Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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                         out. Markets with more 5G penetration by the end of   500 5G models have so far been launched, accounting
                         the period will probably see more data use," said Patrik   for 23% of global smartphone volumes after 10 quarters
                         Cerwall, head, strategic marketing, and editor, Ericsson   into the technology cycle. Ericsson did not comment
                         Mobility Report. According to the report, the rollout of   on the share of 5G smartphones in India.
                         5G devices is outpacing 4G market share globally. Over   (November 30, 2021)

                         The Commission for Communications Regulation   regarding the adoption of OTA in Ireland, with actions
                         (ComReg) has published a consultation on its proposed   to address these recommended for both ComReg and
                         approach to promote Over-the-Air (OTA) provisioning   local cellcos.  One key  challenge  highlighted  is  the
                         to facilitate faster and easier switching between mobile   limited level of support for eSIM for consumer devices
        Ireland          network operators (MNOs). With ComReg highlighting   among Irish MNOs, a factor which is claimed to have
                         the fact that a growing number of mobile devices have   resulted in Ireland lagging international peers in eSIM
                         eSIMs, it suggests that OTA will allow for easier, faster   support.  To address the matter, ComReg  has said
                         switching,  effectively reducing  the time required to   it is ‘minded to adopt a number of actions, including
                         move to a new provider  to minutes. Meanwhile,  the   mandating that Irish mobile operators … provide fully
                         Irish watchdog noted that the new European Directive   digital  OTA provisioning journeys  for smartphones
                         for regulation of the sector – the European Electronic   users within twelve months of publication of its final
                         Communications Code – requires each Member State   strategy’. Meanwhile, ComReg has proposed minimum
                         to promote OTA provisioning to facilitate switching and   criteria for what  a  ‘best-in-class,  fully digital OTA
                         also gives discretion to regulators to define switching   customer journey for smartphone users’ would entail,
                         processes  that utilize OTA provisioning.  Further, the   while also examining other matters related to switching
                         Code  also requires that  MNOs  maintain traditional   such as the locking of handsets. ComReg has invited
                         switching processes  for consumers  who prefer the   feedback on the proposals in its consultation by a 17
                         current method  of switching. ComReg’s consultation   December 2021 deadline, while it says its response to
                         matter is said to incorporate the findings of a study it   the consultation, which will include a final strategy and
                         commissioned on the options for regulators to promote   action plan, is expected to be completed by Q2 2022.
                         OTA.  In  this,  a  number  of  challenges  were  identified   (November 9, 2021)

                         The Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority   though these will only be considered in the event that a
                         (CURA) has published a final information memorandum   qualified bidder’s primary bid is not successful. A total
                         on its plans to award spectrum licenses in the 700MHz   of 49 spectrum lots are being offered in the auction,
                         and 3.6GHz  bands. The  announcement  follows a   comprising:  six  lots  of 2×5MHz  in  the 700MHz  band
        Isle of Man      consultation  on  the matter, launched  in July 2021,   (703MHz-733MHz/759MHz-788MHz),  with  a  per-
                         that  set out the regulator’s  preliminary  views  on the   bidder  cap of 15MHz  paired spectrum  applying;  a
                         processes for offering up new concessions. Included in   further four unpaired 5MHz lots in the 700MHz band
                         the plans were: details of the spectrum to be awarded;   (738MHz-758MHz),  with  a  10MHz  cap applying;  and
                         the  timescale  of the sale process; and the  proposed   39 10MHz  blocks in the 3.6GHz  band (3410MHz-
                         auction rules. In short, CURA has now confirmed that   3800MHz), with a 100MHz cap applying. Further, CURA
                         would-be bidders  will  be required to  apply to  take   has noted it is holding meetings with interested parties
                         part in the sale between 17 January and 21 January   to ‘discuss and provide detailed guidance on the license
                         2022. Meanwhile, with the format of the award process   award application documentation’; these meetings are
                         having been  set  as  a  single sealed bid auction,  the   being held between 6 December and 17 December.
                         regulator has confirmed that applicants will have the   (December 7, 2021)
                         option  of  submitting  up  to  five  supplementary  bids,

                         The  Italian  government  has unveiled  plans to invest   Iliad. The funds will be allocated via a series of tenders.
                         EUR2 billion (USD2.3 billion) to guarantee mobile data   In  response to  an  Infratel  survey,  the operators said
                         speeds of at least 150Mbps across the entire country   they had 66,698 base stations deployed between them
                         by 2026.  The  government-backed  body  Infratel aims   at  present, and this number  would rise to 73,931 by
        Italy            to invest in the rollout of 5G networks in areas which   2026, covering 47,103 unique sites. Infratel says that
                                                                        equipment  at  11,352 sites will  not be connected  to
                         will not be covered under the commercial investment
                         plans of Italian cellcos TIM, WINDTRE, Vodafone and   fiber backhaul by 2026, with contracts to be awarded

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