Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 75


                                              WHOLESALE NEWS

        EU Agrees to Extend Roaming Rules to 2032

        The European Parliament reached an agreement with European   time in February, with the Parliament voting in favor in October.
        Union (EU) member states to extend regulation allowing citizens   The existing set of rules were introduced in 2017 and abolished
        to roam without incurring additional charges when travelling in   consumer surcharges for using mobile data, calls and SMS across
        the bloc by  a  further ten years,  along with  introducing  further   EU countries. The original term expires in July 2022. In addition
        advantages for consumers.  In a  statement,  the European   to the extension,  the EC explained  those travelling  across the
        Commission  (EC) welcomed  the decision  to extend  current   EU  will  have  improved access  to  communications  regardless
        roaming rules to 2032. The Commission first proposed the extra   of their location,  and greater information  around  unexpected
                                                               charges. Commissioner  for the Internal Market Thierry Breton
                                                               said travelling  in Europe  without having to worry about phone
                                                               bills “is a tangible part of the EU single market experience for all
                                                               Europeans”. “Today we are not only ensuring that this experience
                                                               continues, but we are upgrading it. Better quality, better services,
                                                               even more transparency.” The EC added the updated rules lower
                                                               wholesale charges to ensure operators can “sustain and recover
                                                               the cost of providing roaming services to consumers at domestic
                                                               prices”.  Going  forward,  the  EC noted  it was  also looking  to
                                                               evaluate measures on calls and SMS rates from a home country
                                                               to another member state, and if  there was  a  need  for caps to
                                                               protect consumers.

        NCC Sets New International Termination Rate

        The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has determined   (MTR) of NGN3.90 for generic 2G/3G/4G operators and NGN4.70
        the new international termination rate (ITR) for voice services paid   for new entrant LTE operators determined in 2018 will continue
        by overseas telecoms carriers for terminating international calls   to apply for local call termination until a new rate is determined
        on local networks in Nigeria at USD0.045 per minute. The new rate   by  the regulator.  ‘The Commission  has carefully considered
        will take effect on 1 January 2022 and has been set in US dollars   the information provided by  stakeholders  and taken a  view  on
        (USD) to enable Nigerian operators to receive an increasing rate in   parameters and regulatory  measures in the light of relevant
        Nigerian naira (NGN) terms to accommodate devaluation. The ITR   information such as international experience, cost model results,
        rate is the minimum that can be charged; operators will be free   the state of competition in the sector and the Nigerian macro-
        to negotiate a rate above the floor and this will be entirely left to   economic  environment,’ commented the NCC’s  Executive  Vice
        commercial negotiation between the operators and international   Chairman Umar Garba Danbatta, adding: ‘We are confident that
        carriers/partners.  Previously,  the  ITR  for  inbound  traffic  was   the result the review will make a significant contribution to the
        increased from NGN3.90 (USD0.009) to NGN24.40 per minute in   development of the telecoms sector in Nigeria and be beneficial
        October 2016 and the rate was maintained at this level from 1   to subscribers, operators and the country at large.’
        June 2018. The NCC has added that the mobile termination rate

        Orange Poland Plans Push to Expand Wholesale Services

        Orange Poland says  it  is  looking to ramp up its  wholesale   more and more often not only competitors, but in many areas they
        operations, including offering fiber-optic access to other telcos   are able to jointly work out solutions that benefit everyone.’ The
        and hosting MVNOs on its mobile network. Maciej Nowohonski,   first MVNOs are expected to launch on Orange infrastructure in
        member of the management board of Orange for Wholesale Market   the first half of next year. Meanwhile, Swiatlowod Inwestycje, the
        and Real  Estate  Sales, commented:  ‘The telecommunications   wholesale fibre provider established by Orange, plans to deploy a
        market has changed a lot in recent years. Today, operators are   network covering 2.4 million premises by 2025.

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