alexander Loginov noted: ‘In St Petersburg,   with  the installation  of  equipment  that
        up new opportunities for businesses  and   our company has a well-developed optical   supports Wi-Fi 6.’
        city residents,  improving the  quality of   network, suitable for the introduction  of

        Nepal Telecom Issued License for 5G Trials

        State-owned  telecommunications pro-vider Nepal Telecom   procedures approved by the NTA in July, companies are required to
        (NT)  has  finally  received  the  green  light  from  the  National   apply for permission to perform trials. The NTA will then allocate
        Telecommunications Authority (NTA) to proceed with 5G network   the necessary frequencies – exempt from standard spectrum fees
        testing, reports Following submission of its   – for a twelve-month period on condition the service is provided to
        5G work plan earlier this year, NT has been licensed to conduct   customers free of charge during the trial. The provided bandwidth
        trials  in  the 2600MHz  band for a  maximum  period  of one year   is held on a temporary basis and must be returned to the NTA
        using 60MHz of spectrum (2500MHz-2560MHz) assigned by the   following conclusion of testing, while operators must  obtain
        regulator. Although the Ministry of Communications & Information   permission  from the regulator before potentially re-using any
        Technology  (MoCIT) instructed  NT to begin  5G network testing   imported equipment for their existing 4G networks, failing which
        in four cities by mid-July this year, delays in appointing  a new   the hardware must either be sealed or returned to the vendor.
        communications  minister had  prevented  allocation of the
        necessary spectrum. The NTA also confirmed that it has yet to
        decide  whether  to  grant rival  mobile network operator  (MNO)
        Ncell’s application  to stage its own trial.  According  to Xinhua
        News  Agency,  NT  is  keen  for  the  regulator  to  confirm  which
        frequencies will ultimately be allocated for commercial operations
        before it proceeds to import the network equipment required for
        the trial. ‘We’re concerned whether the NTA provides us the same
        frequency  for commercial operation as we’re going  to use  for
        conducting trails,’ explained NT spokesman Rajesh Joshi, adding:
        ‘We have to invest in telecommunication gear for 5G testing. If we
        don’t get the same frequency for commercial use, our investment
        in gear for 5G trials will be wasted.’ Under the 5G network testing

        China to Triple 5G Base Station Count by 2025

        China’s Ministry of Industry and Information  Technology  (MIIT)   make up about 70 per cent of the global total, with the number
        laid out plans to more than triple the number of 5G base stations   of customers on compatible plans accounting for 38.7 per cent
        over the next four years, targeting a total of 3.64 million by end-  of the nation’s  tally.  Xie Cun,  director  of the MIIT’s information
        2025,  China Daily  reported.  The MIIT’s  plan aims  to  increase   and communication development department, told China Daily all
        the number of sites supporting 10,000 people from five in 2020   prefecture-level cities have full 5G coverage, with rural towns at
        to 26 by end-2025, the newspaper stated. China reportedly had   40 per cent. The plans also forecast the cumulative investment
        nearly 634  million 5G package  subscribers  at  end-September.   in telecoms  infrastructure to grow from CNY2.5  trillion ($391.7
        Currently the nation has 1.2 million 5G sites nationwide, which   billion) in 2020 to CNY3.7 trillion in 2025.

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