Page 127 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 127


                         Jegunovce,  Jelino,  Brvenica,  Bogovinje, Mavrovo and   for participation in the  planned  auction  for 5G
                         Rostushe).  The  fixed  authorizations  will  be  valid  for   spectrum. The EoI are as follows: Neotel (blocks В41,
                         six years. As previously reported by TeleGeography’s   В44, В45 and В46), Bitstream Mobile (А1 and В1), А1
                         CommsUpdate,  in July 2021  the AEK  received four   Macedonia (А2, А3 and В3) and Makedonski Telekom:
                         expressions of interest (EoI) from telecoms operators   (В2, А2 and/or А3). (November 30, 2021)

                         Norwegian    communications    regulator  the  regulator  stating  that  its  updated overview  is  based
                         National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal  on a  coverage  survey for 2021, it  noted  that it  has
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet, Nkom) has published an   removed  from the list  properties that are expected
                         updated  list  of buildings  where broadband  services   to be  covered  by commercial network rollout  plans.
        Norway           should  be offered as  part of voluntary coverage   Having also  reportedly considered information  from
                         obligation  linked to its  recent  auction  of 5G-suitable
                                                                        county  municipalities about which  buildings  have
                         spectrum. As  previously  reported by  CommsUpdate,   received broadband support in recent years, Nkom has
                         winning bidders in Nkom’s sale of 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz   confirmed  that  around  48,000  premises  are  included
                         frequencies – which closed last month – were given   in its updated overview. Nkom did, however, note that
                         the option of accepting  a  voluntary  commitment  to   as of October 2021 the updated development overview
                         provide broadband services with down/uplink speeds   lacks information  on where broadband  support has
                         of   100Mbps/10Mbps   in  underserved/unserved  been provided in Trondelag, and said it aims to update
                         rural  areas.  Doing  so  discounted  the  final  price  of   the overview as soon as this information is received.
                         the spectrum  won by  any  company that  accepted   Looking  further  ahead,  the  regulator  has  confirmed
                         this  voluntary  obligation. Now,  Nkom  has  published   that it plans to update the overview again in December
                         an updated list  of the residential  and commercial   2022, while further reviews are scheduled for December
                         premises where such services should  be offered as   2023 and December 2024.
                         part  of the voluntary  coverage  obligation. With  the   (November 2, 2021)

                         The National  Public Services Authority (Autoridad   holding  company  established  by  Millicom after its
                         Nacional de los Servicios Publicos, ASEP) has granted   EUR573.0  million  (USD650.1  million) takeover of
                         mobile market leader Tigo Panama 100,000 additional   Movistar. As of 30 September 2021, Tigo accounted for
                         numbers  in the 619-XXXXX  range. The  numbers,   a total of 2.208 million mobile subscriptions, up from
        Panama           which  have been  designated  for Cellular  Mobile   1.838 million one year earlier.
                         Telephone Service use, have been issued to Grupo de
                                                                        (December 1, 2021)
                         Comunicaciones  Digitales,  which is the  Panamanian

                         The  Office  of  Electronic  Communications  (Urzad   The government  now expects  to  run its  auction of
                         Komunikacji Elektronicznej,  UKE)  in Poland has   5G-suitable 3.5GHz  spectrum  in  2022.  Authorities
                         announced  plans to reallocate  spectrum  in the   had  hoped  to  allocate  licenses  back  in  the  first  half
                         2100MHz band in the second quarter of next year. The   of 2020 but the process  stalled, initially  due  to the
        Poland           new licenses will be valid for 15 years and allocations   COVID-19 outbreak.  More delays came when  the
                         will  increase from 2×14.8MHz  to 2×15MHz  following
                                                                        government decided to postpone the auction until after
                         the removal  of guard  bands.  The current 2100MHz   it had made amendments to the country’s Electronic
                         concessions  held by  Poland’s  four mobile network   Communication  Law  and the Act on the National
                         operators (MNOs) expire at the end of 2022. A report   Cybersecurity  System (KSC). Telecoms  regulator
                         from says that UKE is expecting to raise almost   the  Office  of  Electronic  Communications  (Urzad
                         PLN1.9  billion (USD454  million) from the renewals,   Komunikacji  Elektronicznej,  UKE) notes  that 320MHz
                         with T-Mobile paying PLN459.9 million and the other   of frequencies will eventually be made available in the
                         three MNOs  paying PLN475.6  million.  The 2100MHz   3480MHz-3800MHz  range. Spectrum  in the  700MHz
                         band was  originally  awarded  in Poland to support   band is also due to be sold off once it is freed by digital
                         3G services, but is now being migrated for use in 5G   terrestrial television (DTT) providers.
                         networks. (December 10, 2021)  (December 3, 2021)

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