Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 84


        MTN Deploying 250 Rural Sites in South Sudan with NuRAN

        Rural   communications   firm   NuRAN   to boost capacity, thereby increasing   connected life therefore our strategy is to
        Wireless  has signed  a ten-year deal with   ARPU  and overall  revenue. Diatile  Zondo,   bring connectivity to these rural parts. We
        MTN  Group to  deploy  at  least  250  sites   CFO of MTN South Sudan, said: “At MTN   hope that this is the beginning of a growing
        across rural South Sudan. Under the terms   we believe that everyone  deserves a   relationship with NuRAN.”
        of the deal, NuRAN  will  deploy the sites
        over the next two years, with the first 50
        sites using towers already owned by MTN
        to  ensure  the rollout has  a  swift  start.
        The  infrastructure will  be  operated on a
        network-as-a-service model (NAAS) basis
        while revenue  will be  shared  using  the
        BOOT (build,  own, operate,  and transfer)
        model. Surveys  on MTN’s  sites  have
        already commenced, with NuRAN working
        with  local  firm  Tandem  Solution  on  the
        deployment. CommsUpdate reports  that
        the in its current form deal represents
        approximately  CAD57 million (US$44.5
        million) in revenues,  although  it  will  be
        possible  to build  out more sites as well
        as leverage terrestrial backhaul networks

        Telkom SA Builds Africa's Top VoLTE Network Based on Single Voice Core

        As  of  Nov  2021,  Telkom VoLTE  users in   3M in last one year. The rapid development   voice network.  Telkom has  always  been
        South Africa have reached 4.6M, becoming   of VoLTE enables Telkom to re-farm 2G/3G   committed  to leveraging  cutting-edge
        the largest VoLTE service provider in Africa.   spectrum  for the development  of 4G and   technologies  of telecom  industry to roll
        Telkom serves 16M  mobile users, and   5G. As the  global deployment of 4G and   out new services and optimize networks.
        launched VoLTE in 2018 and 5G NSA in 2020   5G becomes more and more widespread,   Telkom chose Huawei's Single Voice Core
        respectively.  Regarding voice services,   how to  realize seamless transition from   solution to  develop VoLTE.  This  initiative
        Telkom focuses on VoLTE services. In order   last-generation  to  next-generation  enables  2G/3G/4G/5G/Fixed users to
        to develop VoLTE, Telkom orchestrated   telecom  technologies  has become  an   access the same IMS network, solving the
        a  holistic  KPI  system  and optimization   urgent problem for all operators. "We had   operation & maintenance and investment
        plan, which has  been  proven to  improve   a successful  introduction  of VoLTE and   problems caused by  the coexistence  of
        the  VoLTE  user  experience  significantly.   subscriber migration from 2G/3G to LTE and   multi-generation networks. The simplified
        Through intelligent identification of VoLTE   VoLTE, and would like to shutdown 2G/3G   network enables  Telkom to pack lightly
        users and auto-provisioning,  Telkom   services to make the spectrum available for   and focus on 4G/5G. "The timing of Huawei
        saves users the steps to activate VoLTE   newer  technologies. The  legacy  services   SVC product is perfect for us." said Brite
        services. In addition, Telkom cooperated   do not  allow  us to immediately turn off   Devassy.  The achievement of VoLTE  has
        with  Apple,  Samsung, OPPO  and other   2G/  3G."  said  Brite  Devassy,  Executive   showcased Telkom's capabilities to utilize
        handset manufacturers to turn on the   of Technology & Strategy, Telkom SA. On   innovative solutions. Telkom will continue
        terminal VoLTE switch by default. With   October 13, 2021, at the 5G Core Summit   to enable  more and more users to enjoy
        above measures, the number  of Telkom   in Dubai, Brite Devassy gave a wonderful   high-quality VoLTE calls while surfing the
        VoLTE subscribers has increased by over   speech  about the evolution  of Telkom's   Internet at high speed.

        Kenya Power Considers Move into Retail Broadband Sector

        Electricity distributor Kenya Power plans to connect millions of   broadband  operators including  Safaricom,  Wananchi  and Jamii
        homes  in  rural  locations  with  broadband  internet  via  its  fiber-  Telecommunications, but now plans to directly offer high speed
        optic network infrastructure, reports Business Daily. The company   internet services  to  customers in  rural  locations. Kenya  Power
        currently  leases  the  fiber  cables  on  its  transmission  lines  to   had over 8.2 million customers at the end of June 2021.

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