Page 81 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 81


        Paratus Namibia, MTN Sign Roaming Agreement

        Paratus  Namibia  and MTN Namibia  have signed  a  national   service to customers, but also a very attractive competitive option
        roaming agreement, the first of its kind in the Southern African   in the market’. Paratus Namibia MD Andrew Hall commented: ‘By
        country, allowing them  to expand  their  own networks without   partnering with MTN, we are now able to realize a faster mobile
        duplicating coverage in specific areas. In a press release, Paratus   LTE roll-out as, in the past, we have been unsuccessful engaging
        and MTN claimed the deal marks a milestone for the country’s   with the dominant operators to achieve our goals. We are proud to
        telecoms sector, as it ‘will provide not only a better mobile LTE   be making telecommunications history in Namibia and to embark
                                                               on this  journey  together  with  MTN, because  national roaming
                                                               agreements  are the  next  natural step  in developing  the  market
                                                               and in delivering what customers need.’ MTN Namibia MD Elia
                                                               Tsourous added: ‘We are delighted that this agreement has been
                                                               signed with Paratus Namibia. We believe that everyone deserves
                                                               the right of access to a modern, connected digital life and this
                                                               agreement helps us realize our business objectives of delivering
                                                               better  service to customers  in Namibia.  We see only positive
                                                               benefit  from  this  agreement  for  all.’  Paratus  Namibia  launched
                                                               mobile LTE  data  services in 2016  and has  since expanded
                                                               coverage  to Walvis, Swakopmund,  Okahandja, Rehoboth  and
                                                               Otjiwarongo, while MTN first deployed its TD-LTE network in 2019
                                                               and now covers Windhoek, Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Ondangwa,
                                                               Oshakati and Ongwediva.

        European  Commission  Opens  In-Depth  Investigation  in  the  Proposed
        Regulation of Wholesale Mobile Access Market in Czechia

        The European Commission opened  an  in-depth investigation   allowing them to represent a threat to the existing MNOs, the fact
        into the Czech national regulatory authority’s (CTU) draft market   that a new operator entered the market with 5G spectrum rights
        analysis  with regard to the regulation  of the wholesale  market   and is set to build its own infrastructure is very likely to have a
        for access to mobile services in the Czech Republic. Access and   positive impact on the market in the foreseeable future. In addition,
        call origination  are services which  mobile  network operators   the view of the Commission, based on the spectrum conditions
        (“MNOs”)  supply  to  themselves  and to  other mobile network   that are already in place, CTU is able to enforce efficient market
        operators or mobile virtual network operators (operators who do   entry through the existing access obligations.  Moreover, at this
        not own a  network, “MVNOs”)  hosted on their networks.    Such   stage, the Commission has  serious doubts  as  to whether  CTU
        services can be provided  also to other  MNOs  who have their   has demonstrated the existence of the joint SMP (i.e. collective
        own network and access rights to spectrum,  but their network   dominance)  on the mobile  market in Czechia. In particular, the
        is still underdeveloped (e.g. due to late market entry, or due to a   Commission  has serious  doubts  whether  the  MNOs  have the
        commercial decision to rely on national roaming in certain areas,   ability to adopt a common policy and the nature of the commercial
        rather than deploy its own network). CTU proposes to designate   behavior inducing such  coordination,  the question  whether  the
        three MNOs  (i.e.  O2,  T-Mobile and Vodafone)  as  having joint   market is sufficiently transparent to allow such common behavior,
        Significant Market Power (“SMP”) in this wholesale mobile market   and the MNOs’ ability to take counteraction the others party (ies)
        and consequently to impose regulatory obligations on these three   deviate (s) from the common policy (given that access to MVNOs
        operators, that are the main operators in the Czech market. In its   is already granted).  The Commission therefore has serious doubts
        serious doubts letter, the Commission does not question as such   as to the compatibility of the related draft measures with EU law
        that the Czech mobile market may not display the characteristics   and considers it necessary to initiate an in-depth investigation.
        of a fully competitive market. However, the Commission questions   The Commission has two months to further investigate the draft
        the reasoning supporting the finding of the joint SMP, and hence   measures and the evidence presented therein, in close cooperation
        the proposed regulation.  At this stage, the Commission considers   with the Body of European regulators (BEREC). At the end of the
        that  there  is  sufficient  evidence  to  conclude  that  in  the  Czech   Phase II investigation period, the Commission may either lift its
        market, the three main mobile operators kept their networks open   reservations or issue a  veto under  Article 32  of the European
        and this enabled the successful commercial market entry of more   Electronic Communications Code. During this period, CTU will not
        than 100 MVNOs.  Although MVNOs typically do not reach a size   be able to adopt its draft measures.

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