Page 77 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 77


        Malaysian Cellcos Call for Second 5G Wholesale Operator as DNB Switches

        on Its First Sites

        Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB), Malaysia’s sole 5G wholesale service   introduce 5G; the operator confirmed earlier this month that it had
        operator, has switched on its first live 5G sites, local press outlet   struck a deal to trial 5G connectivity with DNB, and it has been reports.  The  sites are located  in Kuala Lumpur,   suggested  that  the  operator’s  ‘unifi  Mobile’  branded  post-paid
        Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, and it is understood that the operator   customers  will be able to access the 5G network for the trial’s
        has around 300 5G base stations in operation initially, although   duration. Notably, however, neither YTL nor Telekom Malaysia have
        it is expected to increase that figure to 500 within the next few   confirmed yet whether they have signed a long-term agreement
        weeks. In terms of access  to the network for consumers,  YTL   on the usage of DNB’s 5G wholesale infrastructure. In separate
        Communications – which offers services under the Yes banner   but related news, Reuters reports that several Malaysian mobile
        – is reportedly the first of the country’s telcos to have launched a   network operators (MNOs) have, in fact, recommended that the
        commercial offering over the DNB network. YTL is marketing SIM-  authorities allow for the setup of a second 5G wholesale network
        only 5G plans on both a pre-paid and post-paid basis, with the   in the country, with the  news outlet  citing  three  sources  and
        latter costing MYR49 (USD11.6) per month and offering 100GB of   documents it had seen. As previously reported by CommsUpdate,
        4G data in addition to unlimited 5G data until 31 March 2022. In   earlier this month the government said it would look to make a
        addition, it is also offering a range of handset and 5G SIM bundles.   final  decision  in  January  2022  as  to  whether  to  allow  multiple
        Meanwhile, Telekom Malaysia is expected to become the next to   5G network access providers, following reports of concerns from
                                                               local cellcos over matters of pricing and transparency. According
                                                               to Reuters, representatives from all six MNOs – Celcom Axiata,
                                                               Digi Communications,  Maxis,  U  Mobile,  Telekom  Malaysia  and
                                                               YTL – met with government officials on 13 December to propose
                                                               solutions to the deadlock. It is claimed that Celcom, Digi, Maxis
                                                               and U Mobile recommended that the state allow the construction
                                                               of two wholesale 5G networks, with each to be built and operated
                                                               by a consortium of carriers. For its part, YTL was said to have
                                                               objected  to  such plans, expressing support  for a  single 5G
                                                               network, while Telekom Malaysia  indicated  it  would back  any
                                                               decision made by the government. DNB said, though, that it was
                                                               not privy to the discussions held, with a response regarding the
                                                               matter from the company’s CEO Ralph Marshall saying only: ‘We
                                                               will respect the process adopted by the government and will make
                                                               our representations at the appropriate forum.’

        Malaysia Prepares for 5G Wholesale Pilot

        Digital  Nasional  (DNB), Malaysia’s  state-  the news agency stated. DNB is reportedly   raising concerns  because  commercial
        owned 5G  wholesale network  operator,   looking to finalize wholesale arrangements   service is  scheduled  to start  by  the end
        was tipped to begin trials of the technology   and sign contracts with operators in early   of  the  year.  The  government  first  needs
        in parts of three  major cities next  week,   2022. The Straits Times reported Telekom   to approve the 5G access  cost, following
        with the service to be delivered at no cost   Malaysia signed up to participate in the 5G   a public consultation. DNB is a special
        during  the pilot phase,  Reuters  reported.   trials, with Celcom Axiata likely to follow.   purpose vehicle set up by the government
        The  organization said the  cost of 5G   Last month, Reuters reported DNB had not   to  manage the  a  single national  5G
        wholesale  would  be  lower  than 4G and   worked out long-term contracts  with the   network.
        the trial period will end on 31 March 2022,   five  major  mobile  operators  in  Malaysia,

        T-Mobile Poland Expands Fiber Coverage with Wholesale Deal

        T-Mobile Poland has signed an agreement   Inwestycje, the wholesale operator set   footprint, taking its overall coverage to 4.7
        to  lease  capacity  on  fiber-to-the-home   up  by Orange  Poland. The  deal will add   million premises.
        (FTTH) networks operated by Swiatlowod   730,000  households  to  T-Mobile’s  fiber

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