Page 128 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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                         The National  Communications  Authority (Autoridade   by CommsUpdate,  the auction  – which  commenced
                         Nacional de Comunicacoes,  ANACOM)  has  launched   on 14 January – concluded on 27 October, after 1,727
                         a  consultation regarding the use of the 26GHz  band   rounds  of bidding. The process  generated  a  total
                         (24.25GHz-27.5GHz)  for 5G.  The watchdog  notes:   of EUR566.8  million (USD657.6  million). Alongside
        Portugal         ‘Thus, with this public consultation … ANACOM intends   incumbent  mobile  operators  PT Portugal (MEO),  Nos
                         to  collect  the position of the various market players   and Vodafone Portugal, the auction also saw bidding
                         (manufacturers, operators, private and public entities,   activity from Grupo MASMOVIL-backed cableco Nowo,
                         users and others) on the availability  of spectrum  in   Dixarobil Telecom, which is owned by Romania’s Digi
                         the 26GHz  band.  Contributions  obtained  will  be duly   Communications  and  mobile  network  densification
                         considered in future decision-making on the subject,   specialist Dense  Air.  All six companies  acquired
                         namely: the procedure, the calendar and the conditions   5G-suitable frequencies. Nos spearheaded the bidding,
                         for the allocation and use of this spectrum, if there is an   agreeing to pay EUR165.1 million for a combination of
                         interest in the market for this.’              700MHz,  900MHz,  2100MHz  and 3.6GHz  spectrum.
                         (December 16, 2021)            Next in line  was  Vodafone  (EUR133.2  million;
                                                                        700MHz/3.6GHz), followed by MEO (EUR125.2 million;
                         The National  Communications  Authority (Autoridade   700MHz/900MHz/3.6GHz).  In  terms of the ‘new’
                         Nacional de Comunicacoes, ANACOM) has confirmed   bidders, Nowo bid EUR70.2 million for 1800MHz, 2.6GHz
                         that its board of directors has approved the final auction   and 3.6GHz spectrum, while Dixarobil offered EUR67.3
                         report  relating to the recently  concluded  multi-band   million for spectrum in the 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2.6GHz
                         5G spectrum sale. The  auction results were rubber-  and 3.6GHz bands. Finally, Dense Air committed to pay
                         stamped on 23 November  and the winning  bidders   EUR5.8 million for 3.6GHz frequencies.
                         now have ten working days to pay for the frequencies   (November 25, 2021)
                         that they successfully bid on. As previously reported

                         Romania's telecom regulator  ANCOM has issued   transposing the European Electronic Communications
                         its  draft  2022  action plan for public  debate,  which   Code, which was adopted by the Chamber of Deputies
                         schedules  the tender  for the frequency  spectrum   and is  now awaiting  review and approval  by  the
                         dedicated to the implementation of 5G services for the   Romanian  Senate.  In addition,  ANCOM’s 2022 draft
        Romania          third quarter of 2022 in an auction that authorities say   action  plan also includes  a revision of the  Decision
                                                                        of the President  of ANCOM  no.  551/2012  on the
                         could bring as much as EUR 600 million into Romania's
                         state budget. Originally planned for 2021, the launch   establishment of the tariff for the use of the spectrum,
                         of the  5G tender  for frequencies  in the  spectrum  of   scheduled for the second quarter of 2022. According
                         700  MHz,  1500  MHz  and 3,400-to-3,800  MHz  has   to ANCOM, this decision, along with others in the field
                         been  repeatedly  delayed (see  our Law-Now  articles   of radio spectrum management planned for 2022, will
                         for December  2020  (Romania  to  launch 5G  auction   allow the actual selection  procedure for the granting
                         in Q2 of 2021 ( and February 2021   of rights to use 5G frequencies in the spectrum of 700
                         (Romania postpones 5G auction for Q3 of 2021 (cms-  MHz, 1500 MHz and 3,400-to-3,800 MHz to take place
                One obstacle to the tender was the need   in the third quarter of 2022. (December 29, 2021)
                         for adoption of the ‘5G law’ implementing in Romania
                         the  5G Memorandum  with the US.  On 7 June  2021,   The National Authority for Management and Regulation
                         Romania's  parliament adopted  Law  163/2021  on the   in Communications (ANCOM) has announced it received
                         conditions for the deployment of 5G networks (see the   only two qualifying applications within the competitive
                         June 2021 Law-Now article (Romania adopts 5G Law   selection procedure organized for the auction of short-
                         amid public discussions on postponement of auctions   term user rights for spectrum in the 800MHz, 2600MHz
                         ( The other significant obstacle has   and 3.5GHz bands. Following examination, RCS&RDS
                         been  the  need  to  implement  the European Electronic   (DIGI) and Invite Systems were declared  to have
                         Communications Code in order to conduct 5G auction   submitted qualified and winning offers and will proceed
                         proceedings.  This  code  has yet  to be implemented   to the next stage. The final results of the auction, which
                         in  Romania.  In  response,  in  September  2021,  the   is expected to raise at least EUR72.5 million (USD82.2
                         Commission took legal action against Romania and 18   million),  are expected  to be announced  in December
                         other member States for failing to deliver the benefits of   and permits granted by the end of the year. Under the
                         EU digital legislation in the area of telecommunications,   tendering procedure, applicants were able to purchase
                         which requires that  member  states  transpose these   195MHz of frequencies, with user rights valid from 1
                         rules into national law  without delay.  To  comply,   January 2022 and expiry aligned with existing permits
                         on 7  December  2021, Romania released  a  draft law   in the bands, comprising:

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