Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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                         The  government  has  confirmed  that  its  new  Law   fixed  and  mobile),  thus  sharing  business  risk.  An
                         on Electronic  Communications  entered  force  on 1   operator  with  significant  market  power  (SMP)  will
                         December  2021.  The regulatory  overhaul  has seen   be  able  to co-invest in the  construction  of new
                         the previous document, Law No. IX-2135, amended to   networks under clear and transparent conditions.
        Lithuania        transpose the European Electronic Communications   •  In order to ensure the consistency of the regulatory
                                                                          environment and reduce the administrative burden,
                         Code into Lithuanian national law. The Communications
                         Regulatory Authority (Rysiu Reguliavimo Tarnyba, RRT)   the RRT will be required to conduct market research
                         summarizes the key changes as follows:           every five years, instead of three as before.
                         •  The   broader   definition   of   an   ‘electronic   •  The scope of universal electronic communications
                            communications  service’  has  been  tweaked and   services has  been  revised and the obligation  to
                            is now broken  down  as follows:  internet  access   provide telephone  services via  payphones  will  be
                            services; interpersonal communication services; and   abolished,  but the obligation  to provide affordable
                            services consisting mainly of signal transmission.  universal e-communications  services  to certain
                         •  There have been  changes  to radio spectrum   groups of consumers will be introduced.
                            management, by way of an EU-wide harmonization   •  Finally,  the law  will  bring favorable changes  to
                            of the allocation and use of spectrum. There is also a   ensure the protection  of consumer  interests.  The
                            longer period of validity (20 years) for authorizations   adoption  of legislation implementing  this law
                            to use EU-wide harmonized spectrum.           will  make it  simpler and easier  to change  service
                         •  In terms of access to ultra-high bandwidth networks,   provider for consumers  using both interpersonal
                            operators will be encouraged to co-invest in high-  communications and internet access services.
                            bandwidth  public  communications  networks (both   (December 1, 2021)

                         The Malaysian  Communications  and Multimedia   of competition in the supply of regulated facilities and
                         Commission (MCMC) has  published determinations   services’.  In  terms  of  the  specific  focus  areas,  those
                         regarding reallocating  spectrum  in the 850MHz  and   included: ensuring access to Digital Nasional Berhad’s
                         2300MHz  bands.  With  regards to the lower band,   (DNB’s)  monopoly  5G  single  wholesale network;
        Malaysia         the  regulator  has  confirmed  that  a  2×10MHz  block   enhancement  of ‘High Speed  Broadband’  (‘HSBB’)
                                                                        network regulation;  ensuring  and improving access
                         reallocated  to  Telekom  Malaysia  for  a  five-year   to passive infrastructure; continuing  development
                         period. Meanwhile, a  total  of four companies  have   of regulation  of transmission services; and fostering
                         been reallocated unpaired 30MHz blocks of spectrum   investment  in access  network infrastructure. The
                         in  the  2300MHz  band,  again  for  a  five-year  period,   MCMC’s  newly published  Commission  Determination
                         namely: Asiaspace  Broadband  (2300MHz-2330MHz,   on Access List (Determination No. 6 of 2021) will come
                         for Peninsular Malaysia only); SEA Telco Engineering   into operation on 15 December 2021.  A total  of 20
                         Services (2300MHz-2330MHz, for Sabah and Sarawak   services are now included in the list, those being: fixed
                         only);  YTL  Communications  (2330MHz-2360MHz);   network origination; fixed network termination; mobile
                         and Webe Digital (2360MHz-2390MHz).            network origination; mobile network termination;
                         (December 21, 2021)            interconnect  link;  wholesale local leased circuit;
                                                                        infrastructure sharing; domestic  connectivity  to
                         An updated determination relating to the list of telecoms   international  services;  network  co-location;  digital
                         services available to licensees that are subject to price   terrestrial broadcasting  multiplexing;  Layer 2 High
                         regulation  – known as  the Access List  – has  been   Speed Broadband (HSBB) network; trunk transmission;
                         published  by the  Malaysian Communications  and   duct and manhole access; Layer 3 HSBB network; end-
                         Multimedia Commission (MCMC). Having previously   to-end transmission; MVNO  access; domestic  inter-
                         launched a public inquiry on the review of the Access   operator roaming service; 5G Standalone (SA) access;
                         List in August 2021, the regulator at that date set out   4G Evolved Packet Core with 5G RAN access; and IP
                         its preliminary views on the facilities and services to   transit service. Among the notable removals from the
                         be included, removed or amended in list. As part of its   previous Access List Determination (ALD), which was
                         review the MCMC said it had formulated focus areas for   made in 2015, are: full access; line sharing; bitstream
                         the inquiry, noting that ‘the common theme underlying   with  network; bitstream  without  network; sub-loop;
                         all areas is the need to continuously refine the Access   digital subscriber line resale; and wholesale line rental.
                         List and its implementation, in order to reflect the state   (December 3, 2021)

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