Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 86


        DOCOMO and NEC Complete Test of 5G SA With O-RAN Compliant Spec in

        Multi-Vendor Setup

        Japanese  mobile operator  NTT DOCOMO   for DOCOMO’s SA services in order to fur-  ther expand fifth-generation services.
        and NEC  Corp have announced  the suc-
        cessful conclusion of interoperability test-
        ing for 5G Standalone (SA) technology us-
        ing a 5G base station conforming to O-RAN
        open  interface  specifications  and  radio
        units (RUs) of different vendors. In a press
        release,  NEC noted  that  the multi-vendor
        test used a software upgrade to introduce
        SA capability to NEC’s 5G Non-Standalone
        (NSA) operating on the cellco’s commer-
        cial network. As a result, the system was
        transformed from a 5G NSA system into a
        5G SA system using the same 5G CU/DU
        hardware. Since  the  5G CU/DU can  also
        accommodate  existing NSA, the unit can
        be used to flexibly and quickly upgrade a
        5G network. Going forward, the pair report-
        edly aim to introduce the 5G base station

        Huawei,  Haier,  and  China  Mobile  Announced  5G  Implementation  Break-

        throughs for Smart Manufacturing

        With  support  from Huawei  and China   early  days  for manufacturers  aspiring to   large number  of people,  machines,  and
        Mobile, Haier,  China’s  largest consumer   take advantage  of 5G’s full capabilities.   materials involved on a complex production
        electronics  and   home    appliance  The solutions enable  the implementation   line  as a whole. The  solutions achieve
        producer,  successfully  applied innovative   of high-performance machine  vision in   this  through  high-definition  cameras,
        manufacturing  solutions  combining  5G   a  manufacturing  environment through   5G gateways, and smart industrial
        and mobile edge  computing  in  its  smart   low-latency connections  between  high-  terminals that  work  in unison  with  the
        factories. Developed at the joint-innovation   definition  cameras,  the  AI  modules  at   help  of  artificial  intelligence.  In  future,
        base established in February, the solutions   the factory  site, and the training servers   the solutions will  be further improved
        integrate 5G edge computing with artificial   located off-site. Deployed on a 5G-enabled   to provide “digital twins” visualization.
        intelligence  and particularly machine   production  line, machine  vision  saves   Digital  twin  is  the reproduction  of a  real
        vision in manufacturing  environments.   manufacturers costs by rapidly performing   and dynamic  production  floor  into a
        They   are   applicable  to  various  QC checks  with over 99% accuracy, at   virtual digital world,  a meta-universe.
        manufacturing  scenarios  where  they  can   least 10% more accurate than without the   Digital twin makes just-in-time preventive
        perform a  variety of functions.  Haier  has   function. Compared with visual inspection   maintenance  a  reality  and enables the
        launched the technologies at seven smart   performed  by  humans, machine vision   simulation of changes to the production
        factories in China, and plans to expand the   delivers much  fewer false positive and   process  before they are implemented.
        implementation at 20 factories by the end   false negative results. Unlike traditional   The three are  also  experimenting how
        of 2022. Huawei is expected to help Haier   video surveillance systems that only have   5G environment  can support  automated
        deploy the 5G solutions  and transform   a recording  function,  AI-surveillance  can   guided  vehicles  to  transfer items  in
        about  100 of its manufacturing facilities   automatically create alarms in real time   warehouses  or manufacturing  lines more
        globally  within  five  years.  5G  provides   when it detects anomalies on the factory   accurately  and  efficiently.  Haier,  China
        manufacturers with a lot of bandwidth —  floor.  The technology  can identify non-  Mobile, and Huawei look forward to
        up to 20GBps— and latencies as low as 1   authorized individuals, process safety   continue their collaboration on developing
        millisecond.  Mobile edge  computing,  one   violations, and workers who aren’t  where   5G manufacturing applications  for the
        of  5G’s  main  features, delivers  extremely   they  should  be. In  addition,  the new   benefit of partners and customers in China
        low-latency cloud computing. But it’s still   solutions help to efficiently coordinate the   and abroad.

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